Journey Begins

The journey had taken over three hours, finally Leo got to the academy, he wondered if this was the one that Sarah had come to, or was it a different academy.

Leo was lead through the school by the men who brought him.

"You have been registered already, you just have to get to your room and settle in, tomorrow the school will check what type of Meta ability you possess, this is your key card." One of the men handed him a card. Leo took it and left towards the room he was designated.

The room was for one person alone, seems the school advices privacy. Leo set his things down, and sat on the bed.

"Good, lets finally get started, system open daily task."

[Daily tasks]

100 pushups: 0/100

1km run: 0/1km

100 squats: 0/100

100 sit ups: 0/100

Reward: 50 exp

Penalty: 50% reduction in stats for a week.

"Damn I did not expect this to be saitama level shit, well I think if I take breaks in between I can pull this off."

Leo decided to check other things first before starting his daily task.

"System open starter pack"

[Starter pack]

Demon claw gauntlet

Claw strike

Eyes of discernment


Basic combat techniques

Leo looked at the list like a wolf that had seen its prey.

"System show me the details of all of them."

Demon claw gauntlet (level 1): creates an elbow length gauntlet, the claw on the gauntlet is used for attacking, while the gauntlet body is for defense. Claw attack: damage +20% strength: +10%.

Gauntlet block: defense + 20% strength +20%. Demon claw gauntlet consumes 2DP per minute.

Claw strike (level 1): release purple claw light when you activate and swing hand in a claw like fashion. Claw strike: damage + 20%.cosumes 5DP per attack. Claw strike Demon claw gauntlet combo +50% damage, consumes 10 DP per attack.

Eyes of discernment (no upgrade): see the intent of people towards you. White: Goodwill, Black: killing intent, Red: hatred, Pink: love, Blue: friendship, Green: No feelings. Consumes 1 DP per second.

Dash (level 1): increase speed by 20% for 3 seconds. Consumes 5DP.

Basic combat technique: training methods for combat.

Leo read through all the list and his heart was racing, he could barely wait to test them out.

"Demon gauntlet claw" he called out.

Suddenly his hand was covered by a robotic looking black gauntlet, it had purple lights shining at certain places on it, just looking at it would live anyone in awe, the gauntlet had retractable claws that were half a finger long. Leo admired his arm for a while before turning of the skill.

"Guess I should get my daily task done."

He changed into a sportswear, and started his task, he did his squats, pushup and sit-up in his room. It took him two painful hours to finish them, soon he used the student guide to get to the gym, they were students working out inside the gym, Leo silently went to a treadmill and began his last phase of his task.

An hour later.


[Daily task complete]

Reward: 50 exp

Leo felt his heart swell with contentment as he had pulled through the first workout regime, he left the gym and went to his room. Leo took a shower, putting on his pajamas as it was past 6 already.

"System lets absorb the core now."

[Absorbing process started]

[Host has gained]

20% increase in DP pool.

New skill acquired(terror)

"Huh? New skill from absorbing a core?"

[Host has a 5% chance to awaken skills from cores he absorb]

Terror: cause fear in hearts of opponents, has 10% chance to stun enemy weaker than Host. Absorb more cores to level up skill.

"This is simply awesome." Excitement was written clearly on the face of Leo.

Leo had decided that tomorrow he would show of his gauntlet as his meta ability, if he doesn't they would have to test him to see if he had really awoken his Meta, and Leo had not awoken yet, and he wanted to keep the existence of the system secret, so he had to play along and make it look as though he a meta ability.

Leo decide to call Josh that night.

"Hey bro what's up" Leo said in a happy tone.

"Well all good, I thought you would forget about me when you became a bigshot." Josh said with a laugh.

"Come on you know me, I can't possibly forget you, I am just calling because when I start classes I won't be able to contact you as per school rules."

"Bro, don't worry about me, just live the dream and enjoy yourself, you deserve it."

The two talked on for some time before the call ended. Leo decided two go to bed.


Next morning.

Leo wore the student uniform that was provided for him, it consisted of navy blue suit and black shirt, the academy badge was beautifully embroiled on the suit jacket.

Leo head for where he would check his ability.

"Are you Leonardo Ezra?'

A middle age man asked Leo as soon as he stepped in.

"Yes sir"

"Good, then can you show me your ability or can you not manifest it yet."

Instead of a response, Leo activated Demon claw gauntlet, turn his arms to weapons.

"Hmm, an interesting ability indeed, though I have not seen a type as yours, I will classify you as a Mech type transformation Meta."

The man wrote some things down.

"Well since you could manifest your ability they will be no need for me to carry out any other test, you can begin attending classes. You should go to the headmasters of to get your schedule from his secretary. You are free to go kid, I wish the best." The man concluded as he turned back to focus on somethings else.

Leo left the place as he now headed for the headmasters office.