The crown prince's Visit.

After a month of hard work, the textile mill still hasn't turned a profit. The townspeople can't help but scoff and whisper behind closed doors. "The Viscount's business is doomed to fail," they says. "What was he thinking, starting a textile mill in this town? Many rich people are doing a textile mill."

The Viscount begins to doubt his decision, and even his daughter, but he still trusts his daughter. "Are you sure this business will succeed?" the Viscount asks Marianne.

"Of course it will, Father," Marianne replies with a smile. "We just need to give it some time."

She knows what she is doing. Alice has not started the power loom, as she has only a little idea on how to do it. She even has a lesser time to prepare for it - her family forcing her to do whatever she doesn't like.