What Is A Sister?

It's still the first day of my new Junior high life, and now it is time to dine! I crafted my bento meal before we left for school! I have been awash with high spirits to try what I made.

When I took off it's lid, it's insides were sparkling to me!

Female student D said, ''Oh my! Like, what is that tasty looking food?!'' Female student E said, ''Wow... That looks sooo resplendent! Did you make that?''

Airi said, ''Mm-hm! It's nothing stellar... I always fix my own meals before school. (Giggles)''

A splash of my classmates came to talk to me, and they asked how I made a lunch so terrific like I did.

At the same time, with Ami...

Ami anxiously thought, ''Last night, I covertly made myself a bento and I endeavored my best... Nevertheless (Sighs) Something still isn't right...''

Ami gloomily thought, ''(Awkward crunching) I don't know how, but this kelp is both dry, moist, and crunchy. My rice is chewy and a portion of it is black...

And my tomato slices are somehow, sludgy... How is this possible?! How did I achieve such a mortifying result?

I have been striving to improve my horrendous quality of cooking for years now, and  this is a improvement when compared to back then!''

Female student A asked, ''Wow! What's up with that food?'' Female student C said, ''Your right! It looks like food, but that texture has to be off.''

Male student said, ''Miss? Are you for real eating that shady meal? It might make you sick...''

Female Student B asked, ''It seems like your sister over there is virtually dining like a gourmet. Would you want us to help you like, learn how to cook better, Miss Ayami-Chan?''

Ami chokingly reacted, ''(Coughing) . .No! Uh, I..... (Clears throat) I politely decline your generous offer. I have to go... (Blushes)''

Female student A said, ''Um, okay... If you ever change your mind, we'll help you out, alright?''

I scarcely swallowed all of my ghastly lunch, and moved on to next period. When leaving, I saw my sister happily prattling with a whole group around her desk. How irritating.....

After school, the Ayami house with Airi...

I made it home before my sister, and I aimed to devise a way to get bond with her. I went up to my room and I gaped around for ideas...

Airi said, ''That's it! I know what to do!''

Minutes later, at the door...

Ami asked herself quietly, ''What a day..... (Sighs) Why... Why did I have to screw up things again? Now, what do I do? . .(Shock)''

Airi gleefully shouted, ''Ami! . .Sister?! Do you want to play a video game with me? How about Super Mary Kart?''

Ami said with pause, ''Y-you... you surprised me. (Fixes glasses) Are you trying to give me a heart attack, you doltish sister of mine?''

Airi timidly said, ''No... I didn't mean to... But, Ami. Do you want to play? Sister?''

Ami distressingly thought, ''She wants...to play games...with me? What should I do? What do I say? I don't want to upset her again. Uh, uhh.....''

Ami intently said, ''I... My concerns are studying in peace. I am tied up, and I don't have the time for games. Sister, play them by yourself. (Walks away)''

Oh, Drats..... I had no idea what to say, after that... Later, I played on my 3ds in my room, alone... I was playing, Creature Crossing... Ami was on the sofa, reading a study guide like before with our tv on.

Ami frantically thought, ''(Internally screams) It wasn't extensively rude this time, but I still ruined another chance to make it up to her. (Groans) I hope I didn't upset her at all...''

Later, during dinnertime...

We fixed our dinner for ourselves like yesterday, and Ami made her dinner in private for some strange reason, like yesterday...

Playing my game, I was devising other ways I could try to understand my sister, till I fell asleep... What's my plan? You will see soon!

I promise you that! I can't give up to my willful sis, yet!!

See you, soon...