Chapter 18

Chapter 18

"she was always dealing with the devil"- Heaven and back by Chase atlantic

Shit shit shit shit

running in the hallways of the school,  I hated it sometimes that our school uniform was a skirt

I ran on the stairs, slamming the door of my classroom

" You are late miss Mason"

" Not that late only 15 minutes" I entered the class slowly trying to act polite and cute

" Super late in my opinion"

" But Sir-"

The door slammed in my face , I took the hint and stood outside in the hallway, looking like a statue that everyone looked at while walking by

" I hate my life" I shrugged softly,  I had been awake the whole night because I was watching the haunting of Hill House . Do I regret doing that...definitely no

Since I was a child, I saw no point in attending school….did I see a point in excelling at school….yes…but attending it felt like a waste of time ,Teachers want things from the students

Attention ( kissing their feet)

unworthy gratitude


bare legs of school girls ( some of them, so not all teachers )

And I just didn't want to do any of that

I felt a sudden arm wrap around my waist

Two people were allowed to do that

fictional men

My pretty girl Laura

" Lily !"

I smiled softly, looking at her

" Hi….Happy this morning for what ?"

" Seeing you" oh gosh, she was the sweetest

" oh oh I'm getting diabetes" I giggled softly

I noticed a small bruise on her shoulder when she hugged me...

" Laura….where did that come from?" I asked softly, trying to act normally…..did I remember Nick instantly when I saw that bruise….yes….the marks on his body have become something that is engraved in my mind

" Oh it's nothing"

" You sure? I mean….like you can tell me anything"

" Lily…it's fine"

I didn't want to try to force her anymore , I should just tell her that I'm always here for her

" Okay…..want a hug?" i smiled softly at her

She stared at me

then she hugged me, burying her face in my shoulder

" Oh oh baby" I giggled softly as I patted her on the back

" Wanna go and annoy the shit out of Nick Larsen ?" She asked me as she held my hand

" Like I can say no to that" I smiled as she pulled me towards the gym of the school

as we entered the sound of the basketball ball hitting the ground of the gym floor echoed in my ear

I was never a football girly

but I was a damn basketball girly

for your notes, I didn't play it at all, but I for sure had a great time watching 6th feet hot men play with a ball

" Come let's sit here" Laura said as she sat beside some girls who were watching the game too

I looked at the people playing

before I could even realise the ball was with who

Nick caught my attention

He was tall , wearing the school gym cloth

the navy shirt and the black basketball shorts

He was sweating, but this man didn't sweat stinky sweat like all humans he sweat a holy water, apparently

I can still remember his scent ,the same scent  smelled when I was sleeping on his body in his car and the same scent I would recognise in a whole crowd

He ran and took the ball from his teammate and scored a goal

Did I cheer for him ?

Definitely No

I might be starting to be a simp, but I'm not insane yet

cheering for Nick Larsen was like finally praying for a cult leader

He definitely had many followers because all the gym court cheered for him . He had settled the game, and his team won

I looked at the girls cheering beside me , They were clapping and cheering for Nick Larsen like he was the only one on the team , like he was a god

" It's not like he was the only one that played" I whispered to Laura

" In their eyes, yes, he was the only one that played"

I scoffed as I ran my hand through my hair , pulling my school skirt down a little

" Looking at him like he is a god when he the devil himself"

Laura stayed quiet for a second. Then she whispered in my ear " Talking about him like that doesn't match you throwing water at Landon two days ago for badmouthing him"

" You remember wrong" I said quickly

" No , I have a good memory,  and Nick for sure remembers you defending him like some guardian angel when all of the world said that he was a killer" she said as she showed a sly smile

" Pity I was pitting him"

" Really?" Laura moved closer to me and whispered again " I'm damn sure that Nick Larsen didn't take it as pity"

I stood up and grabbed my backpack " Take it however he wants" Laura smirked at my repley

I said, looking at her " I didn't indulge in any of his games" The shoulder kiss that I gave him flashed in my mind…..but gosh….it never left my mind anyway

Get your shit together Lily!

" What kind of games do you mean ? opening your legs for him? you definitely didn't indulge in these games"

Like hell! me opening my legs for who!? Nick damn Larsen!

If he told me he was god himself, I wouldn't do it !

" But the kind of games that make him drool over you and acting like a simp i think you are indulging very well in these games" She empathised on the word "indulge" like she was teasing me

Our conversation was cut by the cheering of the girls beside us and probably the cheering of the rest of the court

I turned my head to see Sir Nick Larsen shirtless

If his Greek God body wasn't enough , sweat was definitely playing its part like it was a paid actor

Are you sure that wasn't holy water!?

His abs was on full view, covered with sweat ( holy water)

Throwing his wet shirt on his shoulder

I would think that he was begging for attention if he wasn't clearly staring into my soul as he was standing like a statue in the museum

Why is he staring at me?!

Do you think I will drool Nick ?

