Mid-term test

All the first year academy students were standing Inside a large hall, they were informed to come here early in the morning. The information came from the headmaster himself.

Luke was standing in the hall, his eyes were darting all around, trying to find a specific someone. When he saw Luke, he began heading in his direction, as soon as he got there he held Luke by his collar.

"You bastard, why did you touch Grey?"

"Hmph, your friend was just to weak, but he is a loyal dog."

Leo immediately threw a punch that connected perfectly.

"Ha ha," Luke laughed. He wiped the blood from his lips.

"That's all you can possibly do." Luke added.

Leo walked away from Luke under the eyes of the other students. If anyone could see Leo's face, they would be confused as Leo had a smile on his face. He had successfully planted the tracker on Luke.

'Step one complete.' Leo thought to himself.

A few minutes after the incident, a couple of instructors came in. Leo knew all of them except a particular one dressed in a black suit, he had a handsome face and a very calm demeanor.

The man in a black suit climbed the stage.

"Good morning Students, many of you might might not know me. I am the headmaster of this academy, Mr Robert. Today you will all be beginning your mid-term test, and I would like for you to know that this is not going to be like anything you have faced before. You will be going to a place known as Alliance terror reserve, a place where real terrors are kept by the alliance, you will have to survive there for five days."

As soon as the headmaster said this, the whole hall burst into noise, the students were not expecting this sort of thing. The headmaster waited fir the noise to die down before continuing.

"You have all been on a smooth road so far, non of the lessons you have faced have really pushed you, did all of you think that this was the type of training that would make you real soldiers. That mindset will get you killed, so I announce to you today that your training starts. Each of you will receive a back pack containing all you will need for this survival. You will also get a button, when you push this button an instructor will use a teleporter and come save you, but let me inform you that you can't use this button till the third day."

This was another bomb dropped on the head of the students.

"I advice you to survive till then. Also you are allowed to form groups, but no group more than five, you can also go solo. Best of luck.

The headmaster finished and stepped down. The whole hall exploded into noise.

"We should form a group." Grey said to Leo.

"Ok, but let's make it three." Leo responded.

"Who will we add?." Grey asked, as he knew that Leo had not taken time to socialize, he had been training most of his time.


"Sasha? I thought she was just your combat partner?"

"That doesn't mean she can't join right?"

"Whatever bro."

Leo left and went to look for Sasha, he saw her on her own. When he was near her she spoke.

"Don't ask, I'm not joining."

"I haven't asked yet."

"You want me to join your group right?"

"Not any more, I think they will be better persons than you." Leo said and began moving away.

"Fine, I will join you." Sasha said as she saw Leo leaving without a fight.

Leo smiled as he turned.

"I did not ask you, but ok."

The students were given time to arrange themselves. Leo saw that Luke had not formed a group, this sight was pleasing as he had planned of the prideful idiot doing something like this.

When everyone was ready, the headmaster returned.

"Good there are buses waiting for you outside, this journey will take two hours, and no pit stops, so hope you emptied your bowels. Now let's get going.

The journey began with each student having different emotions, they were on their way to a place were the monsters that had been in their nightmares since they were kids. Some were nervous, some filled with anticipation, but the most prominent emotion was that of fear, you could tell from the smile on Leo's face. Leo was getting a constant stream of exp from all the fear around him.

[+ 2 exp]

[+ 2 exp]

[+ 2 exp]...

The exp kept coming in.

Leo opened his system inventory, this had always been part of the system, but never really needed, but now that he needed to hide the materials that he had bought, he used his inventory. Inside his inventory, the things he had bought were inside.

The drive was mostly uneventful, as every one was to uptight to make it lively.

After about two hours, the came to a wall that was 30 feet tall, they were canons placed all over the wall. The wall was made of some sort concrete, but you would know that it was stronger than normal concrete by just looking at it.

The buses pulled up at a set of buildings that we're outside the wall.

"Ok kids get out." Mr Ken roared.

"From the moment you step into those walls your test will begin, remember this is not a virtual training, you can die here, and as much as I hate to say it a few of you will surely not make it. This is not to scare you but to let you know that this is not a joke."

The students began heading towards the gate, all with fear as they heard that they may die and the school was not bothered. Soon every one of them disappeared into the reserve. This marked the beginning of the mid-term test.