I'm a man, just like you.

Felicia let out a long sigh. "You are very observant," she says, her voice softening. "I am impressed."

"May I ask you what happens?" Marianne asks gently. "You can tell me everything." She says. "Were you killed by the king?"

Felicia sighed and thought of the response he could give.

"Don't lie to me!" Marianne says, her voice trembling with emotion. "Princess Charlotte told me that you were killed by the king. How can you still be here?"

Felicia's eyes flashes with anger and she clenches her fists. "Yes, I was killed by the king," she says, her voice low and fierce. "But I have something that allowed me to rewind time. I used it to save myself, and the world thinks I'm dead. But I'm not."

Marianne's mouth drops open in shock. He is speechless, unsure of what to say next.