Military academy

The door opened and Josh, Leo's best friend came in.

"Glad you awake dude, you got us scared." Josh said as he sat beside the hospital bed.

"What really happened that day?" Leo had already heard from the system what happened nut he wanted to hear the details of what his mate saw.

Josh looked down at the ground before his spoke.

"After you got eaten, the terror burst open, killing it on the spot. We saw you lying in the midst of the terrors corpse unconscious."

(So that's what they saw, that means nobody knows I killed, or the system killed it)

"Well I guess I was lucky" Leo said.

"Man if that was luck, then I think you have expended your entire life time of luck with this happening alone. It won't be shocking if you become unlucky for the rest of your life."

"What is that supposed to mean, are you hear to console or curse me?"

"I was just joking".

Leo and Josh got into small talk for some time, Josh explained how the appearance of the Terror had made it so that they were not punished when they were found, the whole terror situation was a bigger issue, people had begun panicking as there was possibly more terrors hiding in the city. The government had promised to solve this issue, as they contacted the Alliance, and the Alliance sent over two Awakened to check for more terrors, this helped in calming the unrest amongst the citizens.

While they were still talking, Josh seemed to remember something.

"Bro Sarah sent me to you"


"Yeah she left town yesterday headed for the military academy, it seems the incident had increased her drive to get stronger, but she said I should give this two you." Josh pulled out a letter and passed it to Leo. Leo observed the letter for some time before slowly opening it to read its content.

Dear Leonardo,

"I am sorry I can't be there to thank you personally when you wake up, in fact I feel bad that I can't, but I could not stay much longer.

I just want to appreciate what you did, I know words can never be enough for this, you laid down your life for me, and you almost died to save me. As such I am in your debt, even if it means offering my life for you, I would do it, I don't know what made you sacrifice yourself for me, but I will repay you like I said.

I've gone off to get stronger so I can protect people like you protected me, thank you for giving me a second chance.

PS. Let's grab lunch the next time we see.


Sarah Austin"

Leo finished reading the letter and placed it down.

"So what does it say bro?" Josh asked curiously.

"No fucking way am telling you"

"Hey you're gonna turn against a bro because of a girl, man how the mighty have falling."

When Leo heard Josh's last sentence, he burst into laughter followed by Josh, after a good laugh both parties talked for a while before Josh bided farewell and left.

Two minutes later another knock was heard on the hospital room.

"Come in"

Two men in black suit stepped into his room, Leo knew that there was something wrong so he braced himself for the unexpected.

"Mr. Leonardo, we are from the Alliance Military Scouting Agency, we are here to talk about what happened on the mountain two days back." One of the men said clearly to ensure that Leo heard him.

"I was unconscious so I don't really know anything other than I was eaten by a Terror." Leo decided to comply as best he could.

"Well that is our reason for being here. I presume you know the basic of Awakening, and that it is subject to your genetic structure. There are many ways to awaken Meta abilities, and amongst them is method were by your latent genes awaken due to near death scenarios. We are sure this is your situation, and the reason that the Terror died, probably in the process of your awakening as large amounts of energy is produced when genes awaken, also before you retort if you had not awoken, the fumes in the terror would have eroded your nervous system leaving you as nothing but an empty husk."

The man had giving no chance for Leo to retort, but Leo Knew that they were off point, as he had not awoken , but had gained the system, still it could be said he had awoken in his own way.

"So what will happen now?" Leo asked

"Well the Alliance wants to take you to a military academy to train you, everything you need will be provided."

"Leo was still shocked, though he had expected something like this after the men mentioned awakening."

"So when will we be leaving?"

"I assume you would have to give your farewells, so in two days."

"No, make it tomorrow, I have nothing more to do here."

"Ok, then we will be here tomorrow to get you."

Leo had no family, the closest thing was his best friend Josh, but he had decided to tell him through phone call.

That night Leo informed Josh about what happened, but to his surprise josh was not shocked, or angry, he was only happy for Leo, though Leo could feel the hidden sadness in Josh's voice as the spoke. The two had become like brothers, this departure might mean they would never meet again.


Leo was discharged the next day, he was lead to a black car that was waiting outside the hospital. He got in and the car took off. Leo turned back to see the city he grew up in, where he had all his sixteen years of memories, some painful, some sweet. He stared back at the city before sighing, there was no one for him there any more, his mom was gone, Sarah had left, and Josh said he would be moving to another city to study Computer science.

Leo finally looked forward, his journey had begun, and with the help of the System he would soar higher and higher.