
Max led the way to the corridor with LED lights and as soon as they stopped where the loud music couldn't reach, Susan faced him. 

"Max, how could you disrespect me that way in front of everyone in your circle? Also, what was the meaning of that stunt you two just pulled out there?"

Everything about Susan including her tone and energy was frosty. She was so pissed that she would have hit that handsome face if he was just anybody.

There was never a man that had treated her with such a level of dirty disrespect like Max and she wasn't going to tolerate it.

Max smirked and casually pointed behind him with his thumb finger. "Isla and I are back together, so it's over between us," he announced.

Susan blinked with a twisted expression on her face. To think that what she was dreading had played out before her made bells jingle in her ears. She almost couldn't recover in time.