Chapter 8 His Pov ( Add new things in this chapter)

First day of school

" Do you think Carlos will just stay quiet

about what happened yesterday? "

" Well , it's not like he got any choice."

" Nick, you don't get how shitheaded Carlos is . You refused to give him the vip unit at the club yesterday,"

" I know I was there," I said as I tried to walk away from Jason  . He is too nosy

" You even beat his gut Nick , he won't stay calm about the embarrassment,"

" It's okay with me," I said that as I went down the stairs of the school

" Nick, you are really driving me crazy , acting reckless isn't going to take you anywhere!"

Oh gosh, Jason and his loud voice

" I don't care.  It isn't like I care if I die or live. "

I stood in the middle of the stairs to tell Jason that who was already next to me

"I want to see the day when you start being anxious,"

" I will never be since your strategic thinking says that I will die soon by the hands of Carlos the loser,"

" You know , It's not because you don't care about your life , it's just because you have nothing important enough that makes you realise that your shitty actions might make you lose it."

" Jason, can you shut up ? This conversation is going nowhere. It's not like I will fall in love and be down on my knees."

" Keep joking around , you never know."

" Oh gosh, I'm tired." Without even getting to finish my words

I noticed someone going down the stairs

It was her

Chestnut brown hair

With beautiful shiny brown eyes , a small face that was smaller than the size of my hands

The girl who I saw on the last day of school last year , Who I had also known her for a very long time

The girl who made me change my mind about leaving the city and flying to France

Why is she running in suc-

She tripped and will fall down the stairs

I caught her in my arms without even realising

I made my body face the floor

Her body is too fragile enough. I don't imagine what will happen if she touches the concrete stairs with this force

So her name is Lily



I repeated the name in my head like I hadn't been repeating it in my mind for a very long time now

" Nick, are you okay ? Who is she ?"

" Lily "

" I clearly heard that boy calling her that . Why were you like that to her ?!"

" What ? I acted very normal. "

" ...…Nick really," Jason commented

"Do what you want it's your life anyway , as long as you don't go and kill yourself,  I'm okay."

" When did you become such a parent?" I pushed Jason away as I continued walking with him

" Hi Nick,"

Not again. I'm tired

On my way back home , Carlos and his group stood in front of me

" Hi , Carlos," I said in a mocking voice and pushed him away

" Are you trying to runaway cowardly? "

" I'm really too busy for this shit "

I glared at Carlos and continued walking

" You think I will let you go like that after you shamed the whole Pero family?"

" Gosh, I just refused to give you the v.i.p place at the club , move on."

I continued walking , I really am too tired and old for this kids' fight .

Suddenly, I felt a hard sting in my body

Looked at my side that I'm already starting to go numb

One of Carlo's minons had stabbed me with a knife in the right side of my body

He pulled the knife out, and I felt most hedious pain ever

" That's what you get," they said that before running away

I put my hand on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. It wasn't a big wound. The knife blade was small

Soon I realised I really don't care

I moved my hand away from the wound

Blood started going out from it

I lay down on the street

Maybe that's how I go

Even my last view isn't good

The sky is cloudy and dull

This world doesn't even want to give me one last happy memory

No one comes to this road

I will lose all of my blood or even die from the pain before anyone notices

It's not like I want someone to save me

I would be more than grateful if I had just died already

Maybe the only thing I regert is not being able to know Lily

The first time I met her played in my mind

It's wasn't at the stairs

Two kids just hiding in the backyard of a wedding

I coughed from the pain

After that, I heard someone walking

I saw someone


Very beautiful

Almost heavenly

At least I got a preview of heaven before dying since definitely I'm not going there

" Are you okay? is this a knife wound? "

Her eyes were so beautiful how could someone take their eyes from them

She looks so adorable when she is panicking

What is she panicking about ?

" I will call the ambulance,"

" No don't "

If I go to a hospital , the very person I don't want her to know about my life will know

I can't

I would rather die than let her know

Where did she go?

Did she leave ?

I want to see her a little more

Why did she come back ?

She should have just let me die

My name is coming out of her mouth

Is so different

I never liked my name

I only liked it when she said it


" Nick"

Younger Lily's voice played in my head

the voice and the eyes that have the sky in them and her stares that didn't change

Rememberinh her was easy as a 1st grade math , it's not like she ever left my mind

" I trust you," I told her that

She saved me 3 times already

After getting back home and calling fredrick to see the wound

I decided to go for a walk

As I was passing by a cafe, I saw someone

Long brown hair that shines every time the moon hits it

Beautiful smile that can make you get on your knees just to see it one more time


She is sitting in that cafe drinking something and studying

What is she drinking?

Is she studying calculus?

She looked focused

Standing outside of the cafe, looking at her, I noticed that every passerby in the cafe looked at her at least two times .

It's hard not to look at her

Even I'm finding it really hard

I shouldn't bring her in my mess

I told that to my grandpa 4 years ago

She shouldn't be involved with me

I should leave ! what am I even doing standing here?

Am I a Stalkerrr!?

I should leave

Oh…she is walking out

Did she already finish ?

" Thank you for the drink , I will go now,"

Oh, she is coming out!

I turned myself away so she didn't see me

Why am I hiding?!

She started walking

Where is she going at this hour

It's 11pm already!

Doesn't she know how the roads can be so dangerous ?!

This girl is going to get herself murdered at some point

Why am I walking behind her?

There are people in the street

I should leave her alone

But still

She started humming as she walked


I shouldn't think about her in that way

I'm just making sure she goes home safe since she saved me

Nothing more, nothing less

She made people's head turn when they walked past her

Aren't they looking too much?!

What's wrong with these people?

" Did you see her ? She is a real beauty. "

Some man said that as he walked next to me


Why am I feeling annoyed ?

They said nothing wrong

Lily was and is beautiful

But seeing their eyes looking at her

Is really making my blood boil

What thoughts are they having in their minds?

Just thinking about what they could possibly be thinking is making be wanna pull their eyes out

Where is Lily!?

She was just here ! In front of me, a min


She stopped and was playing with a small kid

The kid's mom came running after him and thanked Lily for catching him before He got lost

How can she not notice me?

Will I walk behind her and keep my distance, but still, she should be more careful

Oh !

She stopped again

She entered a house

That must be her house

I should go back home and stop my Stalking

What am I even doing?

I shouldn't get attached to her anymore

She saved me today

And also she was saving me unknowingly her entire life

She looked like she didn't know me

not blaming her, tho

I would rather if she just ran away from me

but I think I'm the one who is going to stick to her

She must be living without knowing how much she is important to me

Or how much I'm scared of her being harmed because of the shit I do

It's like how my grandfather always said

" You are like a moth to a flame, Nick , but I hope you stick to Lily even if that is going to kill you"