Goodwill Event part 3

This is just a very short surprise chapter for one reason and one reason only this fic has officially reached 1 million views 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 which is something so unfathomable and so as a thank you here's a small chapter

Enjoy and once again thank you to the 1 million people that decided to take time out their day to read this Fic



~Omni pov~

Before the main event happened Gojo was seating down with all of his students.

He just had a relaxed looked not even worrying about the event, having the full confidence that his students would win between the two schools

Gojo who had his head leaning backwards over a chair just waved a hand in the air and said "You can discuss with yourself if you want, there's really no point in doing so as you guys are just going to win"

"He's kinda right, the one's they're mostly going to focus is on me and Yuta since we're both special grade sorcerer, everyone else is mostly going to focus on exorcizing curses

Their main mission is probably to stall us while accumulating as much points as possible, it's their only shot at winning. And it's obvious Todo, the guy Maki and I met is going to come after me alone based on his personality" Ash said trying to warn everyone of what to expect.

It was Maki that then spoke "I won't be surprised is my sister comes after me as well"

"She won't be able to find you remember, you're technically invisible to Jujutsu sorcerer's senses which you can use to your advantage" Ash reminded Maki, as she still wasn't totally used to being undetectable to sorcerers.

When they were done discussing Gojo went and join the other principles and other faculty staffs to watch the performance

Meanwhile Tokyo and Kyoto school students were sent to different sides of the forest the school owned where they released an abundance of curse spirits.

Once they were all settled they were waiting for the signal to start but before that happened Gojo appeared on the loud speakers

"Hello you beautiful boys and girls from Jujutsu High schools and welcome to our annual Goodwill Event where both school go against each other to determine which one of the two is the better school for jujutsu sorcerers in Japan

But before we begin let me explain the Rules

First, The forest is infested with multiple Curses of different grades, each grade is a different point, there isn't a point for grade 4 curses as they are just there to annoy you, grade 3 curses are 1 point each, grade 2 curses are 3 points each, and grade 1 curses are a whole 5 point each.

Second of all, You can fight each other anything is allowed except killing each other and any perpetrators responsible for such act will be met with serious consequences.

Third of all, Dont worry about getting seriously hurt as there is medical staff nearby in case of emergency and Jujutsu sorcerers incase you aren't able to deal with a curse and you're about to die

That is all from your most beautiful and handsome Jujutsu sorcerer in the whole world Gojo Satoru, take it away old man"

Gojo finished by getting the principal of Kyoto high-school to talk next after him

The old man then started talking while giving Gojo some heavy side eye for making him talk unexpectedly "Sigh just make sure not to hurt yourselves to much and enjoy the event as much as possible" the old man just made the speech short and sweet


And as Gojo finished screaming into the mic a buzzer was soon heard announcing the official start of the Godwill event which caused all the students to start running inside the forest with some separating from each other.