Chapter 68 Devil Child, Nico Robin Appears

Author: Xiao Yifeng

Translator: PapaSmurf0700

Bai Ye spoke up, recalling an important detail, "Vivi, you mentioned that your homeland, Alabasta, is struggling with a severe lack of rain, correct?"

Vivi, looking a bit puzzled by Bai Ye's reminder, nodded and responded, "Yes, that's true, Mr. Bai Ye. But what are you getting at?"

"Just Bai Ye is fine," he said with a reassuring smile. "Since our captain has offered his help, you're considered a friend by our crew."

He glanced over at Luffy who was absentmindedly picking his nose and continued, "These talismans I've prepared are a token of assistance from us, the Straw Hat Pirates."

Handing the talismans over to Igaram, he explained, "These should provide some temporary relief for Alabasta's water shortage. Especially since that Crocodile character might be up to no good."

Vivi and Igaram looked at the piece of yellow paper, covered in intricate symbols, with a mixture of hope and confusion.

Nami, ever the supportive one, put an arm around Vivi and assured her, "Trust us, Vivi. Bai Ye's charms have proven to be quite miraculous."

Usopp chimed in, bolstering the claim, "Absolutely, remember the charm Bai Ye used on Igaram? It worked wonders!"

Luffy's eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and excitement as he let out a hearty laugh. "Haha, has Bai Ye cooked up some new tricks? Let me see it!!"

Sanji, overhearing the chatter, intervened with a mixture of admiration and caution, "Luffy, my man, remember those talismans are meant for Alabasta's emergency, not for our entertainment."

Bai Ye gave Luffy a look of amused resignation and said, "Alright, Captain, since you're so interested, I guess a little demonstration wouldn't hurt."

With Zoro staying back to keep an eye on the captive agents from Baroque Works, the rest of the crew followed Bai Ye out into the open. The sky was beginning to tinge with the colors of dusk as they formed a circle around Bai Ye, who seemed quite at ease, even slightly entertained by the attention.

With a casual flick of his wrist, Bai Ye produced the talisman. This was no ordinary paper charm; it was the Rain Caller. True to its name, this was a talisman designed to beckon rain. Simply put, it worked by gathering the moisture in the air through the magic inscribed upon it, culminating in rainfall.

Without a hint of hesitation, Bai Ye held the talisman aloft and hurled it skyward.

"Rain Caller – Activate!"

After a brief moment of anticipation, the first drops began to fall. Luffy's excitement was contagious; he leaped into the air, his mouth wide open to catch the rain, eager to see if this summoned water tasted any different.

"Hahaha, it's actually raining!"

Nami, Usopp, and the others, though already privy to Bai Ye's unique abilities, couldn't contain their astonishment at the spectacle.

Meanwhile, Vivi and Igaram were overwhelmed to the point of collapse, not just from sheer amazement, but from the dawning realization that this rain could herald the salvation of Alabasta.

Once the magic of the Rain Caller had been revealed, the group retreated indoors, seeking shelter from the unexpected downpour. It was common sense, after all, not to linger in the rain—though Luffy seemed an exception to this rule, cheerfully soaking up the rain until Bai Ye had to practically haul him back by his collar.

Inside, a minor scuffle broke out when Sanji, drenched from the rain, earned Zoro's scorn, leading to a brief clash that Nami quickly quelled.

It was during this lull that Vivi's thoughts circled back to something Bai Ye had mentioned earlier. "Bai Ye, what made you say that Crocodile is likely to act?" she inquired, a hint of urgency in her voice.

Bai Ye answered with a casual shrug, suggesting a confidence born of intuition rather than certainty. "It's an educated guess, pieced together from everything you've told us," he said. "Crocodile's been biding his time for years, plotting to take the throne of Alabasta. He's not going to let his plans crumble now, especially not with you throwing a wrench in the works at the last minute."

He paused for a moment, letting the implication hang in the air before continuing. "A man like that would take out any unpredictable elements first—assassins would be his go-to solution. But he'd also have contingency plans, in case the assassination fails or someone else stumbles upon his scheme."

