Rumor About Grace Rodriguez (Part 2)

After asking around, she found out that rumors about her had suddenly spread on the forum earlier in the day.

Grace Rodriguez's mind was focused on the exams, so she hadn't noticed the changes on the forum.

When she finally found the post mentioning her, it was already pinned at the top.

[ "The New Century Green Tea Bitch, a White Lotus, juggling in multiple relationships, she is so powerful! Come and take a look!" ]

The post was very explosive, it even providing evidence - there is photos of Grace Rodriguez with several boys, in intimate poses.

The poster even thoughtfully listed which college each boy belonged to - the artifact refining collge for Javier Weiss, the weaponry departement, the amulet drawing college, and so on - it can be said it was like a wide net cast.

There were numerous comments below.