Virtual reality training


Name: Leonardo Ezra

Race: tech demon (Halfling)

HP: 110

Exp: 0/200

Level: 2

Meta gene: not awakened

Meta points: 0

Demon gene: awakened

Demon points: 110

System points: 60

Strength: 9

Speed: 10

Agility: 8

Stamina: 7

Intelligence: 13

Stat points: 4

There were a few changes to the stat screen after his level up. His HP had increased by ten, same to his DP, the needed exp for the next level had doubled, and he had gained 50 SP as well.

Leo decided that he should allocate his stat points before anything else.

"System Allocate 1 point to strength, 1 to agility and 1 to stamina." Leo knew that he would have to improve some stats more than others but for now, he decided to tread the path of balance, he also saved one stat point in case of further use, who knows what trouble he would face in future, it was better he planned for the unknown.

Leo's Stat screen looked like this after the upgrade.


Name: Leonardo Ezra

Race: tech demon (Halfling)

HP: 110

Exp: 0/200

Level: 1

Meta gene: not awakened

Meta points: 0

Demon gene: awakened

Demon points: 110

System points: 60

Strength: 10

Speed: 10

Agility: 9

Stamina: 8

Intelligence: 13

Stat points: 1

Leo didn't really feel much different after he allocated the stat points, but he was sure that they were improvements. Leo decided that he would begin his basic combat training today, he had already assimilated the information of the technique, but he was yet to practice it, and knowing and being able to execute was a different thing.

Leo decided to train in his room since it had enough space, he spent close to two hours practicing the basic combat technique.

[Host has attained minor comprehension of technique: 25%. Host damage improved by 10%]

Leo had his hands placed on his knees, as he was trying to catch his breath, it took him two hours to get minor comprehension of the combat technique, he felt this progress was quite good, as it took normal people years of their life to get competent with a technique, but he had the help for the system.

Leo decide to call it a day and rest.


Leo's eyes snapped open, he had a nightmare, it was one that started after his mum was killed, it happened often. In the nightmare, Leo would see his mother eaten by a terror, and when the terror was done it would launch straight at Leo.

"Damn, another one" Leo said as he shook of the fear he felt from the nightmare, he got up and began his daily task.


"Okay, since you are all here, I will explain what we are doing here today." A muscular man addressed the students, he had a black t-shirt and combat trousers on, his muscles looked as though they was about to rip the shirt up.

"I am instructor Ken, and I will be the one to help you gain experience in combating Terrors. The pods you see in this room are virtual reality pods that will be used in training you, this pods can simulate 70% of reality, and they will be helping you get accustomed with terror type combat, before you will face the real thing. Now this is still far from combating a real terror but it helps to prepare students. The terrors in there are the lowest of basic terrors. You guys are going to go in groups of twenty, as there are only twenty pods available, though you can come in here in your free time to practice if the pods are free."

After the address, the first twenty people selected a pod each, Leo was amongst the first twenty so he headed for a pod, and he wanted to test his strength against a terror, even if it was a simulation.

As Leo was about to open the pod, he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned around to look at who it was. A silvered hair boy was standing behind Leo, he had a look of disdain plastered on his face like he was staring down on a disgusting piece of turd.

Leo was already irked out by the way this dude was looking at him so.

"What do you want?" Leo asked the silver haired guy.

"This is my pod" The boy answered with a commanding tone.

Leo turned back to look at the pod, he looked at the boy and said.

"Then why do I not see your name on it"

The Silver haired boy was angered by Leo's response. "I mean I want to use this pod." The boy spoke with anger in his voice.

'He is angry, for what? He stepped out of nowhere and tried to collect my pod, who is supposed to get mad, me or him?'

"Look dude, I was here first, so I don't see why I should give you my pod, but if you can give me a good reason, I will give it to you." Leo asked sarcastically.

"The reason is simple, I am better than you."

The response had in no doubt thrown Leo off balance, who was this fucker to declare himself better than Leo.

The silver haired boy saw that Leo was confused by his response, so he came up with an idea.

"How about we have a competition two know who is better than the other, the person who kills the most terrors is the winner."

On a normal day, Leo would not even have time for such a competition, but this stuck up idiot had called himself better than Leo, so Leo agreed to the competition.

The silver haired boy took the first turn, Leo had let him because he wanted to see how the boy would perform first. The screen above the pod lit up showing the silver haired boy, who had already started heading towards the first terror.

Silver lightning danced around the body of the silver haired boy, he had killed three terrors so far, and he was now battling the fourth one, his movements where fluid and the use of his Meta ability was excellent, even Leo could not help but complement the boy.

The pods scanned the body of the students and was able to simulate fatigue based on the scanned information. Fatigue had begun showing on the silver haired boy, but he managed to kill the fourth terror. The battle with the fifth one was more of a dog fight, the boy had drained all his meta energy, now he was not moving as before, finally the boy managed to kill the fifth terror, but before he could catch his breath , a sixth terror appeared. The boy was too weak to survive and was killed by the sixth one.

The pod opened, and the silver haired boy came out, he had a look that said he was not happy the way he died, but as soon as he saw the approaching Leo, he switched back to his look of disdain.

Leo decided to activate his eyes of discernment, just to check this dude out, but what he saw shocked him, the silver haired boy was emitting a red aura, but there were also dark wisps within the aura.

'What the fuck?' Leo said internally.