In a world locked in a relentless war against the race known as the Terror, humanity finds itself on the brink of extinction. But hope emerges as humans awaken abilities, known as Meta abilities to fight back against the terror.
Leo a normal teen without ability ,who lost his mom to a terror, and he never knew his dad.
He gets a system from a near death senario.
Gain Exp, complete missions, and level up. Leo now has a way to get stronger, thrive and survive in this world.
Leo who lives by a promise to protect those dear to him even if it costs him his humanity, now has a chance to do just that.
Ok, see this one is going well, I hope it doesn't become trash later🙌😎 Nice power system, hey author, can you create a character in the story named Gabriel that due to the plot amor, usually appears out of nowhere and helps the MC leo, out of pretty dicey situations
This is an honest review. Your story is good but not fresh, I believe I've read something like this before either manhwa or mangga, I can't remember tho. For the first chapter you can stretch it more when they're inside the building before they met the terror thing. Power systems is actually hard to write, especially giving stats. I've practicing writing stats to my novel also so I can tell that's hard.. keep this novel updated many will hooked up to your story. [img=recommend][img=recommend]
I won't lie I am not used to this type of stories,I don't even understand anything but it looks good,and I think it will be great update early and you will get more viewers okay nice one keep going
love it, the author is pretty fast to update and the story got me hookedthis is a must read novel
I love this story line. The character development is done well. You are talented. I would love to know if this is written in English or translated to English after you write it. I believe that with some basic editing this book could be with the top authors
The story has nice build that gives the reader background on about the story. The change of gear from gradual buildup with Leeroi experiencing a normal day to pulsating action with a terror, immerses the reader's imagination.
Am not a fan of sci-fi novels but this has good potential Keep the good work author, its a nice story with a great book cover Am really amazed that a sci-fi novel can be so fun
I think this has the potential to become a quality story, but the author has to ensure to better edit his work and also since he has made a unique power system, he should build it properly it it will fall apart.
I really dig this book, buy the Author needs to make it more immersive.
I'll start reading this it seems interesting
I want to say that this is my first novel. I put a lot of thought into every chapter to not make it cringy. the novel starts with sci-fi but soon mystical forces join in. so please enjoy and support