A Twin's Hopes...

Early Thursday morning, before school, with Ami...

That morning, when I woke up, I, like my sister's friend told me to, strived one more time to veritably fix a decent bento boxed lunch.

Traversing into the kitchen, I ran into my sister who arisen before I did. She looked to be cleaning our kitchen from yesterday's events.

Off course, I couldn't bring myself to legitly thank her, so I.....

Ami sternly said, ''A...fine job... Sister...'' Airi cluelessly replied, ''Ami? (Chuckles) Your welcome... I think?''

In addition; midway through cooking, my sister's friend woke up and she desired to survey my lunch. The final results...

Aya earnestly said after tasting, ''Mmm... Ami... This is... This..... (Swallows) I have to say--this is superb!!'' Ami shakily replied, ''Hm? You're saying, I-I made it decently editable?''

Aya sincerely said, ''Honestly! I give it the Aya seal of 'passably tasty!' (Thumbs up)'' Ami hesitantly said, ''(Groans) I have to say... A-Aya. I appreciate your previously uninvited help... (Blushes)''

At her declaration, I was so internally thrilled, that I was surprised that my legs didn't give out. I think I responded acceptably to the situation... I think?

Lunch period, at school, with Ami...

Immediately, soon after the lunch bell rung, a certain someone tapped my shoulder to say...

Airi jollily asked, ''Ami? Can the three of us; you, your sister, and our friend go to the roof please? Aya told me that you shaped up your bento skills, and I want to see it! Please, please!''

Ami vexedly said, ''I noticed... So far, I think that was the politest way you got my attention... (Sighs) And...very well...'' Airi asked, ''You will?''

On the school roof...

Aya upbeatly said, ''Wow... All three of us young ladies up here, dining on our choice lunches. I wasn't sure if I would ever get to be there for a occasion such as this!''

Ami is unsettled. Airi cheerily said, ''Sister! Let me gaze at your revised lunch! let's go! go!! (Eager eyes)'' Ami wearily said, ''Let's get this over and done with... (Opens)''

Airi spellbound, said, ''Ami..... Uh, wow.....'' Ami calmly said, ''Hmm... It tastes terrific. (Eating) Hey! Uh! What are yo-''

Airi spiritedly said, ''I wish to taste it! I want to! (Chewing)'' Ami acridly said, ''That was my rolled egg... (Sighs)''

Airi startled, said, ''Wowww..... How greatly...vanilla... (Smiles)'' Aya gently said, ''Don't mind her, al-right?'' Ami timidly nodded.

A bit later, after lunches are done...

Airi thought, ''I...I yearn to form a link with my sister... I want to! Earlier this morning, I got another idea. (Giggles inside) My 'inner self' said to think about my actions... I'm not sure what else I should do...?''

Airi asked, ''Uh, sister?'' Ami sorely asked, ''What now?''

Airi kindly asked, ''You study fiercely every day alone don't you, sis?'' Ami said, ''I do. Your point?'' Airi caringly said, ''I'll get to the point... Sister! Can I study with you for a day?!''

Ami is speechless.

Aya laughingly said, ''You have a interesting sister, don't you?'' Airi thought, ''Ami... I wish to grasp your interests more... Why are you fixated on studying and reading those homework guides so much...?''

Ami hesitantly answered, ''Fine... I will...be considerate..... (Ruminates) This might be a opportune chance to certifiably enlighten my tiresome sister...''

Airi asked, ''lighten? Are you saying, that you will...?'' Ami thought, ''(Groans) Dear god...''

The Ayami house's living room, evening time...

Airi glumly said, ''What a pity... Aya couldn't study with us, cause of her job... Hm...'' Ami asked, ''To be clear, you wanted to study besides me, correct?''

Airi intently nodded. Ami asked, ''Why do you all of a sudden, desire to study with me?''

Airi kindly answered, ''Hmp... Cause, you're my sister, and I want to attain my sister's interests. (Smiles) Look, I got us snacks too! (Reaches) Do you want a bit of Hocky?''

My vexing sister was so completely intent on studying, for reasons that I didn't understand... I wished, that I could make sense of my sister's everyday actions... What is with her?

This night was extensively taxing... There is such a evident difference in a our understanding and perceiving of school subjects... I asked myself... How are we related to the same family?

Hours later, late at night...

Airi curiously asked, ''Ami? ...There is another thing, I wanted to know about you...'' Ami inquired, ''Huh?''

Airi earnestly said, ''I have to know... Why is it, that you enjoy learning so much?'' Ami warily replied, ''U-Uh... Give me a m-moment...'' Airi stares excitedly.

Ami reluctantly explained, ''Heed my words. Knowledge is a tool all individuals require. Hm... If you are a ignorant halfwit, how do you get by with no experience or education?

Honestly, I can't stand anyone who is this completely foolish...'' Airi asked, ''So, that's why, you love to learn?''

Ami intensely resumed, ''Be quiet. I've focused on learning since I was a young child. I've strived to eternally foster my mind with wisdom.

-So I can achieve my dream... -My dream of being a high school teacher!''

Airi speechlessly said, ''Eh.....?'' Ami haltingly thought, ''Hold on... Did I say that.....out loud, to her? . . . .My secret dream to my intrusive sister?! (In shock)''

Airi timidly asked, ''Sister..... Your dream..... you wish to be a teacher? A high school teacher? (Amazement turns to excitement) I see! Now--everything makes sense!! (Laughs)''

Ami exclaimed, ''Don't hug me! (Struggling) Get off my person!!'' Airi festively said, ''My sister wishes to be a teacher! What a splendidly, terrific dream!! At last, I learned a fact about my sister!''

Ami begged, ''I beg of you! This is humiliating! Stop hugging me, please! (Airi fell down)'' Ami caught her breath and asked, ''What is wrong with you?! Was that entirely necessar-(Paused)''

When my sister let go, I fell in front of our sofa, pondering why she acted in such a brazen manner. I looked behind me to ask her about her actions, and I noticed that she fell asleep on the sofa...

Ami listlessly thought, ''She's spent... (Groans) In spite of her actions, just moments ago, she's still cute like this... Why.....''

I couldn't resist covering her up, then I studied for a bit longer... At some point, I somehow fell asleep besides her for the rest of the night... How did things get to this.....?

See you later!