Chapter 7

"We almost got away, we cut it close

The city's gettin' loud

If I choke, it's only 'cause I'm scared to be alone

Been tryin' to work it out, you should know"

Feels like (Gracie abrams)

"what road will you take , I can go with you "

No don't speak

Nick noticed us both standing

He stood up , looking at me confused

" Roy I have things to do , you go now "

" Okay, see you Lily "

Roy walked away and I walked to Nick

" Nick I'm really sorry I forgot-"

" Who was that ? "

" No one important , Nick I-"

" Where you with him ? "

" Yes"

" ...Did he make you forget me that easily?"

" Nick it's not what you think , it's just I needed something from him "

" What did you need that I can't give you ? "

Why does he care so much ?

He should have left when i didn't come !

" He is compatible and that would help me in the future " I decided to speak the truth

" What…? "

" He is very nice and sweet boy , from a good family and have a very great future, he is planning on becoming a doctor , like me "

Silence flew between us

Nick was very quite before he came very close to me

"I can give you more than just that lily "


" No Nick you can't , we don't even have anything in common-"

"I can give you hundred more than that Lily "

" You don't understand Nick , Me and Roy-"


Nick's voice became so deep it caught me off guard

" WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ? " I shouted at him , I wish I could understand why is he involving himself in my business

" Nick , if any of your feelings for me are the reason that you are acting like that. I'm sad to tell you that any feelings you have for me are just LUST "


Nick shouted at me , His angery voice is so different. It's cold and not warm at all

" Oh gosh , I didn't want to shout at you " He said that and pulled a packet of cigarettes from his pocket

And lightened a cigarette


" Yes , only when I'm agitated by stupid people "

" By STUIPD do you mean me ? "

I said that to him as I stood infront of him

" Yeah , Lily, you are stupid and you know nothing "

" Says the person who is ruining his health because he is agitated by something that is not even their business "

" If your business isn't mine to care about then my health isn't your business either Lily Mason"

He said that in a cruel and cold voice , I don't care if his voice is cold or cruel

Me being involved with Nick will only bring me trouble and make me rethink my plans and future

" Nick why are we fighting ? , we are just friends going to get lunch , we shouldn't interfere in eachother lives , I'm sorry for being late , do you still want to go get lunch?"

" Yeah , you are right , we shouldn't interfere, yeah let's go get lunch "

The fight ended in good terms

Then why am I sad ?

Did I mean what I said ?

Did he mean his ?

Do I really want Nick out of my life ?

We are walking without saying a word to the cafe

He is still smoking his cigarette

I'm trying me best not to cough

I coughed , he glanced but didn't ask

I coughed again , I don't think he is noticing

I'm trying so hard not to cough but I can't keep it in

I coughed again

" Are you alright? Did you get a cold in the summer like an idiot? " He said that as we were walking without even looking at me

" You even dare to call me an idiot, Nick please keep your mouth shut until we arrive to the cafe "

I started walking with a faster pace than him

To not see his annoying face and to not smell his cigarette

" Hey dumbass "

" Hey "

Why isn't he shutting up!?

" Hey Stupid "

" What!!" I said that without turning to look at him .

" Come here "

I coughed again , my throat is starting to hurt

" Lily are you okay ?" I didn't want to face him , I'm too annoyed to face him

I coughed again from the smoke coming from his cigarette and the smell of his breath

" Lily look at me , should I send you home ? Why do you keep coughing ? "

" It's not your concern, Nick Larsen " I pushed his hand away from me

" No it's mine , if it's your health then it's mine"

"COME AGAIN ! Then my health is your business but yours isn't mine !? "

" Mine is already destroyed "

" Who decided that ?! Nick Larsen who only has two brain cells up there and is destroying his health and mine too now !"

Without realising, I told him the reason why I'm coughing

" Lily! You are coughing because of the cigarette?!" His eyes widened

" Why are you so surprised ? You didn't hear about people who are allergic to strong smells "

He immediately turned the cigarette off and drank water to remove the smell from his mouth

" You don't need to do all that , you should continue your cigarette, the stupid person will walk away from you anyway "

Why am I acting childish and sulking?

I never acted like that

It's like I want him to say sorry and tell me that what he said earlier, wasn't what he meant

" Did calling you stupid hurt you that much?"

