It took them a while but they were led to Ghost Demon's hideout. The mood seemed to have lightened as they were safe inside. Sun Demon looked at the cultivation machine. While Smiling looked through the rack of weapons. Red was looking at the library of books. Mainly made up of Flame and Bedlam. 'What a collection I'll have to ask about going through it' he turned to Ghost Demon who was staring at the grey suit made from Spinner. He could see the intricate detail of light blue clouds woven into a pattern accenting the dark colors. He looked at the bracelet, "What's it do?" He asked. "You can travel the realms with a thought and when you wear it during an evolution you will be transported to Sister Spinner for chi clouds" Ghost Demon nodded at thus liking the information. He clasped it on his wrist and laid the suit out. It was then sucked up into a dimension ring. "So what does Fate have in store for us? What is the end goal?" He plopped into a chair. Red Demon sat opposite him. "To stop Armageddon, to put it bluntly. From what I can gather a source of power called the Nexus belonged to a Primordial named the Puppeteer. This object even after his death lived on corrupting the land of the Ash Realm. Not long ago we tried to stop the Void King from getting it. We failed" he paused when he saw Sun Demon listening and Smiling squeezing a weapon bending it as he tried not listening to the story. He lived it and wished he hadn't been his great failure.
"So I take it he has the Nexus? What are his intentions?" Red Demon nodded back and forth. "Sort of yes…anyway the goal is to stop him. And end this civil war" Ghost Demon took all this information in and got to his feet pacing. "So where do I fit in all this?" Red Demon shrugged. "I dunno. But she gave you a Thread of Necessity so it must mean something. I'm still trying to figure this out along with you guys" Sun Demon was now in attendance during this talk.
"So what is the Thread?" Sun asked. "Spinner said the Thread carried the ability to usher in great change. And we all four have a role to play in this won't know what that is till he walks it. We need to handle this Realm first and foremost" Ghost Demon crossed his arms. "What's your plan?" Ghost asked bluntly. "Well figured we eliminate the Brigades and then head to the palace?" The Ghost Demon shook his head. "King is gone. The Chivalry army made another incursion. I had the same plan and it just took longer by myself. Right now this city is vulnerable if we act now and take out Torrent" Sun Demon arched an eyebrow. "Who's Torrent?" Red asked. "The King's second in command. He used to be a Commander of a Brigade. Instead kissed ass all the way to the top. He is a very selfish man and two faced to boot, but he is loyal to the King so has that going for him" Red got to his feet. "Will he be an issue?" Ghost shook his head. "No, the Commanders are far worse than Torrent. Only issue is he has the King's ear" Red scowled, " Is he sleeping with the king?" Ghost Demon paused thinking about that. But remembered the rumors that Amazon's Commander was having an affair with the king. "No he would be sleeping with the Amazons commander if rumors are true" Sun Demon perked up. "We could use that? Does he love her?" Ghost shrugged. "We're not pen pals" Sun Demon rolled her eyes.
"I'm just saying I wouldn't be privy to that information" she merely nodded at his retort. "Just as well love or not she is still his woman. He will have some reaction if we target her" her logic couldn't be denied. If he was having an affair he would have some feelings toward the person he had spent all his time with. Even though the king was a heartless individual drunk on power he was still human in the sense of companionship.
But even they could be wrong and the woman was nothing more than used to passing the time. Red Demon had never met the King, but from the state of his city it was clear he wasn't a good one. So anything was possible when it came to his actions or interactions with others. But being gone from the city this whole time meant a couple of things. One they could take out the brigade and control the city wrenching control from this Torrent. And the hunter in one day's time will be executing the chaos worms he hired him for. He needed to make a decision on what target to best hit to distract the Brigades from this crucial mission. "Well who do you think should be the target? See I already have a plan set to hit the arena and crippling it. So in the next twenty four hours we need to decide on which target we should focus on. Otherwise the plan to eliminate the cultivation for the king will go south?" Ghost Demon perked up as he heard that. "Who did you hire for this mission?" he asked curiously. "A lone hunter, he said he was the last one in the city. Seemed enthused to sabotage the king in any way possible" Ghost Demon chuckled. "That old drunk is going to do it? I know the man you speak of. He will get the job done, but don't expect him to be quiet. He carries more hate for the king even more than me" he chuckled at this thought.
Just then they heard screaming from outside and Ghost Demon walked over to a computer screen typing something on the keyboard. An image came up on different points of the city. They could see Brigade men pulling people from buildings and houses. They even killed a few when they resisted. They began searching through the buildings and houses. Arresting people and setting fire to houses all while laughing. Female warriors of the Amazons were cutting down men outside a tavern all while silent and reserved. The Splitters were butchering people in the streets as the leader Dreyfus dragged a woman by her hair into a house shutting it behind him. His men all clustered around the door. The Gunpowder Brigade were the most tamed, just throwing bombs into empty buildings and bringing them down. At this point all Ghost could count was five brigades pillaging the city. 'Broken Sword and Warlock are not in attendance? Something is happening?' he pressed a button and the screen had a sound now. They could hear the screams and the men's laughter in full volume. The Toad Winslow sat upon a stool as the men dragged a shop owner from his shop. His family next to him was his wife, two small children, and a young man his oldest. The young man looked stoic like his father while the mother held her children. They were all one by one grasped by the neck and held in place as the men held needles to their necks coated in poison. "Where is the Ghost Demon? I will only ask once you answer me and I'll let you all live. Hell the shop will survive too, so what will it be?" This made Ghost Demon enraged. He sighed loudly through his mask as he turned and got his weapons and cloak. "Where are you going?" Red asked. "This is all because of me. They want me, they can have me!" Red shook his head. "No. You won't be doing this alone. We wanted to eliminate Brigades, well they just gave us an easy work around they aren't in their districts. This is a good time to strike!" The other two agreed with a nod and the four headed to the door taking to the streets.