The Torrent Of Feelings...

Early morning, before school...

Good morning. (Yawns) Ah! I slept nicely... I had to for my new goal. I have to find a way to get my sister to open up to me! After last night, I wish I knew...what she thought of me.....

At the same time, in Ami's room.....

Ami thunderously thought, ''Oh-my-god! (Remembering) 'Connecting is a waste of my precious time, and yours as well.' ''Why did I say that?! Why?!? (Groans)

I didn't mean to be rude, but I did it again! . .It's absolutely my fault if she cried her cute self to bed that night..... I've done that so many times in my life, how am I still talking like that!

Calm your mind, Ami... Relax... (Deep breath) . . . .Haa..... Now, how can I make it up to her? How can I potentially improve things? (Sighs) There are three things I can't stand about myself:

I can't stand that my behavior hasn't changed... I can't stand that I was so cruel to her... And...(Knock, knock)''

Airi outside the door, ''Ami! We going to be late, if we don't head out now! Are you ready?!'' Ami tensely replied, ''(Cough, cough) Ohh, it's you. I-I'll be organized and prepared to leave in a minute.''

Airi opened the door and said, ''Wow... Do you need all of that?'' Ami irritably asked, ''Hmm! Do you have any sense of privacy?''

Airi timidly said, ''I-I'm...sorry... I didn't mean to.....'' Ami said, ''In addition, all of this is positively required to better one's school career and future options. Now, I am set to leave.''

Airi eagerly asked, ''Ami? Can we walk to school, sisters?'' Ami startled, said, ''Hmm... I suppose because it is vital to take the same route, I will allow it. (Blushes)''

Airi gaspingly said, ''Okay! (Thinks) Like I wished it! Yay!''

Outside, on the way to school...

Ami bitterly thought, ''This might be my chance..... even so, where do I start?'' Airi asked, ''So, sis? ...Do you like school?''

Ami frenzied, said, ''You dare to attempt prattling with me, now?'' Airi warily asked, ''Did I do something wrong?''

Ami said, ''I suppose not... It's not that I 'like school' (Stops) -I revere education and learning. And! I desire to one day... ahh... hmm! (Continues walking) We need to keep moving...''

Airi said under her breath, ''Drats.....'' Ami acridly thought, ''Pits of hell... I ruined the flow and I did it again..... I'll have to fix it, later...''

Later, through the school hallways...

Airi thought while rushing, ''I got to hurry! I don't want to be not on time for the first day! Class.....1-A, righty? (Slows down) . .I made it on time! Yay!

Which desk will be mine? (Thinks) . .Second to the (Asking) back-right, is it?''

Two boys whispering next to her, 'Didn't you hear the rumors?' 'You mean, those rumors?' 'Yes, those ones! This year, class 1-Ais supposed to have a new teacher, I think...'

'Ohh, I think I heard about her! Wasn't she the middle school teacher, who was fired for punching the principal-right in the mouth-breather?' 'Yeah! Is a person like that really going to teach us?'

Airi alarmedly thought, ''What did they say? . .A new teacher? . .(Gasping)'' Out of the blue, I saw my sister open the back door, and I...

Airi shouted, ''Ami?! Ami?!? Is this your class, too?!'' Ami wearily thought, ''Why? Why does she have to be in this class as well.....? (Realizes) Hold the line..... Perhaps, I am being given another opportunity... Hmm.....''

Airi shouted, ''Ami! Come sit by your sister! Come sit!!'' She walked to me, but she then sat two desks in front of me, and put her tools in her desk.....

Airi said to herself, ''Oh, drats.....''

The morning bell rings, and then...

Male student asked, ''The bell rang 5 minutes ago... Where is our teacher?'' Female student said, '' she...had trouble waking up?''

With no warning, the door slammed open and scared all of us!

Disorderly teacher shouted, ''Heck-yeah!! I made it! (Panting)'' Male student said, ''Um, miss? Your over five minutes late.''

Disorderly teacher yelled, ''Shut it, you!'' All of the students reacted, ''Huh...?! Uhh!''

In a fast flash, she ran to the board and wrote her name. I think all of us felt wind when she did that.....

Disorderly teacher said, ''My name is Amane Rika, or Miss. Rika, o-kay?'' The students perplexed, asked, ''What was that about? What's with that squiggly drawing next to her name?''

Miss. Rika said, ''For the next tough year, I will be teaching all of you language. Got that?!'' The students responded, ''Uhh, yeah.....''

Miss. Rika said scowling, ''If any of you heard the rumors about my transfer... Just know..... (Twitches) That's both none of your business!!

He was asking for it, with the way he was lecturing me! Seriously, I get his point, but did he have to be so brusque and contemptuous?! (Swearing in various languages)

[Author's Note]: Because of her job, she often swears by regularly switching dialects.

Male students asked, 'Do you know what language she is speaking?' 'No! Off course not! But, I think it's better we don't try to learn, whatever it is she is saying...' 'Yeah, I think your right.

Also, what does contempt...uaus mean?' 'Uh, I don't know...'

Miss. Rika said calming down, ''Aww! Darn, I better get to our lesson... (Whispering) What page was it on? Umm, um.....''

(Awkward laughing) And that was our new special teacher, Miss. Rika... I didn't expect her to be so.....quirky... Who would think that we got a fun teacher, like her? I wonder what my sister thought about her?''

Ami thought, ''Her teaching is...all over the place..... Having said that, there seems to be something almost...careful and precise about her work..... that I can't explain... Who is she?''

See you later!!