Ch. 27

Saturday morning all three families packed bags of snacks, coolers of food, camping gear, and anything else we thought we might need onto a small cart. Mom pulled a Pokeball off her belt and called out her Arcanine, lifting a harness she spoke.

"Do you mind pulling the cart for us girl?"

Her Arcanine shook it's head and turned sideways, allowing mom to fit the harness to her easily. A few straps from the wagon to the harness and we were good to go. Mom hopped onto her Arcanine's back while dad lifted me onto his Arcanine, he got on himself only after making sure I was steady. Looking around I saw everyone was ready in their own ways.

Aunt Delia was sitting on a Persian while Uncle Red was on a Dodrio holding Ash. Aunt Beth and Daisy were on a Rhyhorn while Uncle Blue and Gary were on a Tauros. Once dad made sure everyone was ready we set off for the beach. Pallet Town wasn't far from the coast so it only took us around half an hour to get there.

As soon as dad lowered me to the ground I was off, running towards the water while I stripped off my shirt. I was soon followed by the other three kids. I heard something from behind me and when I glanced over my shoulder I saw that the adults had released all of their Pokemon at once.

"Ok everyone. Would the water Pokemon keep an eye on the kids while everyone else sets up camp?"

There were a chorus of various Pokemon cries as seven Pokemon headed in my direction. I stopped and turned, running back to the water Pokemon, some of them looked at me but I shook my head and pointed to the other three kids who were almost to the water.

"Go ahead. I'll walk with Lapras."

There was a low cry by my ear and I felt a nudge as Dad's Lapras greeted me. Lapras was the slowest water Pokemon when on land but it was also one of my favorites. Walking slowly I placed a hand on Lapras's neck just in front of it's shell and gave it a couple scratches.

Once Lapras made it to the water I climbed it's shell and held on to a few of the ridges as he began paddling across the surface. Once we were a ways out I stood up and dove off Lapras's back and into the crystal clear water. Holding my breath I swam straight down and almost reached the bottom before I had to surface. Dotted across the bottom were dozens of shellder and I was considering going back to shore for my fishing rod.

Climbing back onto Lapras I asked it to go closer to shore. Soon enough the other three were using Lapras's shell to climb up and then jump into the water. It was a lot of fun.

Around noon we were called back to shore for lunch and all our parents were talking and laughing. After we ate we were told to take a break from swimming for a while so while Ash and Gary had a sand castle building competition I grabbed my fishing pole and headed over towards some large rocks with Daisy close behind. Once I was ready I called Growlithe out of his ball and he settled beside me ready to step in if a caught Pokemon attacked. Daisy sat down on his other side and began stroking his fur.

"Are you going to capture any water Pokemon if you catch one?"

I looked at Daisy as I cast my line out.

"I might. It depends on what I catch."

Thinking a moment I continued.

"I don't want a Magikarp or Tentacool but if I catch anything else I might keep it."

Daisy nodded but didn't say anything else so I asked her a quick question.

"What about you? Are you interested in any water Pokemon?"

She nodded.

"I liked playing with Aunt Emily's Horsea."

I smiled at her.

"If I catch one I'll ask your mom if you can keep it."

Her eyes went wide and sparkled a little.


I nodded but added.

"It all depends on if I catch one though. Horsea usually live far out at sea so catching one here is very unlikely."

Her smile faded and she just said. "Oh." Before stroking Growlithe's fur a little harder. As I was watching her I felt a tug on the line and quickly turned to see the float was gone. Pulling back sharply I attempted to set the hook to keep whatever had taken the bait from spitting it out. As I did the tugging on the line rapidly increased until I had to actually hold tight and brace myself even with my increased strength from the System.

As I reeled in the line I saw a flash of red and black as well as a white tail and after a moment I realized I had hooked a Seaking. Looking from Growlithe to the pole in my hand I quickly spoke to Daisy.

"Run back and tell my dad that I hooked a Seaking and I'm not sure if Growlithe will be strong enough to take it down."

Seeing how serious I was she didn't hesitate. Rising to her feet she took of running. Growlithe on the other hand just huffed as he looked at me.

"Relax buddy. I know you're strong but Seaking has a type advantage against you and is on it's home turf. Better safe than sorry."

Growlithe just huffed again and turned his head away to which I just chuckled. Just as I was about to say something to reassure him I caught a flash of movement out of the corner of my eye. Looking over I saw the Seaking was sticking it's head out of the water and glaring at me.

"Get ready Growlithe!"

He looked at me and saw that I was looking out at the water. Seeing the Seaking he rose and got ready for a fight, just as the Seaking opened it's mouth and shot a large Bubble of water right at me.

"Growlithe intercept with Ember!"

Growlithe yipped and small flames shot towards the bubble of water. When the two attacks met the flames were quickly over powered and extinguished but the bubble also popped. Unfortunately the water's momentum was unaffected and Growlithe and I were both drenched. The force from the dozen or so gallons of water even made me stumble back a step and I almost slipped on the now slick rock.

"Jake are you alright?!"

