
Smiling ran through the streets turning corners till he found the shop owner and his family. The Toad was pacing and was holding a pipe he lit the bowl and took a deep breath. He fixed his glasses up his nose "so you know nothing about the Ghost Demon? That's a shame see you're the last one on this block if you haven't noticed go on take a look?" The man then turned and saw the people laying about the street with a purple haze coming off them. "See we set gas further up the street seems to be making its way here. See me and my men are immune to our poisons out of necessity. Can't say the same for you and the fam over there. One strong breeze" he snapped his fingers that made the man jump.

Smiling could see the haze and coated his entire body in steel. From head to toe he was covered in metal armor. He ran forward and created needles of metal from chi. With a quick flash he threw them hitting two of the men holding the family. They released the wife, and one of the kids. The group all turned as a rain of shurikens came flying at them. They were too slow and the bulk of the Snake Bite Brigade were cut down. The men released the family and the ship owners to save themselves. Toad looked unphased dodging any shurikens that came at him. Smiling Demon staring at him and his men. "So you Ghost Demon?" He asked to take another puff from his pipe. Smiling Demon's silver smiling demon face shook his head. "No. See I'm worse than your Ghost Demon. Particularly to scum like you" the shurikens from before then started to float all around them. The soldiers then threw poison needles. All bounced off the steel skin, so they threw knives, along with bolts. All useless breaking or merely bouncing off his body. "Tickles" the shurikens flew like a flurry killing all remaining men leaving Toad standing untouched. "What? Am I supposed to weep? Do your worst sir, but facts remain they die from the poison in the air, there is no stopping it." The man then hunched over coughing and then spit blood. "Right on time" Toad started with a nonchalant tone. "Give them the antidote!" Smiling shouted. "No. You really think that bravado and forceful tone would sway me? Come on, you're not naive are you?" Smiling then threw a fist at Toad who quickly dodged jumping around and standing far from his grasp. Smiling looked down at the family that was choking on their own blood. "I'm going to beat that antidote off you!" Smiling then unsheathed the scythe from his back. Toad chuckled clinching the pipe. "Alright let's make this interesting then I'm feeling puckish. You have approximately ten minutes before they hemorrhage and die choking on their own blood. But you beat me" he pulled out a vial the size of his fist. It was glowing green and was in a decorative vial. 

"Enough for the whole family. So you think you can beat me. With every deal is a catch and lucky you I'm a polymorph. I'm a fun twist" his body then rippled and began to morph. His bones cracked and his body elongated then bloated his face expanded. His appearance was morphed into a six foot tall toad in humanoid form. A big difference from the small stature man from before. The toad still had the pipe clenched in his mouth. Smoke billowed from the large toad mouth. His big eyes scowled at Smiling. "So big man. What will it be?" He tucked the vial in his vest.

With his big feet bouncing all around Smiling at top speed before finally driving a kick at him. Smiling slid back into a shop's window crashing through it. The Toad was bouncing in place giggling to himself. He puffed on his pipe blowing smoke into the air. Smiling could see that the smoke wasn't regular; the mutant was smoking poison itself. The fumes he was bellowing out made the air worse and could be killing the shop family quicker. He got up and began running down the street leading the Toad away. 'Have to give these people some distance and enclose that son of bitch' he bull rushed through a wall and waited for the attack. Toad came flying, a thin foot extended out. He sidestepped, grabbed the scaly leg and then began to spin. He threw the toad man through a door inside a shop. He followed behind and tackled him to the ground driving a fist into his gut and back. He brought the scythe blade down hitting only wood. Dreyfus pushed off the ground with his powerful legs and spun around driving a roundhouse kick directly into Smiling's side. He slammed into a wall and was dazed under the metal armor. His vision was vibrating and unfocused. A long tongue then wrapped around his neck and he was now sailing to the other side of the room slamming into the wall. He rolled across the wooden floor and crashed into a cabinet. He got up slowly and was able to dodge a tongue attack. He slashed at with his scythe missing it completely. Dreyfus then manifested a long katana. His soul weapon gave off a dark chi. Dreyfus flicked his pipe cleaning the bowl. He then clenched the pipe back between his teeth. Smiling walked slowly out of the destroyed room and held his scythe with both hands. He then parried a quick slash from the katana. Dreyfus moved so fast that it was almost impossible to see him unsheath it. They became locked in a back and forth as they moved around the shop. Cutting through walls, furniture, and the ceiling. Dreyfus bounced around using the walls to speed up attacks. But this was what Smiling wanted, limiting the space for him to move about. He dodged a slash and drove the shaft of the scythe into Dreyfus' gut immobilizing him. Dreyfus had another trick up his sleeve shooting out a goo from his mouth. Smiling quickly backed up dodging the gooey slime. It hit the wooden floor and began eating it away like acid. 

Dreyfus jumped back and was now perched on the counter of the shop. He held the katana blade up by his big head and stared at Smiling waiting. Smiling then felt a jolt of pain from his cheek. He pulled his metal hand back from it drawing blood. 'Son of a bitch actually cut me when I was distracted?' He was then hit with a jolt of overwhelming pain as his blood felt on fire. The metal from his skin began to disappear revealing black veins upon his skin moving from his cheek to his neck. "Six more minutes left? Don't tell me one nick from this sword is enough to get you down big guy?" He then packed a bowl in his pipe and with chi it lit up. He began breathing in the toxic fumes. Smiling with clenched teeth stood erect and felt his blood boiling as anger grew inside him. He clenched his scythe and ran at the toad man. He slashed through the counter as Dreyfus jumped to the side. He then slashed through Smiling's back, inflicting another poisonous attack.