Chapter 253: Raki & Ben

Ben, Alvida, Vivi, Marianne, Zala, Saphir and Conis made their way to the Bridge. They saw HQ and Nojiko monitoring the controls of the Miss Love Duck.

Nojiko sees them enter the Bridge. "Are you all okay?" Nojiko asked. She saw the battle taking place around her. She knew they would be fine, they are all strong. However there was always a feeling of worry. 

"Yes we are for the most part," Ben replied. 

"Mikita, Robin and Honey are just with Kaya for a check-up," Vivi added.

"Mikita had a bruise on her arm," Zala explained.

"Yeah, she's a big and tough girl," Alvida chimed in.

"But still, we can't ignore the signs. It's getting tougher out there," Ben interjected, his brow furrowed. "We all need to watch each other's backs and stay vigilant. None of us are immune to the dangers ahead." 

They all nodded. "Master, shall we leave from here?" HQ asked. 

"Yes, let's get out of here," Ben replied. HQ nodded. Nojiko, who was still at the controls, pressed a button. The anchor started to raise. She pressed another button and the sails were set. She pushed a lever forward and the Miss Love Duck started to move. 

"This place was weird," Saphir remarked. 

"Those clouds for sure," Marianne agreed. 

"That reminds me, we've got dials," Ben interjected, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Dials, my love?" Alvida's curiosity was piqued as she turned to Ben.

"Dials are remarkable devices," Conis chimed in. "They have the extraordinary ability to store energy and matter. Crafted from the remnants of unique shellfish, they harness natural power in a truly remarkable way."

Vivi nodded. "That sounds incredibly useful," she asked. 

"They're versatile tools," Conis explained, her eyes alight with enthusiasm. "They can assist with various daily activities, from communication to transportation and even defense," she continued. 

"And these are the defense or offense ones. The Impact Dial and Axe Dial," Ben added.

The girls looked at Ben. "What are those?" Saphir asked.

"Impact Dial, can absorb blunt damage including explosion and keep them in the shell. Then with a press of a button we can release them," Ben explained. He paused. "The release will be force that it had absorbed directed back at the opponent," he finished off. 

"That sounds strong my love. It opens more opportunities for us ,"Alvida remarked. 

"It is," Ben said.

"What does the Axe Dial do?" Marianne asked.

"It releases a thin slashing blast in the shape of an X, capable of slicing through iron," Ben replied. 

"You seem to know everything," Conis said. She was impressed by his knowledge. 

"My love knows it all," Alvida replied. She nodded.

Conis smiled. She thought she did join the right people and person.

Nojiko smiled. "Looks like we have another one," Nojiko joked. 

"Kaya is right to some extent," Vivi added. 

"He is charming," Zala said. She winked at Ben. 

Ben smiled. It felt nice to get compliments. "Okay, we need to focus now," Ben said. They all nodded. Ben added, "I am going to stay on the deck of the Miss Love Duck, in case we are attacked again." 

"I will come with you, my love," Alvida declared.

"Count me in too," Saphir interjected with a grin.

"I'm not staying behind either," Zala stated firmly.

"Okay, the rest stay on the Bridge and help HQ and Nojiko, if needed someone can check on the other girls just to make sure," Ben ordered. The girls nodded. Ben, Alvida, Saphir and Zala headed to the Bridge. 

They saw they were approaching another section of the river. They could see numerous sticks with skulls on top of them. "This place is creepy," Saphir said. 

"It's the work of someone who is not right in the head," Zala added. 

"I want to say this is fake but the people we are dealing with are capable of killing this many people," Ben explained. 

As they looked around, three figures flew over the Miss Love Duck. One of the figures had a large bazooka in his hand. He looked down at Miss Love Duck and saw four figures on the deck. He glared at them. They went forward. The figure with the bazooka turned around and fired. A small black ball came towards them. 

"He shot at us," Zala said. 

Alvida jumped into the air. She swung Seraphina and hit the ball and it went flying towards them and exploded. 

"Wyper," Ben said. He smiled. Wper and his two men landed on the tree and looked at them. 

Alvida jumped back. "I will take them down," Alvida stated. 

"No need Alvida," Ben said. 