He was looking into my eyes with these insane eyes if he promised hell and heaven at the same time

Laura got up and spoke with a teasing voice " You pitting the devil himself?"

Laura was right because even when I should be drooling….all I was thinking about was that the scars on his back was on full display for everyone but it was like no body cared , Nick was strong , hot , cruel you might say,  he was the embodiment of fury

Anybody would be crazy to think those marks were from someone else

But…I knew…knew

He moved closer coming to me

" I'm going to class" I told Laura as I passed by Nick without looking at him

Going out if the gym court

I need to go to my classroom

What was I even doing there ?

What are you doing with your life Lily?

That wasn't the plan

the plan was-

I felt a hand grab my arm and yanked me to the wall near the boy's bathroom

A hand was on the wall to make sure I wouldn't get hurt when I got yanked

I opened my eyes to see the great Nick larsen

" Nick…." I looked into his eyes softly

" Finally blessing me with a look goddess Lily" He said as he leaned closer to me . Our bodies were touching

heat coming from his body was unbearable

it was like hell but…..if hell was a thing that you wanted very much

" Nick move away" I said, looking away from his eyes,  trying to deny the heat between us

He tilted his head to look me in the eye "Why sweetheart?" He asked as i felt his breath on my face

" Don't you think we are too close ?" I asked, trying to push him away

" I won't have it any other way tho" His hand wrapped around my waist to pull me flush to his body

I think the only 2 people who were allowed to hold my waist got upgraded

Fictional men


Nick damn Larsen

I looked into his eyes softly , it was like a force was begging me to just let him take what he want….like maybe…My life-long plan wasn't that important

His shirtless body was pressed against mine like it was teasing me to submit to my inner thoughts

Pulling me closer to him with the arm that is wrapped around my waist and his other hand was teasing my wrist,  feeling the soft skin on my wrist

" Nick" I said softly, looking into his eyes

" Yes angel" He said hoarsely

His magic Mike show was cut by the sounds of the basketball team coming

I pulled him into the bathroom in a hurry, afraid anyone would see us together, and a rumour would start going around

" Oh really bold of you angel" He said, smirking as he was still pulling me flush to his body

" Nick, I did it because people were coming !" I tried to push him away, then I heard them coming towards the bathroom

shit I forget that we are in the boy's bathroom!

" What will you do now?" He asked teasingly as he ran his hand on my jaw


I pulled Nick inside one of the bathroom stools before the basketball team could see us

He was sitting on the toilet

and i was sitting on his lap

Me…..Lily was sitting on Nick's Larsen lap in the boy's bathroom

" The game was so good we really killed the other team" One of the team members said that as he opened the water

" Yes and did you see the way they looked after we made them lose"

I shut my eyes, scared to get caught as I squirmed on Nick's lap

Why did I have to pull him in the bathroom !?

getting caught in the hallway was much better

I felt Nick's breath becoming more hoarse

he was almost breathless

I squirmed a little to turn to look at him

" Stop that angel" He said as his eyes were staring into my soul

" Stop what?" I whispered softly

" That….Teasing me…Stop it"

I looked into his eyes , confused . What was I even doing!?

I realised what he meant

I was breathless too . Why is that happening !?

Don't say that I dug my own grave?!

I blushed turning to look away , i moved my body slightly,  I felt his hand tightening around my waist pulling me to his chest as  he breathed in my ear as he whispered " You are driving me insane"

My breath caught in my throat

I was turning redder and redder

" You are already insane don't blame me" I whispered softly

" Shut up or I will start thinking that taking you here and now wasn't a bad idea" He growled in my ear

At this point, I didn't care if the team outside heard us… was only Nick

Nick was the only thought in my mind

consuming any brain cells that were left tgere

Nick Larsen

What are you?

" Devil" I muttered softly as I covered my face with my hands

His arms wrapped around my body more pulling me to his chest more

" Don't call me that if you don't want to know what heaven looks like"

Why is he breathing in my earrr!?

I felt his breath come to my nape

No, no, go back to my ear!

His lips hovered above my nape , feeling his breath burning my skin

I was becoming breathless too like him

" Stop" I whispered softly

" Can't" He growled under his breath in my ear

His lap was getting more and more uncomfortable…..I was starting to feel weird

"Angel" He groaned softly

I shut my eyes, unable to take this anymore

All of the team members got out of the bathroom

I pushed his arms away, and I dashed out of the bathroom

Nick didn't follow me out

which was good , I was a mess

I sat on the base of the stairs , covering my face with my hand , trying to pull my skirt down and strengthen the school shirt

I breathed in and out, trying to calm down from the Nick Larsen effect

Maybe I should go and see Nick….he didn't come out

No… would really be my fault if he ate me inside this time

I ran back to my class , there was no teacher inside

" What's happening ?" I asked my friends

" There is a trip" one of them commented

" trip? where?"

" To the beach"  " It will be like 2 days one night trip"

" Oh….good" I said, uninterested as i sat on my desk trying to regain my composure that Nick just played with like how he plays with the ball