He said that as he put a mint tic-tac in his mouth

" Yeah , I'm not stupid and excuse me for trying to find good person who I can get married to " I was shouting at him but not the shouting of a fight type , the shouting of " Say sorry and everything will be solved " type

" I'm sorry Lily "

He really apologised?!

" You aren't stupid , you are really smart that sometimes you brain takeover everything else in you "

" At least I'm Smart "

" Yeah , you are so smart that you went and chose someone that isn't even good enough to be a friend "

" What is he lacking? Nick , he is smart ,studious , hardworking , plans for the future and wants to be a doctor and is very nice to everyone!" I coughed from shouting at Nick

" Can he make you happy if you…gosh I don't even want to imagine….if you guys got married"

" doesn't matter , as long he is a good partner, my happiness won't matter "

I never thought about it

" Then why are you even thinking about dating someone who can't make you smile "

" Marriage isn't just about happiness "

" It's Lily , I didn't understand that before…..

But now I know that I would love to get married to someone who draws smile on my face whenever I see her eating her favourite food or even when she is angry at me "

Nick Paused a little then spoke again

" You should get married to someone who knows how to make you happy , and I bet on my soul , That Roy boy can't make you happy the way you deserve to be "

His deep and warm voice came back

" Nick-"

" Look at me , I can't bear you being angry at me "

He said that and I was like a little puppy

I turned to look at his annoying handsome face

" That's my girl "

" I'm not your girl "

" You are"

" I hate you "

He said something after I told him that I hate him but I couldn't hear it well

" What ?"

" ....Nothing "

He took off his ice cap and made me wear it

Looking at this ice cap , it really seems familiar

White like snow ice cap

"What do you want to eat ? " He asked me

" Pick something for me " I wanted to have fun not just eat

"My pleasure, my lady " He said that and went and ordered something from the cashier

" What did you order ? "

I asked him

" you will see , just wait " He said that and looked at me for seconds then said something else

" Is your allergy severe? "

He is still thinking about it

" No , but I will cough a lot and my nose will start to itch and u might feel like puking if I stayed with the smell for long time in a closed room, that's why I don't often put perfume "

I replied , I noticed the cigarette packet poking from his pocket , I snatched it quickly

" What ?" He asked

" When did you start smoking?"

"Since I was 13 "

What ? That's such a young age

" Four years "

" Yeah four years , my lungs are still fine though"

" Because the sickness doesn't appear now idiot " I throw a napkin at him

He caught it and smiled

" How did you start smoking? "

He got quiet then started speaking again

" My father , he was always smoking in the house "

Oh….maybe i shouldn't have asked , his expression changed, now I feel like he is burdened by something

" Every Time I saw him , he was holding one"

" Every time he got angry he lightened one, I wanted to try it , does it really calm someone down , as time went by , it became a habit "

He went quiet again

There seems more to the story but he is not telling me , I don't want to force him

" Take it Nick " I passed the packet to him

" It seems like this thing means more to you than just cigarettes, but can you smoke less? Because my nose start itching when I talk to someone who smokes "

I said that to him and looked at him , Nick who looks like he is carrying a burden that is too heavy for someone his age

" That means I can't kiss you if I smoke "

" What? really ? No " I laughed at his conclusion

" Looks like I will let go of a habit for bigger addiction " He said that as he leaned his back on the chair

The food arrived after he said that

I was shocked

" Nick you didn't!"

" I definitely did "

Some cultural food is being served in front of me now

Barbacoa ( Cow's head meat )

And cow's tongue

" Do you eat this kind of food ? " He asked me

" Yeah , I do I love it Nick " I couldn't stop smiling at the smell of the barbecued meat

" Then I'm happy too " Nick whispered to himself but I could hear him

After a while of eating , Nick haven't touched his plate , he didn't eat at all

" Nick what ? Aren't you going to eat ? "

I asked him while my mouth is filmed by meat and rice

" This is more enjoyable than the food " he smiled at me and pulled his phone

" What are you doing ? " I don't think he understood My words , my mouth was filled


" Yaa , Nick , stop taking photos of a harmless human !"

" You look like a squirrel, I need to keep this photo for life " He laughed

" You are so annoying!"

