Anna Was Hurt

"Wash your hands first and then we can eat," Ms. Carter said as she carried the bowl of casserole and put it at the centre of the dining table.

Anna was all shades of happy when she finally settled down in front of the food. "Mum, you really overdid yourself for our lunch together."

"Take it that I was worried you were not eating fine in your husband's house." Ms. Carter picked up a normal bowl plate and began to dish the food.

Anna flashed her a smile. "Roy has a chef, so food is the least of my worries in that house."

"So, what's the most of your worries?" her mother asked while setting down the bowl of food in front of her.

Hearing that question, Anna sank into a deep thought before replying, "Getting back on the team?" Then without waiting for her mother's response, she picked up her spoon and began to eat,

Oh, how she has missed her mother's food. Casseroles was her mother's speciality.