Yannis Make a Move (Part 1)

The three stall owners hadn't finished their conversation when Amalia suddenly packed up her stall, and preparing to leave. They almost thought their conversation had affected her.

"Leaving so early, little sister? There are still several hours until sunset," the chubby stall owner asked cheerfully.

"Yeah, I got something to do, so I'm closing up early today," Amalia replied.

The thin stall owner subtly sighed in relief, suddenly noticing the old stall owner smiling at him, which made his face tense up again.

As she walked out, Amalia dialed Samuel's communicator. "What happened to Carlos?"

Samuel look gloomy, he said: "Carlos is suffering because of me. After Francisco's plan failed, the blame shifted to Carlos. They secretly sabotaged not only the business Carlos's parents had worked hard for but also burdened them with debts."

Furrowing her brows, Amalia's eyes darkened, reminding her of her own parents. Why were these people so fond with such tricks?

"That's not the worst part for Carlos. What's really making him suffer is the betrayal from his uncle's family," Samuel explained, his face growing grim.

"Francisco knows very well how to torment someone. Carlos already disliked his uncle's family, and now, egged on by Francisco, they're trying to seize his family's assets."

Thinking about it made Samuel feel uneasy.

"How is he now?" Amalia inquired.

"What can he do? He's trying to help his parents pay off the debts and regain the property snatched by his uncle," Samuel explained.

"Your family's power should be stronger than Francisco's. Can't you help him take it back? Their methods surely leave some traces," Amalia suggested.

Samuel bitterly smiled, "I thought about it initially, but I'm afraid for my own safety."

"Why?" Amalia asked, puzzled.

"Somebody is targeting my family behind the scenes, and it coincides with the trouble in Carlos's family," Samuel explained. "I can't help but think too much."

"Are you sure it's related to Carlos's issue?" Amalia kept a serious face. "With the Salvador's influence in Big Apple City, there should be very few who could counter your family."

"Though it sounds that way, it doesn't mean it's not possible. I've investigated but couldn't trace the mastermind," Samuel said with an uneasy expression.

"Usually, there's only one possibility— the mastermind's status and family background is surpass mine."

"Do you have any suspects?" Amalia inquired.

"The Yoder, the Rodriguez, the Zeigler, and a few others," Samuel mentioned.

Upon hearing 'Rodriguez,' Amalia's expression suddenly cooled. She thought it might be the Rodriguez, but in a split second, she dismissed the idea.

The Rodriguez couldn't possibly know. If Arthur knew about Carlos and his relationship with her, he wouldn't only target Carlos; But he'd likely threaten her foster parents too, which would be more effective.

"It's not the Rodriguez," Amalia stated firmly.

Samuel looked at her in surprise; her tone was too certain, make him raising doubts about whether Amalia knew something.

However, he didn't ask, he understand that everyone had their own secrets. "Then it's probably the Yoder or the Zeigler."