I'm not eighteen yet.

The two, Marianne and crown prince walked back to their inn in silence, their hands clasp tightly together.

Marianne still feels a bit uncomfortable, but she can't deny the way her heart flutters when the crown prince hold her hand.

Leopold follows a few steps behind, trying not to feel like a third wheel. He knew that his role is to protect the crown prince, but it is hard not to feel excluded from their bond.

"So, you met with the bead seller?" the crown prince asks, breaking the silence. "What did you talk about?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," Marianne says, coughing and looking away. The crown prince understands, and doesn't press him any further.

"If you don't want to talk about the bead seller, then let's discuss our plan for tomorrow," the crown prince says, breaking the silence.

"The bead seller said we should help her daughter to leave the palace." Marianne says.