Chapter 252: Shandorian Moblisation

A small Shandia girl watches the battles fold. She saw three women, fighting the Priest. It looked difficult however they won. There were other girls fighting the Divine Soldiers. They were beating them. She noticed there was a single man with them. He was different from the rest. He had wings but they were different to her. Then she saw another fight with a priest. They had lost but he was injured. She wore a fur dress and a cap. Her dress was yellow and had white lines. The side cloth of her cap was green. She had short brown hair. She was not wearing any shoes. 

The little girl ran and jumped quickly on the clouds. She then stopped and looked around. The little girl looked around. She then jumped into the clouds and went through. She wiggled down until she landed on another cloud layer. 

She looked up to see several cone-shaped tents. There was a giant bean stroke in the background. Clouds hovered around. The little girl ran up towards the tent. There were several totem poles scattered around. The little girl ran up. There was a wooden pathway. The little girl ran. 

"Where were you Aisa?" a muscular, tan-skinned tall man asked. He had a mohawk hairstyle and a pair of big, round sunglasses with red lenses and white frame. He also has two big and colored earrings hanging from his ears. On his back he has a pair of wings. He wore a grass skirt and a red and green belt around his waist. 

"Kamakiri, I," Asia replied. 

"Don't go to the Upper Yard often," Kamakiri warned. 

Asia stuck her tongue out. "You can't tell me what to do," Asia remarked. 

She ran off. Kamakiri smiled. She approached a hut where she peaked in. There were three people. She saw Wyper, Raki and Braham.

Sitting in a chair, a tall, muscular Shandia smoked a cigarillo. He had a pair of little wings on his back. He was covered by various tribal tattoos across his left shoulder and the left side of his face. He had very long dark brown hair. He was shirtless, and wore no shoes. He wore a grass skirt, with a rope belt decorated by three small ornaments that looked like fangs around his waist. "A chance?" Wyper asked. 

He carried on, "The chance will come, we will have to make it," Wype continued.

"We have to be careful," Raki cautioned. 

"Careful has not let us take our land back," Wyper replied. He added, "A battle only has two outcomes, win or lose." He looked serious.

"It doesn't matter who we fight, we will win," Wyper stated. 

"Wyper, a rebel has appeared on the island and I heard it was a young woman," Raki remarked.

Wyper looked disinterested. "So what?" Wyper asked. 

Braham a tall muscular man with the upper-half of his face always hidden by his hat. He wore a grass skirt, with a decorated, long light-red sash around his waist and a light-blue veil appearing from under the skirt and reaching down to his feet. He also sported a fur-lined, dark-green jacket, and had dark gloves on his hands. He listened to his conversation. 

"She was protected by someone different," Raki explained and added, "He was not Gan Fall." 

Wyper looked. "It does not matter," Wyper said. 

"A common enemy does not mean ally," Wyper added. 

Asia tripped over and fell in. She looked at Wyper and panicked. She hid behind Raki. "Asia what is wrong?" Raki asked. 

"A voice has disappeared, and one voice is weak," Asia replied. She held Raki`s shoulder.

Wyper looked up. "Is that your Mantra?" Wyper asked.

"Yes, just a few minutes ago when," Asia replied, weakly. 

Wyper eyes widen. "Your mantra is saying so, Asia?" Wyper asked. Asia nodded. 

"We all know it is true, she was born with a mantra which can let her hear people from far away," Raki explained. 

"And one is weak and one disappeared?" Braham asked. 

"Yes," Asisa nodded. 

Wyper got up. "This is our chance, one of them must be the priest, the other one weak might be another priest," Wyper concluded. 

"Lets launch a full-scale attack," Wyper ordered. Braham nodded. They both left the tent.

"We will crush them all," Wyper said.

Raki followed when Asia shouted, "That woman was nearby and her wings were on fire," Asia added.

"Did that woman defeat him?" Raki asked.

She moved her head. "I don't know but it was other women who defeated him," Asia responded. 

"That man had black wings, he was there as well, he was different," Asia added.

"Black wings?" Raki asked. She thought about it. That young woman was there who challenged Enel. There were other women who defeated a priest. Then there was a man with them.

"Are they from the blue sea?" Raki asked.

"There are two groups," Asia replied. 

Raki looked at Asia. "Please be careful," Asia meekly said. 

Raki smiled and approached Asia. "Also give me your bag," Raki said. 

"No, there is secret treasure here," Asia remarked. 

Raki hugged Asia. "I know and I will get more for you," Raki added. They both smiled. Raki thought, who was the man with black wings? She felt her heart move for some reason. 

Meanwhile in another place, a man stood up. He felt something. "They are illegal people from the blue sea," a man said. He was a tall, dark-skinned man. He had an unusual hairstyle, with a row of upward-pointing from ear to ear. He had wings on his back. He was wearing a matching purple jacket and pants, black gloves and shoes and a pink shirt, and a blue tie-like scarf around his neck.

"Sky Boss Gedatsu," a divine soldier said. 

"Those people are dangerous, we must eliminate them," Gedatsu replied. The divine soldier nodded and started to move.

Meanwhile in a different place, a man was sitting in a grassy field. He was surrounded by his divine soldiers. He looked around, he felt something. "Troublesome day," the bland and muscular man remarked. He had a pair of small wings sprouting from his back. He had a small mustache and beard around his mouth, and a pair of small sunglasses over his eyes. He also wore a green sleeveless shirt and gray pants with several pockets. He also had dark leather boots.

"Skybreeder Ohm," a divine soldier said. 

"The sun is setting but it is going to get rattling her," Ohm replied as he got up.