Goodwill Event Part 4

~Omni pov~

Hearing the buzzer sound everyone just headed straight into the forest.

Ash already seeing were this is going just decided to hurry the process along and turn his feet into jets and flew above the forest, once he was above Todo he reposition his feet upwards and propelled himself downwards with the jets giving him a boost

Todo who was able to detect him just crossed his arms above his head to stop Ash who just landed a punch using all of his momentum

Luckily Todo was able to block it but due to all the momentum the ground caved in creating a slightly small crater

And while he was being pushed down by the momentum of Ash's punch, he just happily shouted


Once the momentum vanished Todo pushed his arms up pushing Ash away slightly.


He and Ash switched positions, Todo who was now on top enhanced himself using curse energy and sent a punch straight to Ash

Ash then replied to Todo's questions with a big smile "Not in a million years"

Ash who already was anticipating the switch just used one hand when blocking his punch from the crater he was in and threw Todo against the tree infront of them

Once Todo body made contact with the tree it just broke in half and he continued smashing into trees until the fourth one.

Once his body stopped he quickly got back up and ran towards Ash

Ash seeing him coming towards him also ran towards Todo and both started duking it out

Meanwhile with Maki....

Maki can be seen running along the trees looking for curses to deal with.

She then decided to have a little fun and take out the worm like curse from her stomach, once it was out it unrolled itself.

Once it was unrolled Maki then reached to it's mouth and pulled out Frenzy, When it was out Maki made the curse roll itself back up and ingested it back again

When she was done she took a hold of the sheath and handle of Frenzy and slowly took it out.

And as she slowly took it out it started to give out a purple shine making her smile while looking at her reflection.

Hopping off the trees Maki started running at full speed once she touched the ground weaving along the trees skillfully

While running Maki was looking at the ground at the same time looking for tracks of any curses, after running in-between trees for a few seconds she can across footprints inbedded into the soft parts of the ground which she soon started following.

She followed for a few more seconds until she came across a group of 5 third grade curses, seeing them she just continued running and swiped her sword in a wide arc completely decapitating them all in one sword swing. Getting a total of 5 points in one sword swing,

she didn't even stop to check if she truly finished them off she just continued running and hunting, and while she was running she soon detected something in the sky and when she looked up she saw Momo Nishimiya just flying around with a hand near her ear

Maki didn't even hesitate before sending a flying sword slash towards her

Meanwhile while Momo was relaying information about her surroundings to her teammates she heard the sound of the wind getting cut getting close to her


She managed to dodge it slightly but he broom ended up loosing a bit of it's bristle by the tail

And as she dodge it she got nervous due to almost getting injured which caused her to lose control of her broom slightly which Maki used to her advantage.

Using the trees, Maki parkoured herself on them and started to use them to build momentum and shoot herself upwards towards Momo.

As Momo wasn't quick enough to get away from Maki, Maki reached out her hand and managed to grab onto the back with one hand and when she got a grip Momo quickly gained control of her broom.

Seeing Maki grabbing a hold she grabbed on tightly to her broom and increased her flying speed and started to twist and turn around in circle to get her off, seeing Maki still holding on she increased her speed even more which started to get her dizzy.

"CAN YOU JUST LET GO ALREADY" Momo screamed already getting irritated

Maki just laughed while holding on "HAHAHA NEVER"

Maki then quickly put Frenzy between her teeth and grabbed onto the broom with both hands, once she fixed her grip she started swinging side to side until she got enough momentum to simply roll over the broom and sit perfectly behind Momo and when she got behind she quickly took the sword out of her mouth and sheathed Frenzy

Once Momo felt the weight shifting behind her broom she knew Maki managed to get on and without much thinking she headbutted Maki with the back of her head which was a big mistake on her part

Ever since Maki's Heavenly Restriction got an upgrade her durability were just off the charts, so when Momo headbutted Maki it felt like she just headbutted a wall with full force


"OOOWWWWIIIEEE" Momo screamed while letting go of the broom and holding the back of her head. She then screamed again "JUST WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR HEAD MADE OUT OF"

Due to letting go of the broom Momo then started loosing control and altitude once again

Maki not wanting to continue this useless fight any longer just gave the back of Momo's neck a very quick Karate chop.

Everyone who was watching the fight in the faculty room just saw Maki's hand blur and Momo quickly losing consciousness.

Gojo seeing this just turned to Utahime Iori and the principal of Kyoto and gave them the most Smuggest face he could muster

Utahime seeing Gojo's smug face just grew irritated while the old man just shook his head at Gojo's childishness and went back to looking at the screen looking at the fight between Ash and Todo

Todo who's face was already bloody was just giving off a blood thirsty smile while Ash who's lips look like they're slightly bleeding just gives a casual smile

They were a step back from each other before Todo clapped his hands and switched places with the leaves around them from the trees he broke with his body.

As immediately sensing where Todo would appear Ash sent out a solid punch towards Todo's abdomen causing him to arch slightly as spit just spat out from his mouth

Ash not giving Todo any time to recover just sent another punch but this time to his chin and then another one at the other side of his chin, he kept repeating said action until Todo's mouth was filled with blood

When Todo tried to Clap and get away, Ash would just slap his hands away and when he tried to punch Ash to give him space to get away Ash would just redirect his punches as he continued to pummeled Todo

Todo with his 500,000 iq then decided to kick Ash behind his knee making them go slightly forward making him lose his momentum and concentration

Once Ash stopped, Todo just gave a big smile with his mouth and teeth covered in blood and started to clap alot of time to try and confuse Ash

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

When Todo clapped once more he didn't activate his technique and just sent a straight punch packed full with curse energy towards Ash's chest and as it made contact, Ash was pushed back for a few feet with his shirt torn apart due to the force

Seeing Ash standing his ground even after all that Todo just smile with his teeth still full of blood and said "It looks like you're the big brother in this relationship" and lost consciousness due to the multiple blow to the head and chin rattling his brain

Ash while looking at Todo on the floor unconscious just shook his head at how long he lasted with that many blows to the head.

'And he's just a first grade sorcerer, he's not bad' Ash thought while he continued to look at Todo.


NEW FANFIC IS OUT GO AND CHECK IT OUT IT'S CALLED "The Eminence of a True Monarch of the Shadows"