A Twin's Connection!

With Airi, somewhere...?

Airi weary, thought, ''(Yawns) Time for another bright new day... Eh? Ah? (Blinks) This...isn't my room? Plus, where did sis go? Where...am I?''

When I opened my eyes, it hit me that I wasn't in my room. I looked to be in a unusual forest zone-like place. I peered at the scenery where I was standing...

The scenery around me was like a endless sea of trees. I could only faintly saw glimpses of any sky... While looking, I was soon aware of something other than my scenery...

Airi thought in awe, ''Wait... I'm not in my pajamas. (Looks at herself) Am I wearing.....a hero outfit..... like one of my games? Ahh? Is this a spear?''

Airi shouted gleefully, ''Is this true?! Am I a hero, now?! It's like in Wyvern Quest!! (Giggling loudly) Wait a moment... I wonder...?''

There was a thing I had to try out, so I stood still and took a deep breath... I closed my eyes, then I heard a 'clink!'

Airi amazed, thought, ''Wow... I have a floating status screen! (Tapping and flicking the air) It's like I for ever dreamed of... (Sound of bushes)''

While taken in by my own status screen, I heard noises in the close-by bushes. I know what that meant, and I was stoked!

Airi excitably asked, ''Is that...A SLIME?! I get to meet a slime?!''

Out of the bushes appeared a cute water-colored slime. It was the size of a throw pillow in my room. Cause of how great I felt, I took one half-step and I just unloaded a rapid spear attack on it!

[The Slime cried out!]

Airi enjoyably shouted, ''I beat a slime! (Cheers) Yay! Yay! That felt sweet!! (Winds up) I wonder if I can find more enemies, deeper in?!''

Meanwhile, with Ami, somewhere...?

Ami wearily thought, ''(Groans, and fixes glasses) Where am I? Hm? (Stretches) This isn't our living room? Where did my irritating sister go? (Vision adjusts) Wha? Hold on a moment!

Is this a...forest?! And it's-freezing!! Why am I in a winter forest? Where is this place?!''

I didn't understand where I was and what I was in such a cold place, in the middle of nowhere. More than that, I was worried about my problematic sister... And yet...

Ami distressed, thought, ''What am I wearing?! Are these old garments, a staff, and what am I wearing?!?

(Inspecting) Hmm... It seems that I have been dressed up to look like one of those magic-type characters, that I saw from trailers of those popular games...? (Sighs) Now what do I do...?''

To think rationally, I aimed to quickly meditate and process this eerie situation... After a minute of silence, without warning...

Ami asked, ''(Afraid) What's that sound? Uh! It's over there! (Bushes rumbling) What is that creature?!''

The creature that rose out of the bushes, at closer inspection seemed to be a small angry mole. I was so on edge, that I started waving my staff like mad.

I didn't understand how, but I somehow fried the mole with fire magic.

[The mole screamed, and fainted!]

Ami doubtfully asked, ''Was that..... my doing? Uhh... Uh? How curious... What happened?''

I spent a few minutes, surveying my surreal situation... Soon after, I cautiously departed forward...

Now, With both sisters...

Airi delighted, said, ''(Gasps) Sweet! I'm leveling up the more I fight! This is stellar!! Let's go!''

Ami scared behind a bush, said, ''Could I defeat this one with magic? (Tries wind magic) What...?''


Airi thought, ''(Smiles) Is that sunlight? I must see it! I want to!''

Ami thought, ''Could that be sunlight in the distance? (Ruminates)''

Now, out of the forest...

Airi stunned, said, ''It's...it's.....a giant floating island.....? Wowww... (Gaping)'' Ami asked, ''Ah? Sister?! Is that you?''

Airi in shock, asked, ''(Gasps) Sister?! Is that the real Ami?!'' Ami replied, ''Off course I am... (Realizes) Where are we?! And, what are you wearing?!''

Us sisters, took a few moments to relax and make sense of this... We looked to be in a game-like world with game rules, enemies, and on a vast floating island!

Airi joyfully said, ''Sister? I got my level to Lvl.3, see! (Smiles)'' Ami glumly replied, ''How...fair..... I am...currently Lvl.2...''

Airi laughed at her level.

Out of the blue, a giant mass dropped down next to us, and it shook the entire island!

Ami nervily asked, ''Sister? What was that, just now?'' Airi peeked, ''It's... It's..... ah... -It's a dragon!!!!''

Ami sighed, ''I was...afraid of that possibility... Great...''

We swiftly ran to hide in the forest, while the vast two-story grass dragon stood there, enraged!

Airi firmly said, ''How surreal... (Realizes) Ami! Let's battle it!''

Ami bitterly asked, ''Sister! Are you mad?! We could severely die!'' Airi merrily replied, ''We 'might', and yet?''

Ami replied, ''(Groans) Having said that, ...this dragon might get us back home...'' Airi said, ''That dragon looks angry... Don't you think so?''

Ami thought, ''I'm going to regret this, aren't I? (Groans)'' Airi asked, confused, ''Ami...?''

Ami sorely stated, ''Very well... If we have to fight it, let us act with caution.'' Airi smiled and said, ''Got it.''

[The dragon furiously roared!]

We both ran away from the cover of the forest, as Ami told me her strategy.

Ami intently said, ''First, let us find it's weak spots, and it's weaknesses. Remember, every living thing has one!'' Airi cheerily said, ''Okay-!''

I hit the dragon in every spot I was able to, while my sister set out to cast lots of magic at dozen's of points. Then...

Airi shouted, ''Sister! It has a vine-protected core in it's neck! What do we do?!'' Ami said, ''I think I know... Hmm... (Casts fire once more)''

[The dragon's core is vulnerable!]

Ami shouted, ''Sister! Strike it's gem immediately!'' Airi yelled, ''Al-rightly! (Battle cry)''

[Crack! The dragon shrieked and collapsed!]

After a moment of silence.....

Ami asked, in shock, ''What just...?'' Airi said, ''Wait... Did we...?''

Like magic, every single thing turned into light around us, and.....

The Ayami house living room, morning...

Airi yawned and asked, ''Uh? Where...am I? A blanket? . .Sister?'' Ami asked, ''Is this...reality? Um! (Shocked) Wait!''

Ami panicked, thought, ''I fell asleep next to her! Oh, no! -This is humiliating! . .Hold it! Was that all a dream?!''

Airi sat up, and hugged Ami, ''Sister! Did we just share the same dream?! And, you fell asleep next to me?! How sweet of you!!''

Ami bitterly said, ''I refuse to share any of my dreams with you, -and stop hugging my person!''

Next time!