Ha Ha Ha Very Funny

[Third Person's PoV]

Yoshino junpei was returning home after his leisure walk and secret meeting with Mahito earlier.

When he arrived at the steps of his house he was met with a obese man sitting down by the step aggressively wiping his sweat.

"Yoshino" He called out to him "Where were you? You shouldn't skip school, you know."

"Satomura-sensei…" Junpei awkwardly acknowledged

"Why are you running away? Have you heard, Sayama, Nishimura, and Honda… They died." Satomura-sensei said while standing up and going up in front of Junpei while aggressively wiping away his sweat.

"You… were close to them, huh."

"What" Junpei asked with his eyes expanding and disbelieving and angered astonishment.

"They really looked after you… someone who doesn't have friends. Despite all that, you didn't even attend their funerals."

Junpei looked down at his own hands in shock hearing what his teacher was telling him… 'we got along? Me? With them?'

"I'll go with you so… Let's light some incense sticks for them" Junpei teacher said while still sweating like a pig.

'He's insane' Was all Junpei thought while still looking in disbelief at what he was hearing his teacher say.

"Teachers" Junpei started off in a shaky voice "They get employed at school after graduating from school, so they have nothing to judge society by, right?"

Junpei started remembering all the pain he suffered from those bullies as he continued to say "That's why people like you grow up to be huge kids. Huh" Junpei said and he wasn't talking about his weight when he said huge.

"What are you rambling on about? Did you stay shut too long and get weird? Or something like that? Hahaha"

Junpei then pointed two fingers up close to his face, the sign that he was about to use his curse technique, when unexpectedly or expectly, since you all read the manga and watched the anime as I'm mostly copy and pasting, Yuji showed up in the air mid jump diving in the catch the fly head he and Ijichi released.

"STOOOP!" Yuji screamed 'He can see them' Yuji thought seeing Junpei's expression before tucking his knees in and performing a flip while simultaneously catching the fly head.

"What? Is he a gymnast" Fatty Mcgee said looking at how Yuji moved.

Yuji stood in front of Junpei and said "I have something important i want to ask but first wait a minute I have to do something"

"Wait a minute you're being rude, I was the one here first having a civilized discussion" The teacher fatty Mcgee exclaimed.

Before the teacher could say anything else Yuji grabbed the teachers pants and dropped them to the floor before he proceeded to take them off of him and go off running.

Leaving both Junpei and the teacher stumped.

"WAIT WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BRAT DON'T LEAVE WITH THEM!!!" The teacher yelled as he ran as fast as he could chasing after Yuji, which was probably the first time he ran in his life.

"Well then it looks like he's gone." Yuji said while leaning on Junpei's shoulder. Which took Junpei completely by surprise.

"HUH?!? How the hell are you so fast?!... You didn't have to go out of your way to do that, you could have just pulled me aside"

"Hm, Huh? But you hated him, right?" Yuji casually said like it was a simple thing.

"How…" Junpei asked Yuji, feeling curious as to how he was able to guess what he was feeling.

"I just had a feeling…Ah! Was I wrong?!" Yuji asked worriedly, afraid he might have messed things up for Junpei.

"You're not wrong though"

"You don't want someone you hate to be hanging around your home forever now do you?" Yuji said "Come let's go talk over there"

Yuji then took Junpei by the river and sat on the steps that were close to it. Yuji started to then call Ijichi but he wasn't picking up the phone.

While Yuji was making the call the ground started to shake for a few seconds. "Hmm? Did the ground just shake a little?" Yuji inquired

"Yeah about Magnitude 2" Junpei answered.

Yuji tried to call Ijichi a few more times but no luck, 'Is this something I can just ask about Willy Nilly, more importantly how much can I say about Jujutsu High' Yuji thought to himself.

Yuji then started ruffling his own hair "AHHH! WHATEVER I'LL JUST ASK HIM" Yuji shouted in frustration.

Yuji took the flyhead he was chasing earlier and asked Junpei "Hey, the other day a lot of people died in the movie theater you went to. Did you see anything like this thing over there?"

"No, I only came to see them recently" Junpei lied trying to protect Mahito.

"Oh okay, thanks for being cooperative, there isn't anything else really" Yuji said sitting next to him.

"Huh? Really?" Junpei was totally surprised, expecting Yuji to ask more questions.

"But could you wait until my boss gets here or something comes?"

To which Junpei responded with a nod. While waiting Yuji turns to Junpei and asks "What were you even watching in the movie theaters"

Which prompted them to start discussing their taste in movies growing closer and closer due to their shared interest.

While they were discussing their favorite movies and such Kenjaku was watching everything with a smirk "Bullseye" he said.

Kenjaku then detected something approaching a few feet ahead of him coming at an imageble speed.

When he turned towards it he saw a purple fireball flying towards him which ended up catching him completely off guard.

"WHA-" Kenjaku's eyes comically widened as the fireball hit his chest and sent him flying away a few meters away creating a grater with Kenjaku inside of it.

He stood up with a pissed expression on his head and started cleaning the dust from his robe "Ha Ha Ha very funny"

Meanwhile Yuji turned towards the direction Kenjaku was standing and narrowed his eyes when he saw nothing there.

"What is it?" Junpei asked

"You didn't hear that?"

Junpei just looked at Yuji in confusion "Hear what?"

Yuji then just shook his head "Nothing it must have just been my imagination"