Just as I was about to respond to my dad's question there was a hard yank on the rod as the Seaking tried to pull the rod from my hands. I braced my feet as well as I could on the slick rock as dad climbed up beside me.

"I'm ok dad. Just a little wet."

He nodded as he looked around.

"This would be a good spot if you were just catching Magikarp but for other Pokemon you are an easy target."

He looked around again.

"What do you want to do? Are you going to catch that Seaking? If not it would be best to just cut the line and let it go."

Growlithe barked sharply and growled when my dad said to let it go.

"I think Growlithe wants payback for getting splashed."

Dad gave me a look before nodding his head.

"Ok. We will have to move over to the beach though."

With that he picked me up and jumped down from the rock. I just held onto the rod until he set me down.

"If you want a fair fight just reel it into the shallows. If you intend for the fight to be in your favor drag it onto shore."

After saying that he backed off while his Arcanine stepped up beside him. Then I had a thought.

"Hey dad, does Seaking taste better than Goldeen?"

Dad was a little surprised by my question and a frown appeared on his face.

"Seaking is delicious, but are you sure that's what you want to do Jake? It was only a few days ago."

I knew what he meant. I had killed the Pidgeotto just a few days ago. Closing my eyes I thought for a moment before opening my eyes and nodding at him.

"I'm sure."

He looked me in the eye and when he saw that I was certain he spoke.

"Don't kill it. Catch it in a ball first so it will still be fresh in a few hours. I'll ask your mom to butcher it, since she is better at it than me."

Throughout our conversation I had been fighting the Seaking in a battle of stamina and I was finally getting the upper hand. It was close enough to shore that every swish of it's tail churned up sand and it's top fin was out of the water.

"Get ready Growlithe. When it surfaces hit it with your strongest attack."

Growlithe barked and I could feel the temperature around him rising as he focused all his fire energy for a single attack. With a heave on the rod the Seaking finally knew it wasn't getting away and chose to fight. It lifted it's head out of the water and as it opened it's mouth I saw a blue light form inside.

"Now Growlithe!"


With a sound like rushing air a continuous torrent of flames sprayed out of Growlithe's mouth headed directly for the Seaking. Right as I was sure of victory the Seaking launched it's own attack, a huge jet of water sprayed out and pushed back the flames. The two attacks were in a near deadlock until Growlithe ran out of energy and his attack petered out.

Without anymore resistance the jet of water came right at me until another figure stepped in front of me. My dad's Arcanine let out a roar as a jet of flames incomparably larger than Growlithe's shot forward and evaporated the attack before washing over the Seaking.

"I'm impressed that Growlithe was able to use Flamethrower. He needs more practice with it but it is still impressive. Reel in the Seaking and catch it."

"That water attack was really strong. Do you think this Seaking knows Hydro Pump?"

Dad just shook his head.

"It was a strong attack but it was just a Water Gun. This Seaking was probably just a very strong member of it's species."

Even though it wasn't a Hydro Pump he had resisted, I was still proud of Growlithe for his ability. Reeling in the nearly dead Pokemon I looked over to see my exhausted partner receiving a tongue bath from his dad. Obviously a very proud papa.

I carefully removed the hook from Seaking's mouth and pressed a Pokeball against it. With a whoosh it was sucked in and didn't even shake once before there was a click signaling a successful capture. Looking at the ball a little symbol I had never seen before appeared on it just above the button.

"Hey dad. What does this symbol mean?"

I pointed at it and when dad saw it his eyes widened a bit.

"Congratulations Jake. Not only did you just catch dinner but you also just got your first Pokemon Treasure."

"A Pokemon Treasure?!"

We had learned about these rare items in school. Not only were they very useful items for a Trainer's Pokemon to hold they were also incredibly rare and expensive. Even the weakest Treasure sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

"Yeah. That symbol means that the Pokemon inside has an item. Only Treasures will go into a Pokeball with a Pokemon, any other type of item will be left behind."

I looked at the symbol and memorized it so I would remember it.

"So this Seaking has a Treasure. Do you think it's a Mystic Water?"

My question surprised my dad for a moment until he remembered that I had the Other Jake's memories about Pokemon.

"Most likely. That would also explain why it's attack was so strong. It was boosted by it's Treasure."

Dad looked around to make sure we were still alone.

"When you get a chance put it in your Item Box and check it's description. Most people would have to take it to an appraiser to find out it's quality but the system is more accurate."

I nodded at him and I had another thought.

"Do you think Growlithe would have won if this Seaking didn't have it's item?"

His answer was immediate.

"No. Growlithe used up all his energy in one attack while that Seaking was just getting warmed up."

Looking down at Growlithe I gave him a smile.

"Sorry buddy we still need more training."

"I'm not so sure. Growlithe has shown remarkable improvement since you two became partners. I think the biggest issue in this fight was that Growlithe hasn't evolved yet."

"So when do you think Growlithe will evolve?"

Dad gave me a look that I couldn't really understand and gave me a weird answer.

"We are still not sure how wild Growlithe evolve but for partnered ones we use Fire Stones to trigger evolution."

With that he headed back to the group of adults and Daisy ran back over when her mom let go of her hand.