Terror Reserve

Leo sat an a table, he was having pancakes at the school cafeteria for breakfast. Across the table, Grey sat down also having pancakes.

"So what did you find about the mid-term test?" Leo broke the silence with a question.

"I dug around and I was able to get the details on it, though it cost me a lot of favors."

"Don't worry, it will be worth it. So what are the details?"

"Well the mid-term test will be a week long test, and we will be going to an Alliance terror reserve." Grey spoke each word calmly and only audible enough for Leo to hear.

"An alliance terror reserve, what is that?" Leo had a genuine look of curiosity.

"Well for the sake of training future protectors, the alliance managed to capture terrors and place them in confined spaces known as terror reserve, at first the alliance was planning to restock it after every training held there, but they was no need as the terrors began reproducing. This gave the alliance a method to keep training new ability users, but the alliance has to constantly fund security to ensure the terrors don't break out." Grey gave a detailed explanation.

"I have a lot if questions Grey, starting with why the public doesn't know this?"

"Think Leo, if you told the public that there is a place, where terrors live in, reproduce and it is owned by the alliance, what would happen. A lot of theories will begin to come up at first that the alliance was the ones making terrors, and as stupid as it sounds people will buy it because they are looking for a place to pour their anger. Then if the alliance comes out to say that it is a training site nothing more, people will question the safety of the site, asking if the alliance can ensure they will never be a time the reserve can not hold back the terror. After some time civil unrest will come up with people protesting and asking for the destruction of those reserves, this unrest will lead to violence and lost of lives. This is a reason that the public doesn't know, you can only know if you are in the military or from a resourceful family. What I have just told you will probably be told to all the students next week, and we will probably have to sign a non-disclosure agreement with the alliance."

Leo had to agree, what Grey said made a lot of sense.

"Now that I hear your explanation, it makes sense to not let the public know if it. Now my next question is how many and where are these reserves?" Leo asked Grey.

"As for location, I don't know. Where all the reserves are located are basically off the maps. The sites are mysteries to those who have never gone there. As for the number of sites, I still don't know, but I can guess that the are more than twenty of them, also the ranks of terror are different for all the reserves, the one we will be going to has only basic terrors of low and mid tier, and probably a few high tier. The alliance kills anyone that is about to evolve to the next rank." Grey answered.

"Are you really sure your family is just a business family. With how you get information, I am beginning to think you are from a spy family or something like that." Leo said while giving Grey a suspicious look.

Grey on the other hand said nothing, but simply laughed.

Seeing that Grey was not answering, Leo decided to move forward.

"So how exactly is the test going to be?" Leo asked Grey.

"All I know is that from tomorrow till Friday, we are going to stay in the reserve, probably a survival test."

"So it's like that. Then good."

Leo got up.

"Where are you going?" Grey asked him.

"To begin planning."

"Planning for what?" Grey asked confused.

Leo gave an innocent smile, but what he said quickly contradicted that smile.

"The plan to get back at Luke."

"Oh that." Grey said, remembering the reason for all this.

"Don't worry Grey, I promise he will never have the guts to look at you again."

Grey didn't know why but he had trust in what Leo said.

Leo left and went to his room, since he knew what the test was going to be, he could now purchase what he needed from the system.

"System show me what you have for tracking."

The system Immediately pulled up a list of tracking devices.

[Tracking insect: effective range entire universe. Cost: 1000000000 SP.]

Leo read the first one and almost fainted, he did not have the guts to read down the remaining list.

"System show me a list of your cheapest trackers."

The system updated the list base on what Leo asked for.

[Tracker chip: effective range: 5 square kilometers. Cost 100 SP]

Leo looked at the first on the list, it looked enough for what he wanted to do. He purchased it, and then a button sized tracker appeared on his hands.

"System do you have anything to attract terrors?"

Leo was not sure the system would have something like that, but he gave it a try, and to his surprise it did. This time the system was thoughtful enough to give him items within his budget.

Leo went through the list and stoped on one that cost 200 SP.

[Terror spray: attract terror to a person when sprayed. Time rate: 24 hours]

After that Leo went on to purchase a

[stealth ring: one time use item, stay hidden from detection.]

as for his two final items they were.

[Meta binding seal: seal the meta energy of a Target for 25 hours]

[Soul bind contract: bind a soul under am agreement. The person must agree to it]

Leo had spent 1200 SP, they soul bind contract and meta binding seal had eaten most of his SP.

'This should do for my plan to work'

Leo thought to himself, he was now set to make Luke pay.