Stinky Fight

"I didn't know that one day I would be left out of a meeting in the group for which I am a member." 

Susan posed at the entrance as she scanned the entire table and the women sitting around it with a smirk hanging off the corner of her lips. 

Her smile was mocking and her eyes blazed with fire, like she was ever ready to tear each of them apart. But when her gaze landed on Anna, her temper changed from anger to surprise.

"What is she doing here?" she pointed at Anna as she stormed into the room properly so she could get a good glance at her.

"And why is she not supposed to be here?" Sophia was the one who asked the question. She had put down her cutlery and was giving Susan a full glare.

Susan returned the glare. "I wasn't asking you."

"Suit yourself." Sophia turned her gaze away. "I wonder who is going to answer that question for you."