
The two spent the next week exploring the woods while the student is taught foraging and plant identification and foraging. After returning to the cabin they sat on bench by the flower garden. "You have completed all your training, the mission officially starts now. I'm proud of you, Nagishima." the teacher conveyed. "I appreciate that, Keiko-Sensei." Akamine stated with a smile. He continues to say "Today, I will cook you something special to show my gratitude. Come on!" before running inside. 

"Keiko-Sensei. I think I like that more than just being called Sensei, the way he said it was so…" she thought as she walked to the door. "He's even cooking for me as a reward. If keeps going that will have to." The monochrome girl thought then giggled before she could finish her mental note. 

Nagishima got a few ingredients from his bag then set them on the table. "I'm going to use the last of the Murder Turkey meat." Nagishima stated as he opened the fridge to retrieve to bird. He fills a pot with water and turned on the stove. Once it came to a boil the meat was added along with vegetables and foraged plants. He finished by adding bouillon and the special spice. An hour later, the dish was complete. Nagishima added the food to a bowl and plated a few slices of bread then severed it to his teacher. 

The monochrome girl hesitantly spooned up some of the concoction before having a taste as Akamine watched nervously. "This is delicious, I've never had anything like it." What's this dish called?" she asked with hand on her cheek and a satisfied smile. Nagishima nods with the same smug look Keiko did when she saw him staring at her. "That is a dish from the far away nation of Xaymaca Land of Springs. That's Xaymacan Pumpkin Soup. Made with mostly vegetables, the leanest cuts of meat and no salt. All the flavor is from the ingredients and seasoning which makes it good for you." The student explained. "I'm impressed, Nagishima-san!" Keiko announced. 

After the meal, Nagishima was stared at his teacher then asked "Sensei, you are smart, capable and you can cook. Tell me, has anyone wife'd you up yet?" he watched her reaction. "Wife me up?! No, not yet but that would be nice!" Keiko stated with a red face in a mixed tone sounding excited and flustered.

She get out of her seat, placed her hand on the table and brought her face close to his "Why did you ask that?! Is there something you want to say?" she asked in the same tone while she leered at him quietly. Nagishima looked away to avoid her gaze then answered "No comment." before leaving for his room. "You've done it now, Nagishima. Tomorrow I will have to tell you my secret." Keiko thought as a warm smile formed.