Get Well Soon, My Sister!

A foreboding monday morning, before school, with Airi...

When I arose from my bed, I felt weeirrd... I couldn't be sure why, but I had to get all set for school. When I was getting ready for school, I was feeling slanty!

After I put on my backpack, I headed to Ami's room to see if she's ready to go. Then...

Ami stated clearly, ''Don't! (Stands) After a week of your petty annoyances, I went ahead and left my door open... Hrm. Will you stop visiting me every single morning?''

Airi woozily said, ''Aww! How smart of you sister! (Giggles) You knew I was going to see you! How majorly stellar!'' Ami unsettledly asked, ''Hm? You seem.....wobbly? Are you sure that you're in fine status?''

Airi giddily replied, ''No, nah... I'm feeling great!'' Ami warily asked, ''No, upon closer inspection, you are swaying back and forth... Not to mention, it seems that your speech pattern is off...''

Airi faintly replied, ''Nooo, I told you, I'm totally fine! . . . .(Suddenly queasy)'' Ami cried out, ''No! No!! -Not on the carpet!!!! (Airi hurled chunks...)''

Later, in Airi's room...

Ami appalled, said, ''Dear god! How is your temperature 129.9°F?! (At a loss for words)'' Airi dizzily replied, ''I...have a fever? (Giggles) How grisly... (Cute sneeze)''

Ami irritably said, ''I... No wonder you could barely stand up..... (Deep sigh) You must have picked up this fever from the rain yesterday afternoon... And I have to deal with carpet vomit... Ah! (Arm Grabbed)''

Airi intently asked Ami, ''Sister? Why do I see three you's? (Woozy head)''

Ami harshly said with a sigh, ''It seems that you are in no condition to attend school today. Especially, if you are having visual delusions... Do not leave your bed, if you want to improve at all...''

Airi foggily asked, ''Wait! Sister, where are you going? (Laughs oddly) Oh, drats...''

Later, in the faculty office, with Ami...

Ami thought, ''It's imperative that I report my sister's status to our teacher, otherwise more problems might surface... Expressly with our teacher's personality.....''

Miss Rika asked, ''Hm? Are you one of my students?'' Ami bitterly replied, ''(Stutters, and clears throat) My sister will be absent from class today, because she got a high fever...''

Miss Rika wearily asked, ''A fever? Alright, I got it... (Opens pen) I guess I will need to mark her... What's her name?'' Ami baffled, thought, ''After a week, she doesn't know her students names by now?''

Later, after first period...

Aya walked over and asked, ''Miss Ami? Do you know where your sister is? It doesn't seem like she is here today...'' Ami sorely said, ''Right... Her friend..... My sister is absent from school with a high fever presently.''

Aya gloomily said, ''Aww, Airi has a fever?'' Ami nodded. Aya paused and kindly said, ''How terrible... Well, will you please give Airi my message? 'Please, feel better soon, for everyone's sake.'

Ami indifferently replied, ''If I feel inclined to do so...''

Later, during various classes...

I couldn't express it, but during our classes, I found it hard to completely focus... What felt like every 2.2 minutes, my mind began to picture how her fever was making her suffer...

I'm no expert, but I thought I noticed a few other classmates with a concerned look on there faces, searching for her... Hmm..... By some chance, I made it through the whole day, yet, I felt drained...

Meanwhile, back at home, with Airi...

My last memory, maybe was faintly seeing my sister go... Since then, I felt very ill and out of it... At some point, I ended up lost in my dreams... I saw lots of weird things, I didn't get...

I thought I parent's voices...

Airi's father?, yelled, ''What are you doing, my dear?! Don't traumatize her with your punishments!!''

Airi's mother?, severely replied, ''You listen to me! Our daughters needs to grasp, what karma is! Get that in your thick fracking head!''

Airi's mind asked, '' I hearing? What is these voices from?''

Airi's father?, baffledly shouted, ''That's it! Our opinions are too vast! Why did our parenting views shift to a degree such as to this present situation?! I can't take our fighting anymore!

(Screams) I think our best remedy is to divorce for our own families' safety!''

Airi's mother? angrily replied, ''A divorce? Son of a...! (Teeth grit) How can you even think about that?! (Fist clench) What do you think will become of our helpless daughters, you half-wit?!''

Airi's mind dazedly asked, ''A divorce? Wait-uh..... Was that, when.....? (Interrupted)''

With no alert, my dream shifted away to another dream... I peeled opened my eyes, and I was on my knees in the middle of a unreal mist-like street.

It was raining so heavily, and I not one part of me was getting wet. I turned my head, and all ends of the quaint street were veiled in mist. It was too eerie...

Then, a bright ball of light came from my heart-region...

The light called out, ''Airi! Airi!'' Airi asked, ''Hm? The light speaks? How?'' The light answered, ''It's cause, I am your inner mind.''

Airi asked, ''My inner mind?'' Inner Airi said, ''Just, think of me, like your heart's voice... Okay?'' Airi replied, ''My heart's voice...? If you say so.....''

Inner Airi said, ''There is some things I wish to say, and my time isn't long, so listen to me.'' Airi said with another sneeze, '' it?''

Inner Airi said, ''I am your heart, so I know how highly you wish to know our sister... And yet, what you don't attain is that you can't help her, unless you change how you are first...''

Airi asked, ''Ehh? Change how I am?'' Inner Airi continued, ''If you wish to get closer to Ami, honestly think of how firmly you are troubling her.''

Airi timidly replied, ''You can't mean...? I am...? (Sniffles)'' Inner Airi said, ''You are correct... Goodbye, me... I have to leave now, and you need to grasp, your actions...''

Airi cried out, ''Please, wait-(Drowns out)''


I had a abrupt memory, where I thought I opened my eyes, and I saw Ami close up, peeking at my face... I closed my eyes again, and I couldn't be sure... It felt like a far out dream.....

Till, next time!