Heavenly Path University (Part 2)

The young man hesitated for a moment and said, "No, our company places strict emphasis on confidentiality. If the client doesn't allow disclosure, anyone who leaks information might face employment consequences."

"What if the other party is a person of power and influence?"

The young man smiled proudly, "We are ranked as the number one global express delivery service."

Amalia raised an eyebrow in surprise.

The young man assumed Amalia was overthinking, but when he delivered the package, two people suddenly appeared, bombarding him with numerous questions.

It was only then that he understood why Ms. Vanquez had asked those questions.

He had remained tight-lipped, and the other side couldn't extract any useful information from him, ultimately letting him go.

"Damn, Ashe is too cunning. He even had it delivered by an express courier," Francisco cursed, and he glanced at Yannis, whose expression had darkened, revealing their underlying thoughts.

"Right, she's entrusted something so important to an express courier. Isn't she worried it might get lost? That's unprofessional," Luka chimed in.

Both of them felt nervous, avoiding direct eye contact with Yannis.

"Enough. I should have known that your lousy plan could never succeed. I shouldn't have believed your nonsense!"

If time could be turned back, Yannis would never have trusted their plan to succeed.

"Young Master Yannis, do you think Ashe found out about our plan, and that's why she used express delivery?" Francisco asked nervously.

Yannis glanced at him coldly and sneered, "With your level of intelligence, it's no wonder you've been played around like a puppet. Suddenly suggesting an offline transaction would raise suspicions for anyone. Especially when the other party has access to such high quality supply lines. Only someone with a complete lack of wits would personally deliver the goods."

Both of them felt increasingly embarrassed as they realized the significant flaws in their plan. At the time, they were blinded by the rosy picture of the future, thinking everything was foolproof. Now, they wished they could find a hole to hide in.

"Young Master Yannis, what if we ask that courier from the express delivery company?" Luka cautiously suggested.

Yannis gave him a cold glance, "Are you going?"

Luka was about to reply but was pulled back by Francisco.

"Don't say such foolish things. The number one global express delivery company must have some background and influence to be so prominent. They can't operate on such a large scale without having some powerful connections. Just look at how seriously they value their employees' safety," Francisco warned him in a low voice.

Francisco's warning reminded Luka of a previous incident where a group of customers had harassed a courier from the express delivery company.

Later, it turned out that all of these customers were from the same family of Spirit Cultivator.

They had intentionally given a hard time to the delivery company's employee because one of their members had a bad experience with that employee.

It had escalated to the point where they hired someone to attack the employee, leading to the complete downfall of that small family.

For the sake of one small employee, and even when the employee's life was not in danger, the express delivery company had taken drastic action.

Since then, everyone had learned not to mess with the employees of the express delivery company.

Luka was suddenly drenched in cold sweat and looked at Francisco with grateful eyes.

"Young Master Yannis, what should we do now?" Francisco asked with a respectful demeanor, bending at the waist.

Yannis's expression softened, and he gave a scornful chuckle. "Ashe might have had a good plan, but who's to say I don't have a few tricks up my sleeve? You two are nothing but hopeless fools. Now, we'll make use of this situation. Didn't you place the order on Red Espiritual Net? I heard that her store does not have official certification"

Francisco's eyes lit up, "Young Master Yannis, you mean we should exploit this opportunity, file a complaint with the Red Espiritual Net, and freeze his 12 million assets?"

"At least you're not completely hopeless," Yannis responded with a playful tone.

"This time, don't disappoint me again, or I'll make sure you both will nevet get out." Yannis's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Yes, Yes, Yes, we understood," both of them echoed.

After they left, the housekeeper approached, "Second Young Master, are you sure they can handle this matter without any issues?"

Yannis snorted, "A free horse should not be left unused. If they can't handle it, I'll find someone else. However, this Ashe seems not easy to deal with. Investigate her further, use all means necessary, and ideally, expose her from behind the Red Espiritual Net."

"Second Young Master, what if this person is truly an Artificer? Wouldn't we be offending a powerful one?" The housekeeper expressed his concern.

"Why worry? I'm willing to bet that this person is most likely not an Artificer. If she were, her identity would be known, and powerful families would be eager to support her. Why would she sell artifacts on the Red Espiritual Net? Besides, have you ever heard of such a prominent figure appearing in Big Apple City?" Yannis confidently stated.

The housekeeper understood.