You Look Like Shit

[Third Person's PoV]

A distorted face was seen before Nanami's feet, which belonged to the curse corpses.

"KILL meeeeeeeeeeee please" The face cried out with tears running down its elongated face.

Nanami crouched down and wiped away the tears. He thought about Shoko's message about these things.

'Don't save those that have been reconstructed. If they attack, kill them with zero hesitation, it's also for their sakes as well.'

Mahito then put on a pondering expression and just when he was about to Nanami started running towards Mahito with his blunt knife already in position to strike.

When he swung his knife Mahito arched his back dodging it "Awe come one I thought we were okay with having a civilized discussion. There's no reason to be so aggressive now"

"You lost that privilege when you made the innocent suffer." Nanami said before following up with a swing of his knife again in a downward arc.

Mahito simply dropped to the ground and rolled around, causing the knife to miss and slam into the ground causing it to break apart due to the power behind it.

Mahito looked at the broken ground with a raised brow slightly surprised before turning both of his hands into a large type of javelin.

He started thrusting his hands quickly at Nanami making it difficult for him to reflect it. Some managed to hit him, causing him to be filled with holes.

Nanami endured the pain and used his technique on the tip of the javelin causing it to snap and break apart falling to the ground.

Nanami used this opportunity to close in the distance and punch him right on the stomach, making Mahito arch his back due to force and causing Mahito to spit out some blood.

Just when Mahito was about to be sent flying due to the force, Nanami swung his knife hitting him right on the jaw making his head and neck start twisting around.

Mahito still went flying crashing into another wall breaking it on impact.

Nanami's watch then started beeping, signifying his time for overtime, causing his curse energy to start increasing.

Mahito's head and neck then started twisting around readjusting itself. He moved his neck left and right, cracking it and looking towards Nanami.

Nanami was readjusting his tie that was wrapped around his hand and wrapped it around tighter.

As he was wrapping it he let out an exasperated breath "phew, it's unfortunate but it looks like I'll have to work overtime"

Mahito looked at Nanami in slight shock. 'His curse energy… it's increasing. Overtime? Is it a contract based on time?' he thought while standing up and dusting off his clothes.

Nanami then started explaining his technique "When my technique forms a line segment out of the target, it forces a weak point to form where the line splits into a 7:3 ratio."

Mahito just gave him a smirk "I thought you said we were done talking. Isn't it unfair that you're the only one allowed to talk?"

Nanami just ignore him and continued talking and explaining his technique "The line segment doesn't just cover the targets overall length and wingspan, it can also designate parts like the head, torso, upper arm and forearms as targets"

Nanami started to then be covered with his curse energy empowering him 'I have to finish this quickly, I'm injured and I don't I can last too long, it's a good thing I left itadori behind on another mission'

Mahito just looked at Nanami in amusement "You're getting serious huh"

But Nanami didn't care, he just finished explaining his technique. "Moreover this technique works on non living objects"

'I have to be smart about this' Nanami thought before sprinting towards Mahito at a faster speed than before.

Mahito, still finding this amusing, just said "Oh? Another quick game of tag before I can start experimenting on you?"

Nanami just went towards Mahito who waited for Nanami to approach. However Mahito was never his target.

He ran past Mahito which took him by surprise and smashed his blunt knife against the wall with all his power. He created a weak point at the walls causing it to start crumbling down raining.

Nanami followed up by swinging his blunt knife at Mahito's kneecaps, breaking his bones making them bop out from his skin.

Which took Mahito by surprise as he was looking up at the debris that was falling down.

Nanami then looked down at Mahito as she said "If you have any wish to survive then you better heal your legs quickly. If we both end up alive i hope we meet again"

Nanami then quickly disappeared as Mahito was soon covered under the large amount of heavy debris…

Meanwhile Nanami was seen all bloody limping towards the nearest public bathroom. Everywhere he walked he left a trail of blood. When he arrived at the bathroom he pressed himself against the wall and slowly slid down it leaving a large amount of blood on the walls.

Nanami slowly took out his mouth and let out a reluctant sigh… "I can't believe I'm doing this"

He searched through his contacts and dialed a number. While breathing heavily he held the phone by his ear and waited for a few seconds with his consciousness almost eluding him but he held on firm.

"Woah Nanami, is someone dying? It's rare for you to call me!" Ash's cheerful voice sounded from the end of his phone.

"Yeah… I am, you said to call you if I ever need medical emergencies. I think I'm in need of those" Nanami reluctantly said.

A purple portal then manifested in front of him as Ash came out and looked at Nanami on the floor of the bathroom covered in holes and blood.

"You look like shit" Ash said, looking at Nanami's condition.

"Just help me…please" He once again reluctantly said.

Ash summoned his purple Phoenix Flames and made them enveloped Nanami like a warm blanket.

Nanami let out a comforting sigh, feeling himself get better. "Thanks" He nodded towards Ash as he started standing up.

To which Ash just nodded "Sure any time… Anyways I was on a date with Maki, I have to return, see you" he said before going through the portal he just came through.

Nanami just shook his head and readjusted his glasses before going to the mirror on the bathroom and checking how tattered his clothes were.