
After packing their things, the duo got on their horse and began the trip back to the cabin. A few minutes later. "Hey, Keiko. You've been quiet this whole time. Are you okay?" Nagishima asked. "I'm fine, thanks for asking." The cloaked woman replied cheerfully. "He called me Sensei. I enjoyed this field trip more than I expected!" she thought excitedly. A while later. The duo arrived, unpacked then entered the house. "Since you are hurt, go have a bath. I will take care of everything." the monochrome girl ordered.

The student complied by walking the left side of the cabin where he took a showered and got dressed before heading back to Keiko. "Good, have a rest. I will come get you later." she stated. Nagishima limps toward his room as Keiko watches. Nagishima rolled into bed were he quickly fell asleep.

Nagishima woke up hours later, it was already night time. His head was throbbing so he placed his hand over it to relive it but the action did not work. It seems the pain was not due to injury but a headache that occurs after a bad dream. Akamine knows it happened but couldn't remember what it was about. Hooded boy shakily walked to the living room. When he exits the hall the room was dark and Keiko doesn't seem to be around. He returned to his bed "Keiko said she will come." he thought before dozing off.

The teacher knocked on the door waking Nagishima who got out of bed and followed her. He enters the kitchen then noticed the whole yard was lit up and filled with people wearing cloaks similar to the one's Keiko wears. They were eating and having a good time, it appears to be a party of some kind. One the table was a meal of Murder Turkey cook three different ways, stewed, fried and grilled with a side of rice and pickled vegetables. Nagishima takes a bite, we was impressed with both the flavor and tenderness of the meat. "You've really outdone yourself, Keiko!" Akamine announced happily. "You think so? I'm so glad!" she replied. Keiko then goes outside and returned with a woman. She introduced the lady to Akamine and the two began a discussion.

Hours later, everyone had left save for the residents. Nagishima was sitting on the couch while the monochrome girl tended to his injuries by cleaning and wrapping them in bandages. "It's good to try your hardest but do be careful." Keiko advised. "This is just like when met." Akamine noted. "Yes, I did the same thing when you just arrived." Keiko replied. The duo chuckled. "You've completed the one part, tomorrow we start on the other." The monochrome girl stated. "Right!" Akamine responded