Ch. 28

** Green's POV **

Rejoining the group of adults Emily asked me about the Pokemon Jake just caught.

"Do we need to take Jake to the Pokemon Center and have his new partner healed?"

I shook my head before answering.

"That's not a new partner. That's dinner."

There was silence for a few seconds before Emily finally spoke up.

"Do you really think that's a good idea? It's only been a few days since the Pidgeotto incident."

Seeing the confusion on everyone's faces I quickly explained about the Pidgeotto Jake had accidentally killed. Red and Blue just sighed and shook their heads, Beth simply muttered 'but he's so young', as for Delia she went pale and I remembered that she had backed out of adventuring after her first kill.

"Honestly I'm not sure if it's a good idea but the look in his eyes when he made the decision tells me he isn't going to back down. We will just have to see what happens."

Emily nodded but I could see the concern in her expression.

"Would you mind butchering it Em? You're way better at it than I am. Also keep an eye out, that Seaking has a Treasure on it."

There were a few gasps when they heard about the Treasure.

"Damn Green! Your son has some really good luck!"

"Yeah. When I saw the item icon lit up on the Pokeball I was amazed. Only his second wild Pokemon and it already has an item. I remember I didn't get a wild item until around the fiftieth."

The topic shifted a few times but I kept my eyes on Jake. He had kept fishing, bringing in mostly Magikarp and a few Tentacool that he almost immediately threw back. As he cast again he handed the rod to Daisy and stood behind her showing her how to hold it and reel it in. Giving Blue a nudge I used my chin to point at the two of them.

"What do you think? Are we going to be family in the future?"

Blue just glared at me.

"He's not getting my little princess that easily."

I laughed and there were scattered chuckles from the others as well.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look what I caught!!"

All of us looked over to see the little girl running towards us with a golden Magikarp in her arms.

"Holy Shit!"

Red received a slap upside the head for that.

"We all are surprised but that doesn't excuse foul language in front of the children."

By this time we had all taken a moment to absorb the fact that Daisy had just caught a Shiny Magikarp. Looking at Blue I spoke.

"Looks like Jake isn't the only one with luck on their side. Hey Em can you take a look and see if it has the potential to evolve?"

Emily nodded and as Daisy got closer she knelt down to take a closer look at the beautiful Pokemon Daisy was holding up. After a few seconds Emily looked over and just shook her head.

"Speaking frankly this Magikarp has the worst growth potential of any I have seen. It's already ten years old and doesn't even know Tackle."

Red spoke up quickly.

"Doesn't that just mean it will stay this beautiful it's whole life? Put it in a fish tank and you have a great addition to your living room."

"Can I keep it mommy?!"

The adorable little girl was bouncing she was so excited.

"I don't have a problem with that. Blue?"

Blue's only response was to grab a Pokeball from his bag and press it against the Pokemon. Just like with the Seaking the ball didn't even wiggle before there was a click.

"Yay! My first Pokemon!"

Daisy grabbed the Pokeball and hugged it tightly. Then she ran back to Jake and tackle hugged him from behind. He obviously hadn't heard her coming as they both tumbled onto the sand.

"Honestly Blue, your daughter might not speak to you again if you try to keep them apart."

The only response I got was the sound of grinding teeth.

** Jake's POV **

When Daisy reeled in the Shiny Magikarp internally I was shouting 'No Fair'. I really wanted to take it for myself but seeing the sparkle in Daisy's eyes as she looked at the Pokemon I couldn't do it. I carefully removed the hook before patting her on the shoulder.

"Go show your mom and dad."

That was all the motivation she needed as she took off running and shouting.

"Mommy! Daddy! Look what I caught!!"

I turned back to the water determined to catch a great Pokemon of my own. Casting the line again there was a bite almost immediately, excited I began reeling it in quickly. I was incredibly disappointed when the Magikarp broke the surface. Staring at it's dumb face as it just opened and closed it's mouth I removed the hook and threw it, harder than I needed to, back into the water.

I decided it was time to take a break from fishing before I got angry. Setting the rod on the ground I was tackled from behind.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Mommy and Daddy said I could keep it!"

She showed me the Pokeball in her hand and I smiled at her.

"I'm glad you're happy."

Internally I was crying. If they had said she couldn't keep it I would have jumped at the chance to have it. Shaking those thoughts away I added.

"Would you mind letting me up?"

Realizing that she was straddling me she blushed and quickly scrambled to her feet. I stood and dusted as much sand off as I could. As I was bent over brushing sand off my legs I saw something shiny just barely peeking out of the sand. Reaching down I picked it up and as the sand sifted through my fingers I saw a small marble sitting on my palm, picking it up with my other hand I dumped the remaining sand on the beach.

