Secret Plot (Part 2)

"You don't need to say it; I know," Imuji said coldly while glaring at him with his vertical pupils.

"You failed to guard the castle this time, and I should hold you accountable. However, considering the current shortage of manpower, I won't punish you for now. Go redeem yourself."

"Thank you, my Lord, for giving me the opportunity to make up for my mistakes," the deep-sea creature said without complaint.

Meanwhile, Wealth had eaten two black fragments in a row and couldn't consume any more.

Amalia could feel that its energy was reaching its limit and didn't dare let it eat any more.

Wealth was restless due to a full stomach and scratched at a rock, producing a sharp sound.

Amalia found the noise particularly grating, so she cut down a tree and let Wealth scratch its claws on the trunk, which finally stopped the annoying noise.