The Brigades

The four demons split up down separate streets all honing in on brigade members. Smiling headed to the area where the Toad was threatening the shopkeeper. It was closest. Ghost Demon ran across the rooftops heading to where the Amazons were. Truth was he wanted to save the shopkeeper. But as Red Demon pointed out. "No Smiling has better defense turning to metal resisting any poisons they may use. You should attack the Amazons. Let's see how much the King loves this woman?" Ghost couldn't argue with his logic. Revenge seemed to weigh out over saving innocence. He felt shame for accepting that feeling. And still acting upon it regardless. 

Sun Demon ran alongside Red Demon as they followed the smoke. Gunpowder was destroying blocks after the Splitters cleaned the buildings of people. Gordon seemed disgusted with teaming with Dreyfus. The maniacal giggler takes joy in hacking people with an axe. His men were no better as they slaughtered innocent people. "Commander, are we really doing this? They aren't even looking for the Ghost Demon. They are just killing without remorse" Gordon's subordinate wasn't wrong. Even the Commander agreed with a nod. He looked upon a burning building. And smirked a little, "Well. The flames of our creations are sure bright" he seemed to revel watching the buildings and all corpses inside burn away to ash. 

He pulled out a sphere but stopped mid stride turning. He could feel a strong presence coming to make those two presences. His men saw him staring down the dark street shrouded in dark smoke clouds. "Seems we have two uninvited guests coming this way. But the chi vanished?" His eyes darted across the smoke clouds. "Shall I warn the Splitters?" One of the men asked. Gordon shook his head, "We worry about ourselves to help with maniacs. With luck they bypass us and kill them so we don't have to go down the road" he then placed the sphere back on his belt. He then snapped his black powder fingers and his hands ignited in flames. You could see his bones through his translucent hands. They were glowing bright yellow along with his eyes. He grinned big and his eyes scanned the rooftops and then he threw a punch sending a fireball from his fist. It shot through the smoke revealing Red Demon who sliced through it with ease. Lightning surged Red Demon's body, increasing his speed forward before the attack exploded. He slashed Gordon who dodged the attack and threw a punch sending another fireball with each jab. 

Red Demon dodged each one and sent a slash of black chi at Gordon. Flames coated his feet sending backwards avoiding the attack. He smiled big as flames erupted from the soles of his feet like rocket boosters. He cocked a fist back and made ready to attack as he got closer. 

Red Demon quickly side stepped and slashed through Gordon's side. The attack seemed to pass right through him. It left no trace of a wound. Gordon spun midair and faced Red Demon. The wound was smoking and healing quickly. Red Demon looked at him with confusion. "First time meeting a djinn huh?" Red Demon's eyes widened. "You hail from Pandemonium? The dimension of demons?" Gordon shook his head. "No. Parents did though. Came here to seek fortune and fame. They got neither. I on the other hand?" He held his flaming fists up. He grinned as he then sprinted forward. 

Sun Demon ran ahead of Red Demon to intercept the Splitters. She caught two men beating a woman who was trying to protect her children who were huddled in an alley corner. Sun Demon jumped down on one man impaling his back. Then slashing the throat of the other with her wakizashi. The woman sank to the ground exhausted. Her children ran to her. "When you regain your strength" Sun Demon removed her spear with a jerk. She stared down at the three with her yellow demon mask. "Run" she then turned and began attacking the men in the open. She cut them all down with each and quickly. Dreyfus looked on smiling. "Oh well look at that, a fun playmate!" He ran forward with his axe. Swinging it wildly and with glee. Sun Demon ducked and dodged each attack with ease. She surged the Light element to her legs activating her ability to Light Step. She would move with a flash like a mirage only to move to another location. This happened so fast the only thing one would see for a few seconds was an after image. She then caught the axe and then wretched it free from his grasp. He leaned forward as she pulled, giving her a clear shot to his gut with her knee. The impact sent him flying back rolling across the street. He planted his feet digging into a stone path cutting it up as he dug his feet in. He left a trail as he came to a stop. He began to giggle as he looked up seeing Sun Demon flash in front of him. She brought the axe down only for it to be stopped midair. Her body felt frozen as Dreyfus's eyes were now glowing white. "Basilisk Stare is what I call it. Freezes time when activated. Paralyzing all I look upon" he then grabbed the axe. He blinked and time became unfrozen he pulled Sun Demon close. He drove a fist into her stomach, sending her to the ground. She gasped for air and got to her feet gripping her spear. "Such a nice lady brought me my weapon back. I could kiss you!" He sprinted towards Sun. She let anger surge within her, taking off the chains holding the beast at bay. She kept her focus and mind cleared as she fed off the rage. She parried each attack with ease which were not easy. Each swipe from his axe was the equivalent of a hammer hitting stone. She was able to keep and stand her ground, slashing through her stomach and kicking him into a building. 

Across the city Ghost Demon came upon the Amazons killing civilians. Their leader Tilla was standing back calling out orders armed with a spear and shield. A villager came at her with a hammer. She hit him across the face with her shield and drove her spear into his chest. "Keep moving! Find Ghost Demon at all costs" she yelled to her women. They all called out a cheer and kept moving down the street. Ghost Demon ran past them across the rooftops getting ahead to cut them off. Smoke made visibility poor and most couldn't see through the thick fog. He jumped down to the streets unsheathing his blade under his cloak became invisible and began systematically cutting each woman down. 

Their yells and screams of their final moments echoed off the buildings reaching the bulk of the group. More than ran to their air through the smoke. They too screamed and then became silent. Footsteps atop the stone street could be heard. They were slow but had purpose with each step. Tilla held up her shield. "Go! Attack whoever is there! Only half and create a shield wall! Move it!" The women did as told a small band ran forward while another created a wall of shields. Two rows stood between the threat and Commander Tilla. 

Through the fog the advancing team went in. Strikes of steel and sparks could show silhouettes locked in battle with one individual. They were all quickly killed and from the fog emerged the Ghost Demon in full view. He ran forward full sprint and then before he hit the rows of women he phased through them all in a flash. He was then kneeling in front of Tilla who looked surprised and in shock. She was frozen, staring at the demon mask of her enemy. He looked at her with grey eyes that bore a hole through her soul. He stood up slowly and the rows of women turned to attack. They all then collapsed to the ground dead. Now all that was left in the street was Tilla and Ghost Demon alone. Distant explosions could be heard but their very street was silent. "So you're the Ghost Demon?" Ghost Demon sighed, "The King's Whore" he then ran forward and slashed at her the blade's corrosive ability cut through the spear she held up to defend against it. She then felt a slash through her breast plate.