Stormy Day Siblings!

Airi's Early Sunday morning...

When I woke up from my sleep, I was stoked cause it was another weekend off. Yet, I noticed that it was raining outside very hardly. I gazed outside at how much it was raining.

I wasn't sure of what I felt like I would do today... At some point, after I got ready for the day and ate my breakfast, I decided how to spend my time.

Ami cheerily thought, ''That's right, on the way home from school yesterday, I bought that Shoujo manga collection! (Giggles) That'll be fun. One of my favorite series to read on days like this!''

I cracked open my fresh new special editions of Daily Girlz Nozaki-Kun, and I got sucked in!

[Author's Note]: A parody of one of my actual favored shoujo anime series.

While I read it, I slowly started thinking of what my 'inner self' said I should do, from my dream... She said I was bothering my sister. Is that true? Is that honestly what my actions were doing...?

Soon, after a hour or maybe more of reading my manga, I dwelled on something... A short time ago, I learnt that my sister's dream and passion was to be a teacher.

That's why she likes to read and figure out all of those tricky school subjects. That was when it dawned on my mind...

Airi thought, ''If her dream is to work as a teacher, how could she teach any students with the way she acts to everybody? Wait..... Oh, no! How can she? Is she doomed? . .(Thinking) How can I help my sister achieve her dream?''

Ami, living room sofa...

I went downstairs to ask Ami a question, I had...

Ami simply asked, ''What is it?'' Airi calmly asked, ''Sister... I wanted to ask you... Am I... maybe... bothering you in any way...? (Calmly smiled)''

Ami puzzledly thought, ''Wait... Where is this suddenly coming from? (Panics internally) I mean, technically, she is, but how do I a-answer? (Ruminates) Just, give her a proper reply...''

Ami took a deep breath, and said, ''Hmm... Sister?'' (Yes?) ''You are... You're actions do bother me, and... you constantly...intrude my personal space.'' (Huh?) ''I also have to add... your actions drains my energy...

(Swallows) Was that sufficient enough for you, sister?''

That was more, then I counted on... I wasn't sure how to take all of that...

Airi timidly replied, ''Sis? Is that honestly the truth?'' Ami nodded, yes.

Airi sincerely replied, ''(Smiles) Thank you so much, Ami. I've thought about that question for a while... (Realizes) Ohh... On top of that, I wanted to ask you. Mm... How can I better my actions?''

My sister looked took a minute to answer me. Then, she stood up and... Ami simply said, ''Give me a moment...'' Airi mutely, nodded.

A couple minutes later...

Ami came down from her room, hiding a object to her side... She stood across from me, and she said...

Ami shyly stated, ''(Deep breath) If you desire to improve yourself... Then, take these two books and learn from their contents.

Airi unsurely asked, ''Your books...? Ahh?'' 'Changing Affixed Habits?' 'Understanding Personal Space.'

Ami gently said, ''If you truly yearn to bother your sister, less. Spend some time, surveying these books, and basing your actions on them. I am temporarily letting you borrow them. Am I clear?''

Airi eagerly replied, ''Ahhhhhh..... I understand! Thank you, Ami! I will try my very bestest! (Walks away)''

Ami blushed, thought, ''Why does she have to be so cute, when she cheers up like that? (Groans) I need to focus on solving this geometry formula...''


That was when I set to actively study what she gave me. I gone ahead with 'Changing Affixed Habits.' It was full of tons and tons of pages.

I got so into it, that I didn't notice when the rain outside stopped, and the sun came to shine.

During the next few days...

I started reading the books she let my borrow during any free time I had at school. Mostly, it was lunchtime. That's correct, I read them while eating with the other hand.

Sadly, I had to miss talking with Aya. That said, I did explain to her what I was doing. After I completed them, I still had to correct the flaws of mine, that my sister called out.

I didn't know how long my sister intended for me to study them, yet I was mostly quiet for maybe...over almost three weeks...

Don't worry, even with how busy I was, I kept us with my part-time job and our house's chores.

Almost three weeks later, Thursday, with Ami... 

Ami worriedly thought, ''I'm mystified... She's been so silent since I gave her those books... I could've never surmised that she would've been so committed about revising herself...

Did what I answer, affect her that deeply? Perhaps, I should've let her borrow those books sooner..... (Stomach growling) Mm... I suppose I'd better take a break and make dinner for myself...''

When I stood up, and put away my supplies, that was when my sister came downstairs and she...

Airi calmly said, ''(Clears throat) Sister? I wanted to say to you; I am very sorry for how I was around you. And, do you mind if I make some dinner for both of us, please? (Simply smiles)''

Ami replied with pause, ''Ah? . . . .What did you say? D-Did you just...?'' Airi sweetly repeated, ''I'm sorry, and I wish to make us dinner...''

Ami addled, replied, ''S-Sister? Was that truthfully you who j-just spoke to me?'' Airi nodded cheerfully.

Ami hesitantly said, ''I can't believe it... I-I think..... that was the normalest pair of sentences, that you've ever spoken to me... Did a couple of books influence you to this degree?''

Airi asked, ''Is that a good thing?'' Ami tensely replied, ''Uh... I accept your words, and... (Fixes Glases) Um... Sure, you can make dinner...for us... I'll just be... over here.....waiting...''

Airi festively replied, ''Yay-Yay! I'll make something stellar, for both of us. I'll be in the kitchen. (Closes door)''

Ami thought with a sigh, ''What did I just witness? What was that? . .Was that sincerely my sister? . .I don't honestly know how to feel about all of this...''

A bit of tv watching later...

While I processed everything that transpired, my sister came out of the kitchen, with our dinner in hand. Staring at her, she seemed to be quite cheerful. She sat our meals on the living room table, and...

Airi happily stated, ''I give you; Cheese Croquettes sauce and a side of melty rice. I hope you'll like it! I put my very best into it. (Giggles)''

I didn't know what to say, so I just took the chopsticks and took a test bite.

[Munch!] Ami shockingly thought, ''Uh! . . . .This... -This is spectacular! (Speechless) . .What about this rice, next to it? (Slurp) . . . .Ah! I-I-It..... just melts in your mouth! Mhm. She made this?!''

Airi kindly asked, ''So... how is it?'' Ami hesitantly replied, ''(Swallows) I..... I'll say; This is more flavorful than I expected. I...enjoyed it. Another thing, I wouldn't mind... if you make it again...''

Airi joyfully replied, ''(Gasping) Right. If you say so, sister.''

Airi gleefully thought, ''I wonder... if this was what my inner self meant? If she did, the result was worth it! I'm so grateful.

Till, next time!