During breakfast, the servant who usually attended to Anna personally brought her a small pill box and poured some water into a glass cup for her before stepping aside.
There was a little confusion on Anna's face as she stared at the small round pills. Her face seemed to ask a silent question. What are those for?
"They are the pills you asked for last night," Roy answered, reading the expression on her face.
"Oh!" Anna mumbled and quickly popped the pill into her mouth and swallowed it with some water. When she was done, she met Roy's gaze and said to him, "I need to book an appointment with a doctor. I need a better contraceptive method."
Roy nodded. "I have already done that for you. You have an appointment at 10 tomorrow. This morning-after pill should last us till then."
Right when Anna was beginning to feel amazed at his proactiveness, he had to ruin the mood. 'Is he thinking about having sex tonight?' she thought to herself.