" And you are so funny , why did you fill your mouth like that , I'm not going to steal the food from you " He continued laughing but I'm happy too, his laughing face made me happy too

After finishing the meal and fighting over the bill and reaching the conclusion of I will repay this meal in the future

We left the restaurant

" Lily "

He called my name

" What ? " I asked him , he didn't answer immediately, he stared then spoke

" Let me walk you home "

" Okay "

We walked home in silence but it was comfortable silence, I felt warm and relaxed

" I will walk alone from here "

" oh , why ? " He asked

" If a member of my family saw us , we will be dead , I'm not joking " I told him that

" …..okay, go , I will watch you from here "

" What are you? My bodyguard? If I don't know you Nick I would think you are in love with me " I giggled as I walked to my house that was three houses away

Nick said nothing , he just stood there and stared at me leaving

He was thinking about something

I wish I could know

Untold thing : Nick thought Lily wouldn't eat what he ordered, he wanted to annoy her then he would order something she would eat but Lily ate it and loved it , that left nick Wanting to see Lily taste different things in the world , he would spend his whole life earning money just so he could have her taste different foods and drinks in the world

" Mom , I'm back "

" you are late "

" Not that late , it's still 6pm "

" You ate outside right ? "

" Yes " I said that while putting down my bag that Nick was carrying the whole day after we left school

" Go study then sleep after it "

I went to my room , I noticed that Daisy is sick in bed

" What happened ? Why is Daisy sick? " I asked

" she coming down with a cold"

Oh , Daisy. My older sister

Since she was young she had weak immune system, most of the time she was suffering from cold and aching bones and headache

" Lily , don't come into the room, so you don't catch it "

" Okay , I will go make you some warm tea"

" Thank you "

After making Daisy tea , I went to study

" Lily , did you eat outside?" Sunny came out of her room and entered my room said that

" Yes"

" I will eat the leftovers of the food then"

" I want to taste today's lunch!"

" You already ate outside, lily you should worry more about your weight , you have been eating a lot recently " Sunny said that and existed my room

" Did I really gain weight? "

I stood up to look in the mirror

My stomach is bloated from all the eating

My stretch marks are more visible now

My thighs are bigger

I really look like I gained more weight

Even my cheeks seems fuller than usual

I should stop eating too much

" Lily ! Come help me with the laundry " Mom called me

The rest of the day went by

And my birthday came

September 30

I'm turning 17 today

" Lily , Please make your sister a cup of herbal tea"

" Lily , Where is the cold medicine?"

" Lily , Did you see the headache relief medication?"

" Lily , Can you make the Lunch today ? "

" Lily , Call sunny see when will she come back "

" Lily , Me and Daisy and your dad are going to the doctor. We will come back soon "

The door closed behind them

It's 8pm now

8pm on September 30

I didn't want to think selfishly

My birthday isn't even that important if a person is sick

I went and washed the dishes, and made some roasted chicken. I put them in the oven, they will take about 40m , I should go and study

After 30m

" Physics is getting harder and harder "

I closed the book after finishing the exercise

" Oh, it smells soooo good"

The chicken have that orange brown colour to it

I covered it to keep it warm and put it back in the oven until they come back

" What to do now ? "

I should go take a shower

After 2 hours

I'm sitting watching TV

Chatting with some of my friends, thanking them about all the birthdays wishes

I got 20 birthday wish

20 people cared

And all my family members already gave me my presents 2 days ago , when I went and bought it with them

" Why do I feel alone ? "

" What's missing?"

Is something even missing?


Sunny already arrived at 11:30 from her outing with her friends

Daisy and my parents have just arrived

And we now are eating the chicken

" Tastes good , who made it ? " dad asked

" Lily " Mom said

" I never knew you are a good cooker " dad replied

" I can do better, do you remember my steak two weeks ago " Sunny said that

" Yeahhhh, I really was amazing, my cute little daughter " Dad said that

What a cute father and daughter bond

My family is really loving

After eating , I went to my bed

Did I blow any candles today ?

Not important

I should go to sleep

The day after, day day after, and day day day after were the same. Mom asked me not to go to school after the weekend, so I stayed at home.