"But my love," Alvida said. Ben pulled her into a hug. She smiled. 

"I know they fired us but dont worry, we have a common enemy," Ben said. Zala looked at the man. She thought she had seen him before. 

Wyper looked at the scene folding in front of him. That man was flirting in the middle of a battle. He looked in disgust. "Wyper, should we fight them," the man said.

"No need," Wyper replied. Wyper stood up. He looked at the Miss Love Duck. 

"You are the blue sea people causing chaos," Wyper shouted.

"Maybe, " Ben said innocently. 

"You people should leave before you die," Wyper warned. He paused and added, "If you have some funny idea about this island then we will eliminate you with Enel." 

Zala and Alvida glared at him. "He was the one who attacked Luffy and the other," Zala remarked. 

"I can see that," Alvida said. She looked at him. She gripped her mace. 

Ben smiled. He thought, these girls can get protective. "Well, I don't have plans for the island but there is someone who has caught my eye," Ben said. 

Alvida, Zala and Rubis looked at Ben. "He is thinking of another girl," Zala remarked.

"My love always keeps his eye on the price," Alvida added.

"The crew is getting bigger," Saphir added as she held his hand. 

Wyper looked at the scene unfold. "They are a bunch of idiots," Wyper remarked and jumped away.

"I wonder how they fly like that, their wings seem small," Zala questioned.

"They have those black shooters which allow them to surf and roll over the clouds," Ben explained. He added, "We have two so we can as well." 

Zala and Alvida looked interested. Saphir could swim so she did not see the big deal. "I am going to get another crew member," Ben stated. 

Alvida let go. "Okay my love, we will come with you," Alvida said.

Zala and Saphir nodded. "No, you all will stay here, this will be a quick in and out," Ben commented. 

The girls were not sure however they trusted Ben. "Okay my love," Alvida replied. 

"I am still not sure but okay," Zala added. 

Ben transformed into his hybrid form. He flew towards where Wyper`s group was going. He flew low and a little slower. He hid behind the branches and tree trunks. He got to the battle scene. There were a number of explosions. 

Ben saw the priest fighting the Shandorians. Ohm with his Divine soldiers and large god were fighting. The Shandorians were moving around using their bazooka to attack them. However Ohm would just shrug it off. Ohm was strong for sure, Ben thought. 

He saw her. The beautiful tall, black-haired woman. She had a long and elaborate ponytail on the back. She had dark green eyes. Ben saw her in his dreams. She looked more beautiful in person. She was using the black shooters to create those clouds to move around in the air and shoot. She looked cool. 

Ohm grabbed his weapon. It had a large round red ball. " Eisen Whip," Ohm said as he took out. A powerful whip-like attack was released from his sword. It went towards Raki. She was about to get hit. 

"Demon Beam," Ben said as he used his one hand and fired a beam towards the sword. The sword and beam clashed and caused an explosion. Raki lost her balance and fell down from the explosion. Ben sweeped in and caught her. He flew away with her in arms. 

"Who are you?" Raki shouted angrily.

"I am Ben and I just saved you," Ben replied. 

She looked at Ben, she thought he was the blue sea people causing chaos. The man who stood up and openly defied Enel. The man who protected that woman. The man who was part of the group of people who defeated one of the priests. "Unhand me," Raki demanded. 

"I would but it's dangerous here," Ben said as he flew past the tree and back into the opening. Raki noticed his large black wings. 

Raki still had her weapon in her hand but she did not want to fire at him. She had kept it a secret but he looked like the person in one of her dreams. She blushed. She shook her head, she had a battle to win.

"If you are thinking of going back to the battle, dont, you are not going to win," Ben stated.

"How would you know that?" Raki asked. 

"We defeated one of the priests and we are here barely a few hours and we have someone for him," Ben stated. 

Raki thought he was right, this group was strong and what did he mean someone for him. "Come with me and you will find the answers to your questions," Ben said. 

Raki thought for a second. Her mind told her to go back but her heart felt peace. She usually tells Asia to be more ladylike and now her lady feelings are telling her to go with him. "Okay, I will come with you but try anything funny, I will kill you," Raki said. 

Ben smiled.