Artificer (Part 1)

Early in the morning, the first rays of sunlight rose from the horizon. Amidst the sunlight, a faint purple aura could be seen, quickly absorbed into Amalia body.

Half an hour later, Amalia opened her eyes. With her inner sight, she could see a trace of spiritual energy flowing through her previously desiccated meridians, nourishing her severely damaged channels.

After the original owner went berserk, she was left with a body full of wounds and injuries. Unless she absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy while simultaneously cultivating, repairing her internal injuries using the Earth scarce spiritual energy was nearly impossible.

The only two methods were the first rays of sunlight in the morning, containing abundant purple aura that was incredibly nourishing. In her previous life, Amalia had spent a long time learning how to capture this purple aura.

The other method involved healing-type spiritual techniques.

In her previous life, Amalia attribute was solely Fire, meaning she could only cultivate fire-based techniques.

However, having a Fire attribute had its benefits—it granted her innate conditions for refining, but unfortunately, she hadn't been able to fully utilize it before she died.

Fortunately, after last night test, Amalia realized that the Fire attribute from her past life had carried over, and she even gained a Water attribute.

A faint blue, resembling an endless ocean, gently meandered through the original owner meridians.

This was the Water attribute, possessing neither the powerful healing ability of the Wood attribute nor the formidable attack power of the Fire attribute.

Nevertheless, Water was quite similar to the original owner personality—mild and lacking in killing power.

Though having dual attributes had its advantages, Amalia wasn't planning to focus on cultivating the Water attribute until her injuries were fully healed and she had the ability to protect herself.

For now, she temporarily set aside using Water-based spiritual techniques to heal her injuries.


There was an old street in Apple City, where the buildings had been standing for years. Many old shops had a history of over a century.

While they appeared to sell jade artifacts and antiques on the surface, they secretly offered refining materials, Amulets, and other items used by cultivators.

Half an hour later, Amalia stood at the entrance of the old street. There wasn't a single pedestrian in sight, creating a desolate and gloomy atmosphere. Amidst the bustling city, this place offered an unusual serenity.

This was a place from the original owner memories, though she had never visited due to her lack of funds.

Thinking of money, Amalia recalled what Arthur had said to her when she moved out of Rodriguez family house.

"Amalia, your aunt knows you want to be self-reliant, but I can't rest assured with you out there alone. Besides, you're still a student. It'll be tough for you to make a living by working on your own. Here's five hundred thousand. Just take it, think of it as letting your aunt feel at ease."

Amalia accepted the five hundred thousand in silence. It wasn't because Arthur words had touched her or persuaded her.

Even if Arthur had given her five million or fifty million, she would have accepted. This was the debt Rodriguez family owed to the original owner foster parents.

The original owner foster parents were ordinary people before. Due to certain circumstances, they suddenly became wealthy overnight.

Over the past decade, their fortune had grown from a few billion to over ten billion.

Before Rodriguez family approached them, the original owner was at least a rich second-generation, living a happy and content life.

When faced with Arthur sudden request for her to leave, Amalia had immediately rejected it.