Bai Ye leaned in slightly, his voice low with seriousness. "If word gets out, everything he's done up to now could be undone. He's cornered, which leaves him one option: eliminate you quickly and move his plan forward."

His speculations, though he didn't say so, were also informed by his knowledge of the story's future events.

Usopp, ever the one to lighten the mood, chimed in, "So what's he going to do next?"

Bai Ye's response was tinged with the unknown. "I can't say for certain what his next move is. He might provoke a conflict between the royal army and the rebels, casting blame on the royal family to deepen the divide. Crocodile will surely cause more deaths in Alabasta if he can't act openly—all to escalate the conflict."

Vivi's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and realization at the gravity of Bai Ye's words.

Nami's mind clicked with understanding, grasping the strategy Bai Ye had in mind. She voiced her realization, "So, the reason you want to use that talisman was to defuse the tension between the rebels and the royal family?"

Bai Ye affirmed with a nod, "Exactly," and then elaborated on his reasoning. "The talisman is not just a balm for their conflict. It's also a thorn in Crocodile's side."

He laid out the scenario with ease. "Right now, in Alabasta, Crocodile lurks in the shadows, while the royal family is exposed, forced to act openly. The talisman shifts the dynamics. It forces us into stealth mode, while Crocodile is thrust into the spotlight, compelled to make a move."

"The rain summoned by the talisman will raise suspicions in Crocodile's mind, prompting him to pause and investigate the sudden change. This gives us a window of opportunity, though brief."

Bai Ye's explanation concluded with a succinct judgment, "But brief is all we need."

Vivi's eyes were warm with gratitude as she considered Bai Ye's plan; it seemed to her that it might just work. A sense of relief washed over her, lightening the burden she carried.

Meanwhile, Luffy, with his usual exuberance and a mouthful of meat, chimed in, "Hahaha, Bai Ye always comes up with the best ideas!"

Luffy's understanding of the intricacies may have been limited, but his confidence in Bai Ye was unwavering. Vivi, with a renewed sense of hope, regarded Bai Ye with newfound respect and silently agreed, "Yes, Bai Ye has proven himself to be quite dependable."

All at once, the stillness of the room was pierced by an unfamiliar voice, feminine and haunting in its tone: "Not just dependable, but frighteningly so."

The words had barely faded when a tall, slender woman with shoulder-length black hair and piercing dark pupils entered. Her nose was long and elegant, and she moved with a grace that spoke of long, lean legs. She was dressed provocatively in a cowgirl ensemble, which included a purple corset that showcased her cleavage, a skirt to match, both adorned with dangling white accents, and completed her look with a white fur-lined coat, a cowboy hat, and high boots. She stepped into the room.

Without pause, she spoke again: "Truly, it's what you'd expect from Priest Bai Ye, with an original bounty of 100 million Belly."

The atmosphere tensed, Vivi's expression transformed to one of alarm, and she blurted out: "Miss All Sunday!!"

At the mention of this name, Nami snapped to attention: "Is she with Baroque Works? And who's her accomplice?"

Vivi's reply was laced with urgency: "Mr.0, the leader, Crocodile himself."

Luffy couldn't contain himself, "She's a villain then!"

Vivi's anxiety was palpable, "Tracking her led me to uncover Crocodile's true identity."

Miss All Sunday corrected with a light laugh, "To be exact, I allowed you to trail me."

Sanji, momentarily spellbound by her striking presence, couldn't resist: "Just look at her, what a vision of loveliness!"

Luffy, caught in his thoughts, smacked his palm, a realization dawning on him, "Oh, then maybe she is not our enemy?"

Vivi, visibly confused by the exchange, turned to Miss All Sunday: "Then, were you the one who tipped off Crocodile?"

With a confirming nod, Miss All Sunday admitted, "Indeed, I was."

Luffy's earlier judgment swung back, "I knew it, she's a baddie!"

Zoro, exasperated by the commotion, interjected bluntly, "Can you guys keep it down?"