Chapter 67 Vivi's plea

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Bai Ye offering a word of caution, "We should not underestimate him."

He explained the significance of the Warlords of the Sea, pirates of immense strength acknowledged by the world government, capable of causing widespread destruction. The Warlords stand as one of the three great powers of the Grand Line, alongside the fearsome Four Emperors and the authoritative Navy. It's a title reserved for the most notorious and formidable of pirates.

Bai Ye wasn't trying to intimidate his companions or cast a shadow over the mood. Yet, he firmly believed that Crocodile's abilities were far from mediocre. His reputation in the seas wasn't for nothing; after all, a young Crocodile, at the age of twenty, clashed with Douglas Bullet, an ex-member of the legendary Roger Pirates, and the fight ended without a victor.

With this history in mind, Bai Ye felt they must brace themselves for the possibility that Crocodile's might was beyond their wildest assumptions.

Nami was the first to digest Bai Ye's insights, quickly concluding that their best move would be a swift escape.

But it was Princess Vivi who stepped forward with determination. She knew that catching the spies would only postpone Crocodile's inevitable discovery of their actions. She and her guardian were aware of Crocodile's schemes, yet she doubted Alabasta alone could halt his plans without help. Without concrete evidence, they couldn't even alert the Navy.

With her long blue hair swaying, the princess weighed her options. Despite the risks, she was considering a gamble.

Princess Vivi stood resolutely before the Straw Hat crew, gathering every ounce of her courage, and called out with a loud voice, "Okay… please, will you all help me?"

Igaram, caught off guard, stood frozen in surprise, wondering why the princess would resort to such a plea.

Vivi questioned her own sanity, contemplating the madness of asking one group of pirates to fight against another. Yet, driven by desperation, she raised her voice to the crew, "Your deeds haven't escaped my notice. You've been toppling pirate crews wherever you go, haven't you?"

With the weight of her country on her shoulders, she pleaded, "As the daughter of Alabasta's king, I implore you—aid me, aid my homeland."

Tears overwhelmed her as she admitted, "I'm at a loss. I've got nowhere else to turn." At her breaking point, Vivi found herself on the verge of kneeling, appealing to the Straw Hats for aid.

Before her knees could touch the ground, she felt a supportive hand preventing her descent. Sanji, with a pained expression, said, "I can't bear to see a beautiful lady cry, let alone kneel."

It was Sanji who lifted her back to her feet. Nami and Usopp, too, were visibly moved, their past hardships with pirates causing them to resonate with Vivi's plight. They, too, had felt the cruel sting of pirate tyranny, with Nami enduring Arlong's oppressive control and Usopp facing Kuro's deceitful schemes.

Their shared experiences brought an understanding to their gaze. Bai Ye then cast his eyes towards Luffy, suggesting, "Let's let our captain decide. Shall we take on her request to journey to the Kingdom of Alabasta and confront this Crocodile?"

All eyes turned to Luffy. With his trademark tilt of the head, Luffy declared, "Sounds like fun, so let's set sail for Alabasta. It's time to dismantle that Baroque Works mob!"

At Luffy's words, a flicker of hope ignited in Vivi's eyes. She looked from Luffy to Bai Ye, then to Nami and the rest. Their genuine, supportive gazes brought a fresh wave of emotion, not from despair this time, but from the dawning of hope.

Sanji, while ensuring Princess Vivi was steady on her feet, swiftly turned his attention to a nearby hiding spot, saying, "Before we make our way to the sea, let's take care of the sneaky duo over there."

At his words, Miss Valentine, adorned in a yellow dress dotted with lemon patterns and clasping an umbrella, emerged from her concealment, laughing, "Hahaha, seems we've been spotted."

She boasted the ability of the Kilo-Kilo Fruit, granting her the power to alter her weight at will. In that moment, she lightened her weight to a mere 100 grams, allowing herself to drift effortlessly above the ground.

Miss Valentine broke the tension with a taunt directed at Vivi, "Princess, I've got some news that you're not going to like."

Her cohort, Mr. 5, stepped forward with a certain swagger, revealing their mission, "Our boss has been clued into your double life as a spy. Miss Valentine and I have been dispatched to take you out."

He then turned his menacing gaze to the Straw Hats, "Given that you're now privy to the secrets of Baroque Works, we can't let you leave."

Bragging about his own powers, he started, "You see, I'm the Bomb-Bomb Fruit user. I just need to…"

But before Mr. 5 could finish, Bai Ye interrupted the expected script with action. "Hexagram Kun—Earth Dragon Roar!"

Abruptly, the earth beneath the feet of the villainous pair split open, and in a swift, dragon-like movement, the ground seemed to bite, trapping them within its clutches.

Their expressions shifted to shock. Mr. 5's internal monologue questioned the abrupt disruption, "Aren't they supposed to let me finish? Aren't we supposed to exchange information so no one's caught off guard during a fight? Why isn't anyone following the usual script?"

Observing their astonishment, Bai Ye felt a firm resolve to avoid witnessing Mr. 5's disgusting habit of weaponizing his boogers. "That's just revolting!" he thought with an inward shudder.

Princess Vivi spoke with a sense of urgency, her voice reflecting the gravity of their situation. "Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine outrank both Igaram and me. If they're aware of my true identity, it means we're running out of time."

She paused, gathering her thoughts, then called out with resolve to her newfound allies, "I need to return to Alabasta at the earliest opportunity."

Luffy responded with a decisive slap of his hand against his palm, signaling his readiness to make a decision. "Alright, then it's settled. Our next stop is Alabasta."

The crew affirmed their agreement in unison, a chorus of "Aye Aye Captain!" filling the air.

However, setting sail immediately was not an option. They needed the Log Pose to set their course, which required time to calibrate. This meant a short stay in the town was necessary, which, on the bright side, promised ample food and drink.

Suddenly, the moment was interrupted by Igaram, who, in a rather comical disguise as a woman, nearly received a swift kick from Sanji due to his outrageous getup. He announced with conviction, "I plan to disguise myself as the princess and leave first. It should divert some of Baroque Works' attention away from us."

He was about to continue when Bai Ye cut in, "There's no need for that, Mister."

His confidence was unshakable as he declared, "No matter how many come after us, let them. We're more than capable of handling it."

Vivi seized the moment to support Bai Ye's stance, "He's right, Igaram. You should come with us to Alabasta."

But Bai Ye wasn't finished. "Hold on," he interjected, "I didn't say Igaram should accompany us on our journey."

The interruption left both Vivi and Igaram confused, while Nami, showing a hint of exasperation, urged, "Bai Ye, how about you share everything all at once?"

With a chuckle, Bai Ye apologized, "Hahaha, my apologies," and then laid out his strategy, "My plan is straightforward. Before we confront Crocodile in Alabasta, Igaram should return to address some of the troubles there."

Vivi blinked in surprise, and at that moment, Bai Ye presented a freshly prepared talisman, pivoting the conversation, "Vivi, didn't you mention Alabasta is suffering from a severe drought?"