(Omni pov):

As Ash finished speaking the room grew quiet and as the higher ups were about to retort the leader of the Zenin clan started laughing

"Hahahaha, what an interesting kid, sure why not it could be interesting" The Zenin clan leader agreed. But he only agreed because he wanted to have a good relationship with a Special grade sorcerer.

Especially after feeling the type of pressure Ash was releasing. He was already making plans on how to manipulate the situation in his favor.

'At least the girl was good for something' The clan leader thought not expecting Maki to make such a big contribution on bringing a special grade sorcerer into their clan.

Hearing the leader of the Zenin Clan agree the only thing the higher ups can do was click their tongue and agree to the re-evaluation as well, even though they were reluctant about having to do a whole re-evaluation based on someone so useless

But they had no choice, especially with three special grade sorcerers, Gojo, Ash, and Yuta supporting the idea.

Higher up number 2 then said "Tsk, Fine we will do a evaluation to see if the first years are worthy enough to get a promotion"

Ash hearing this just nodded as he brought back his curse energy not releasing it anymore and bringing back his pressure.

Seeing that Ash was calming down the others just released a sigh of relief for not escalating the situation and bringing things back on track.

They then went back on their discussion about Geto and about his goals and about how foolish he was even though some people from the other clans somewhat agree with his agenda

As they also didn't put much importance towards non-jujutsu sorcerers.

And with that the meeting was finally over and they were allowed to leave.

As soon as he left the first thing Ash did was go looking for Maki and decided to spend the rest of the day cooking dinner for her especially a big feast since Christmas is tomorrow and Ash wanted to make it special since it'll be their first Christmas together.

Soon the next day came which meant it was time for Christmas and Ash decided to take Maki out and enjoy the day first, going to different cafes and tasting different Christmas treats from different stores and buying each other little presents.

And when they were done they went back to their home where Ash presented his real Christmas present to Maki

"Okay what I got you might be a little ugly but believe me when I say that it's super convenient"

As Ash said this he took the inventory type curse that he took from geto and held it infront of him like a puppy towards Maki.

Maki just looked at it in disgust "What the hell is this thing"

"This my dear is a curse with an inventory in it's stomach, and it's easy to tame as it was tamed before and it's really useful to you as you alway carry alot of weapons"

Ash then put on a bright smile "so what do you think, you like it?"

Maki just put on a weary smile "it's a good gift"

Ash seeing her face just laughed "Hahaha don't worry that's not the only thing I got you if that's what you're worry about"

Ash then took out a green and purple necklace with their initials on it, once he took it out he stood up from where they were sitting and went behind Maki and put it on over her shoulders.

When he finished putting it on he was still behind her and lowered his head towards her neck and started to kiss her there which he quickly followed by kissing her on the cheeks.

Maki as soon as she felt the necklace just grabbed onto it and started to smile while looking at it, she then felt something ticklish by her neck which made her lean her head slightly on which resulted in a intimate scene between the two of them.

Ash then whispered into her ear "Merry Christmas"

Maki just sighed before lowering her hand that was holding the necklace and putting the inventory worm that was on her lap to the side before she jumped over the couch they were sitting on and into Ash's body.

Maki when jumping over just wrapped her legs around his torso and put her arms over his  shoulder and around his neck and started to make out with Ash.

*kiss* *kiss* *kiss* *smoooch*

While Maki started making out with Ash, Ash was holding Maki up with his hands on her ass.

'Wow they are big and firm and really soft, how can they be firm yet so soft?. I can feel my hands just sinking into them by just holding her' Ash thought while still kissing Maki

He then brought her towards the kitchen where he prepared the feast he started since yesterday and put her by his side in the dining table

"Are you really going to wait for my birthday for us to have sex?"

Ash hearing Maki just flinched slightly and sighed before saying "yup"

Maki just pouted before saying "No one's gonna know"

Ash just shook his head "my conscience will" 

Ash seeing Maki pouting just sighed before asking "What's the rush your birthday is literally just around the corner, it's literally in January, which is next month"

Maki still pouting just said "It's still a whole month ahead"

Ash wanting to change the subject just pointed to the food and said "So are you ready to eat, I made alot and we wasted alot of energy yesterday fighting"

Maki seeing all the food Ash made for them just smiled "Yup and it looks and smells as delicious as always, you're going to have to teach me how to cook."

Ash thankful for the subject change just smiled at her in return "Sure since New years is in a few day how about we do something together"

Maki hearing this liked the idea and with that they started eating all the food Ash made, now Maki's metabolism was really high ever since her Heavenly Restriction changed.

Making her able to eat alot of food which is why Ash made alot for just the both of them.

When they finished they were so full that they just decided to go to their room and cuddle and go to sleep with in each others arms.

And with that the rest of the week passed and it's finally New Year's eve.

During the celebration there's is festival near a temple where they throw fireworks and so to celebrate the New years Ash decided to invite everyone from his class to it

Ash can be seen in a purple Yukata waiting for Maki by the entrance of the festival

When Maki arrived and he saw her he was left speechless

Maki seeing him like that just smirked in his direction which prompted him to say "How is it that everytime I see you, you just continue to look even more beautiful then the last time I saw you"

Hearing him Maki just playfully slapped his arm and said "glib tongue" and started grabbing his hand and leed him to where the rest of their classmates are.

Once everyone was together they started to go stall to stall trying out different types of food, they would try tokoyaki, yakisoba, squid on a stick. All kinds of different foods

And since it was cold out they decided to buy hot chocolate which they enjoyed.

Panda just sighed after taking a sip of his hot chocolate and as the cold breath escapes his lips(?) he just says "Nothing beats a nice relaxing festival after a war"

(A/n: I honestly don't know if panda can eat regular food imma just say he does)

The other just smile at his words treating this like a reward for their hard work and as they finished they started doing their own thing

Ash and Maki were just playing stall games totally cheating using their high perception to their advantage and cheating the owners off their items

Maki can be seen walking around with a big teddy bear and a happy smile on her face, they then saw every start to group up and start to get the fireworks started which made Ash and Maki realize that the count down for the New Year was about to begin.

They then went to the other three and told them that they won't be with them when the count down happens that they were going to do their own thing. With a wink Ash and Maki moved to somewhere less crowded.

Seeing Ash winking at them they understood the message and just shook their head in exasperation letting the couple have their alone time together.

Ash then scope Maki in a princess carry making Maki drop the bear and fly off into the distance when nobody was looking and into the sky

Once they were floating in the sky they heard the people count down.











They then heard the whistle of a fireworks being launch which soon exploded into beautiful colors painting the night sky with different colors.

They then heard cheering in the bottom welcoming the New years.

Ash then looked in Maki's eyes and with a smile said "Happy New years love" and went straight to kissing her


Once they let go Maki then replied with a smile of her own "Happy New years to you too" and went straight back to kissing each other once again.


Honestly this was a weird chapter for me to write idk why 🤷‍♂️