A Good Friend Like Sophia

Four days later, Roy had to fly to Vancouver for an emergency trip that would last more than a week.

Since they got married, he has never had to leave Anna for more than a day straight, so she was quiet side having to bid 'Goodbye to him'

While walking him to the car, she warned him about helping out a desperate young woman in need of a first-class ticket.

In her words, she said, "I remember how we met. It's fine if you can help someone out like you did for me some months back but disappear after that. Don't give them a chance for pleasantries."

Roy knew the angle she was going for, so he laughed and said, "I have found my bride, I don't need another one."

Happy with his response, she didn't mind kissing him goodbye while everyone watched. At least, he had made sure to fatten her bank account before the trip.