It was a shiny yellow marble with streaks of red and blue. Holding it in my hand I could feel the energy flowing through it but it was resistant to me. Like it did not want me touching it. As I gazed at it another of the Other Jake's memories passed through my head and I knew what this was. A Mega Stone for Gyarados. I quickly pocketed it and when it was out of sight I shifted it into my Item Box.

If Pokemon Treasures were considered rare than Mega Stones would be worth killing over, it was best to keep the fact that I had one a secret. As I thought about Treasures and Mega Stones I remembered the gem that I got from the Arbok, looking at it in my Item Box a description popped up.

[Arbokite....Allows for any Arbok to Mega Evolve if certain conditions are met.]

I was right, it was indeed a Mega Stone but not one from the Other Jake's memories. Was it possible that every Pokemon could potentially have a Mega Evolution? These thoughts were useless as without a Key Stone the Mega Stones were just pretty rocks in my hands. As I flipped through the jumbled items in my Item Box I saw the Miracle Seed the Mankeys had given me.

[Miracle Seed.....Boosts the power of Grass type moves by 7%.]

As I looked at the Treasure in my Item Box I remembered the grading scale for Pokemon Treasures.

1-9% were Lesser Grade.

10-15% were Middle Grade.

16-20% were High Grade.

21-24% were Superior Grade.

And anything over 25% was considered Legendary Grade.

There were rumors that Pokemon Champion Lance had a Dragon Fang with an increase of 43% but he always refused to give a clear answer during interviews so nobody could be sure if the rumors were true or not.

If the Other Jake's memories were right then Daisy would get a Bulbasaur from Professor Oak. If so I could give her the Miracle Seed and I would choose Squirtle and give it the Mystic Water that the Seaking had. As I was distracted by my own thoughts I felt someone poke my cheek.

"Why are you staring off into space Jake?"

"I was just thinking about something Daisy. Want to go for a walk?"


Immediately she grabbed my hand and we started walking down the beach with the water just deep enough to cover our ankles. As we got farther from the area we were camping I heard Aunt Beth shout.

"Don't go too far you two! Stay within shouting distance!"

I turned and gave her a wave to acknowledge that I heard her before continuing down the beach with Daisy. Just as we were about to turn around I saw a brown shape scuttle out of the water. As I recognized the shape to be a Pokemon it's name popped into my head and I was amazed. Aren't they supposed to be extinct?

"Isn't that a Kabuto?"

Just as I was about to call out Growlithe who was resting in his Pokeball I heard a voice come from the water.

"Wait! Don't attack my Pokemon!"

Looking over I saw a man in a speedo, leaving nothing to the imagination, step out of the waves. I quickly covered Daisy's eyes.

"Dude seriously? There is a young girl around."

He looked down at himself following my eyeline. He dashed up the shore to a bag that I hadn't seen earlier and quickly pulled on a shirt and some shorts. Now that he was decent I dropped my hand from Daisy's face.

"Sorry about that kids. My partner Kabuto and I were pearl diving."

"Pearl diving?"

"That's right little lady. If you offer a Pokeblock to Shellder they open right up and that leaves their pearl easily accessible."

He held up a bag and pulled an egg sized pearl from inside.

"You've got to be quick though. Place the Pokeblock beside the pearl and swipe the pearl before they notice or they will attack you."

Dropping the pearl back into the bag he kept talking.

"When a pearl gets to big and starts to get in the way a Shellder will spit it out and start making a new one, but until then they are incredibly protective of their pearls."

"That's why I always dive with my partner."

As he said that the Kabuto popped out of the sand where it had been hiding.

"Do they have a flavor of Pokeblock they prefer?"

I was actually kind of curious about pearl diving and wondered if I should try it remembering all of those Shellder I saw when I first dove off of Lapras.

"Not sure kid. I usually just use sweet ones and I've never been rejected before. If you ever decide to try it just remember that even if the Shellder doesn't have a pearl you still have to give it a pokeblock."

I nodded at his answer.

"Thanks for talking to us about pearl diving but we need to get back. We've been out of sight for a little too long already."

"No problem kids. I always enjoy sharing my hobby with others, in!"

He handed each of us a pearl.

"Enjoy your day at the beach and keep these as a souvenir!"

With that he picked up his bag and walked away with Kabuto scuttling along behind him.

I smiled at Daisy as I put the pearl in the pocket of my trunks. Her swimsuit didn't have any pockets so I held mine open for her, she smiled and dropped her pearl into my pocket before taking my hand and we started walking back towards everyone else.