Today, I will be going to school as Daisy has been feeling better

" Lily, You finally came " Hannah told me as I entered the classroom

" How was your trip to the beach ?" Hannah asked me

" I really enjoyed my time , also I met a bunch of hot guys there "

" Did you take any pictures of them ? "

" Nah , I didn't have the chance "

" Oh our birthday girl finally came, all the teachers asked about you in those 2 days "

Jermey told me as he sat on the seat I'm leaning on

" My life is too fun to ruin it by seeing your face Jeremy "

" It's not like I want to see yours "

" Stop both of you , lily yesterday someone came and asked about you"

" Who ? "

" He didn't say his name but he looked like he was in 11th grade "

Does she mean Nick

" Oh , that scary dude " jeremy commented

" Yeah , The one who asked about her in the break "

" Scary? Who?"

Nick definitely isn't a scary dude

" We don't know he didn't say anything more than " Do you know where Lily Mason is?" In a very cold voice , he sent chills down both me and Jeremy's spine "

Nick's voice isn't cold

He usually has a teasing and proud tone in his voice , sometimes his voice is sweet but never I heard his voice and described it as cold.

"Did he have a buzzcut ?"

" Yeah , and he was wearing a black sweatshirt , that definitely isn't the school uniform, how is he even allowed to enter the school?"

Hannah is confused as much as me

I never got to ask him , how does he enter the school without school uniform

Our school is very strict about the uniform

" Okay , I will take care of it "

" He doesn't look like someone nice lily , be careful "

Yeah , she is right , Nick isn't someone nice

He isn't something I could just play with and move on from it

He will make my life more troublesome than it actually is

My thoughts were cut by My English teacher entering The class

The break came

I will go see Nick I haven't seen him since the last Thursday

"Hi" I said that to Nick

I'm standing behind him

He was talking to a blonde girl

"Did you miss me?" I said that as he turned his head to look at me

I'm the one who missed this annoying face

"Where Have you been? I have been looking for you."

"Worried about me?" I smiled at him as I leaned closer to whisper these words

He Paused for a little then spoke

" Yeah"

What? Really?

Was he really worried?

I was only absent for few days

" So that's Lily " the girl from behind Nick came up to me

She is blonde with beautiful green eyes and a very pretty figure

She looks like she is a ballerina

" oh gosh , Non of your business "

Nick sounds annoyed

Who is she ?

The girl ignored Nick and took my hand and shook it

" Hi my name is Laura, 11th grader , 17 years old , I like ice-skating and hot men "

What an introduction!

" Hi, I'm Lily , 17 years old, 10th grader, I like food and hot men too "

" We are the same age!"

" Yeah , but all of us 10th grader are about 16-17 , why are you still 17 in 11th grade?"

" In 11th we range from 17-18 , not all of us here are 17 , it's just me and this young loanshark "

She pointed to Nick who seemed very annoyed by her

" Oh , Nick. You are the same age as me!"

" Yeah , I learned that the hard way "

" You are saying that I am the hard way ?!"

Laura shouted at me as she put her arms around me

" Yeah , and let go off Lily "

" Lily come "

" What am I a dog or something?" I told him as I held Laura's hand

" Come or I will release your eating photos on my insta " that's a threat

I walked towards him slowly and quietly

" Don't you dare to come near her again "He said that to laura

" Why is she a personal property, I will just be friends with her , stop being jealous over dumb things "

" If it's dumb things then don't interfere in our business!"

In the mid of their shouting

" Lily Do you want to be with for life or not!?"

" ...WHAT?"

" Laura is saying you would get bored if I stick to you more , and you don't even want to be with me " He said that in a puppy voice that made me almost say no I want to be with you

I should get ahold of myself

"Nick stop " I said that

" No answer me do you ?"

" We all know the answer who would like a gangster like you Nick " Laura commented

What should I say!?

I can't say no to this face

But also , I can't lie to Nick

I can't even imagine Myself choosing to be with Nick after all who I rejected because they weren't the best match

Nick isn't even a fine match

He is the worst Match for me

" Answer Lily !"

I looked at Nick

And my mouth spoke on it's own

" Well, It won't be bad to be with him for the rest of my life "

" What?!!!" Laura exclaimed

What realllyyyy? What did I just saying??

Nick among all of that was quiet

He just looked at me

Till I noticed that he started turning red

Oh gosh he is the cutest

" Nick do you want to go get ice cream after the school? "

" What?" Nick and Laura both said in the same voice

" Laura you are invited too , bye then " I

And again , I'm running away from my problems