A Sister's Daily Necessities!

Sunday weekend, after 7:00 AM, with Airi...

Today, I woke up before my sister, and I was juiced up to fulfill my weekend day, and spend it with Ami! Waking up, I enacted my morning routine while thinking of what I could do to be closer to my sister.

I peeped around, trying to surmise what I could do with her... Then! Airi quietly said, ''I think, I got a splendid idea! (Giggles)''

At the same time, in Ami's room...

Ami wearyingly said, ''Ugh..... It has been two days, and I still feel drained from that part-time day of hell!! I studied that work should feed the soul, but- despite that! Why do I feel so burnt out?!

Why is it, a temporary one-day job at a convenience store, was more tiresome than a day at my high school?! (Moans) I haven't gotten off my bed yet, and I am still feeling drained...

(Deep sighs) I... I must calm myself... (Deep breaths) . . . . I wonder, it is... my own fault, I still feel so weary? It's the weekend..... If Airi has motives today, I might be screwed..... Uahh! (Knock, knock)''

Airi asked normally, ''Sister? Are you awake yet? Ami?'' Ami answered, ''You can come in! For you knowledge, I awoke moments ago! (Quietly said) Dear god... Ugh...''

Airi happily said, ''I wanted to ask you, sister?'' Ami replied, ''What is it now, so early in the morning?''

Airi keenly said, ''It hit me... We don't have enough thing in our fridge, for breakfast, dinner, or lunch! I wish to go shopping, and I wished to ask, if my sister wants to go with me! Will you, please?!''

Ami bitterly said, ''Why do I need to go, with you?'' Airi happily replied, ''Because, that way... it's more fun! (Warm smiles)'' 

Ami quickly thought and irritably said, ''Mmm... Fine. Otherwise, you might buy the wrong items... (Sighs)'' Airi jumped around cheering, ''Alright! Hooray! Hoo-ray! Yay...!''

Ami thought, ''Why... does she have to be so cute, when she gets...like that?''

A little bit later, at the grocery store entrance...

Airi cheerfully asked, ''Are you excited like I am... sister?'' Ami replied, ''Hrm...''

Airi asked, ''So, what aisle do we go to first?'' Ami hesitantly said, ''We will operate like this; We should split up and individually, we shall purchase our own supplies. (Begins to walk off) Aaa!''

Airi smilingly said while grabbing her jacket, ''Mm-Mm! Sister! You can't walk away... Not, when we can have greater fun, shopping side-by-side.'' Ami thought, ''Darn...!''

Later, shopping montage...

Airi asked, ''Sister? What kind of meat do you adore?'' Ami bitterly replied, ''What...does it matter? (Thinks inside) All I need are ingredients to improve the quality of my bentos...''

Airi said, ''I deeply favor many kinds of rice! What brand do you want, Ami? (Looks around) Ohh...! This rice is on sale! I pick this rice!'' Ami coldly asked, ''Is it necessary to get so delighted over rice?''

Ami asked, ''Why did you pause? Hm...'' Airi upbeatly said, ''This aisle at this moment, there are snacks on sale! It's my chance to get snacks for cheaper then usual!''

Ami hesitantly said, ''Wait-what! Snacks?'' Airi swiftly shouted, ''Choco-teddies! Hocky! Pickled seaweed! I want to have them, like now!''

Airi joyfully said, ''I want some vegêtâblés. Ami, do you favor any kind of vegêtâblés? I wish to know...'' Ami asked, ''Hm? Pick whatever is superior in vitamin intake.'' Airi confused, ''Uhh.....?''

Ami said to herself, ''Almost out of here... Now, should I change shampoo and conditioner usage? Um.....'' Airi said loudly, ''Take a look, Ami. It says this one can produce vastly shinier hair.

I think you may need it, more than I do?'' Ami said, ''I'm trying to-Uh? (Turns head) Excuse me?''

Later, near checkout...

Airi said, ''I wish, Aya worked here too..... Don't you?'' Ami frostily replied, ''I couldn't care any less... (Thinks inside) This morning was a disaster.....

I desired to improve my relationship status with her, but alas... (Sighs) I wish things would be simpler, and I could just act like a normal sister... If only something brought us closer, just like that...''

The Osakaben female cashier asked, ''Is thât thunder, I hear? (Thunder) Yep! It's thunder.'' Airi asked, ''Rain? (Looking ahead) Ami! It's starting to rain out of nowhere!

(Deflated) Oh, drats..... The TV weather guy said, 'No rain has been detected.' What now?'' Female cashier said, ''I hope y'all have a umbrélla. I think it's pouring out thére... (Gazing)''

Ami asked herself, ''Could that be, because of my words? It can't be, right?''

Later, outside the entrance...

Airi despondently said, ''I didn't bring a umbrella with us... Did you, sis?'' Ami hesitantly replied, ''(Blushes) A fool... One should always have a umbrella on their person. (Brings it out)''

Airi said, ''(Surprised) How smart of you, sis...' Ami gaspingly thought, ''Wait. We have to share it!? Is this my chance?''

Airi asked, ''Is that a real umbrella made for two people?'' Ami embarrassed, said, ''S-Shut up. I wanted to be prepared. (Shyly blushes) Let's go...'' Airi said, ''Like sisters!''

Walking through the Mitaka streets...

Ami frantically thought, ''I know, I need to improve things, but what do I say?! (Flustered)'' Airi in wonder, said, ''Is it me, or does this town look splendid in the rain?''

Ami replied, ''Huh?'' Airi cheerfully said, ''Have a look...''

At my sister's request, I gazed at our city, and I was at a loss to the stellar sights...

Ami hesitantly said, ''I... I..... I...think, it's superb...'' Airi asked, ''What?'' Ami repeated, ''Like you said, it is terrific. (Blushes)''

Airi eagerly asked, ''You like it?! You like the sights?!'' Ami somberly said, ''Right... I do... And I have to say... I-I should thank you, f-for inviting me... to go shopping... with you... sister.....''

Airi asked, ''Did you say what I thought you said?'' Ami timidly replied, ''You heard me right... Today's shopping day, wasn't the worst... I-It was half-way tolerable... (Blushes)''

Airi sincerely shouted, ''(Gasps) Sister!!'' Ami indignantly shouted, ''D-Don't hug me! It's unseemly! (Pushing) Get out of my personal space!! Your going to wreck the groceries!!''

Later, at the Ayami house entrance outside...

Airi said, ''Look! The rain is done now...'' Ami bitterly said, ''What timely rain..... Off course it is.....''

there's more, next time!