A Sister's Path Forward!

Saturday morning, before school, with Airi...

When I was getting ready for another school day, there was something that started to hit my mind, and I couldn't stop thinking about. It wasn't like me to chew on a subject so much.

[Author's Note]: In Japan, students go to school on Saturdays. It's how their society operates.

Airi simply thought, ''Wait..... My sister's dream is to be a teacher... She has her own dream... and yet... What is...my dream? Did I ever have any dream or desire? (Hits her completely)''

My sister was about to open the front door and leave, and I stopped her to ask...

Airi nicely asked, ''Um, Ami? Can I ask you a question that I have?'' Ami asked, ''What is it now, of all times?''

Airi intently asked, ''A little bit ago, you stated that your dream was to be a teacher... I wished to ask; What made you want to be one? Can you please tell me?''

Ami frantically replied, ''T-That's none of your b-business! I-I have to leave now! (Runs)'' Airi shouted, ''Hold on! A-Ami! Please, don't leave! (Pauses, and looks around) Ami... Where did she go?''

My sister reacted so strangely, running out the door. I went outside to search for her, but she was nowhere to be found... I couldn't find her...

On the way to school, I wasn't able to feel as carefree as I usually was. Cause my sister didn't answer my question, I kept thinking about what my future looked like.

During class, I was a bit sidetracked cause of our teacher, Mr. Kanshi who sounded just as bored as he always did.

Mr. Kanshi drily said, ''One of you; What is 4 ÷ 8, ÷ 12? (Yawns) Take a moment to look at the board... then raise your hand, and give us your answer...Mm...''

One male student said to another, ''Yo! You gotta wake up, man! Pay attention, and don't fall asleep!'' Airi faintly giggled.

It was later, and now time for lunch with Aya again. It's been a couple or so weeks since I fully talked to her... (Awkward giggling)

Aya cheerily said, ''No. No, apology required... So, how did the book training that your sister put you through, fare? Did they help you?''

Airi calmly replied, ''Mm-hm. Yeah, they helped. Cause of those books, I was able to nudge my sister into letting me make us dinner two nights ago.'' Aya said, ''So, it was well worth it then?''

Airi nodded, and said, ''Very worth it. (Chewing and thinking) . . . .Aya? Can I ask you something?'' Aya asked, ''Al-right. What is it?''

Airi intently asked, ''Besides our part-time cashier jobs, do you know what you want to do in your future?'' Aya uncertainly asked, ''Uh... Where is this suddenly coming from?''

Airi timidly replied, ''Hm... This morning, a thought hit me..... I... I realized that I don't know what my future looks like..... (Intense gaze) Please, can you give me a answer?''

Aya dismally said, ''Well... I don't have much for goals either... (Ruminates) The only goals that I do process... it's difficult to grasp, unless I show you something.....''

Airi asked, ''Huh...?''

Aya firmly said, ''If you want a answer, meet me by the convivence store entrance tomorrow afternoon, al-right? (Airi merrily nods) Hmm... Another thing? . .I have a feeling that you should get your sister to come with us. Got it?''

Aya acted odd, and I wondered what that was all about...

The next day, Sunday afternoon, with Airi...

Airi shouted, ''Aya! We're here. Hi!'' Ami bitterly said, ''Can your voice be any louder? (Sighs)''

Airi replied, ''Uh? I think it can...?''

Ami drearily thought, ''Why is it required for me to go with them? (Groans) They're fortunate that I owe her friend... Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.....''

Aya said, ''I hope your ready... We are going to pay a visit to my residence, or rather... my apartment. C'mon, let's go.''

All three of us were set off to where Aya lives. Aya came here on a bike, yet she was didn't ride it while with us... Maybe, that's how she stays so healthy...?

Not like I would've minded it, but our walk wasn't far... 20 to 30 minute walk later, -and we made it!

Aya warmly said, ''Here we go. There's my apartment, to your left.'' Airi said, ''Wowww... This is where you live?'' Ami sourly said, ''Let's go inside, already. (Walks ahead)''

[Author's Note]: Aya lives in a almost outdated two-story complex with 4 apartments total. Each one includes a living room/kitchen, bathroom, closet, and two bedrooms.

At the door...

Aya shouted, ''Father! I'm back home, and I brought my friends that I told you about!''

Aya's father reacted loudly, ''(Burps) Welcome back, Aya. Though, you warned me ahead of time, that you invited over those new friends of yours; I still-couldn't resist one of these blasted canned coffees'!

You girls behind her. I'm sorry if I by chance already offended you! (Burps again)''

Airi confusedly replied, ''Um, no...? I don't have any issues with that... (Realizes) Are you... Aya's father?''

Aya laughingly said, ''Airi. You're correct on that; The man drinking black coffee, watching anime, is my father, Shigure Tohru. Please, call him Mr. Tohru. He favors that more.

Airi nodded, and said, ''Right. Mr. Tohru is a bit different than I pictured... I thought he would be...more... more.....?''

Ami appallingly thought, ''This... this dreadful man is her father...? I don't know what I should say.....''

Aya keenly said, ''Before I get to the real matter, please, get comfortable first.''

Me and my sister sat down, while Aya sat on the carpet next to the sofa. Soon after, she started telling us some deep stuff about her family...

Aya sorely explained, ''Now... I will explain our family's situation to both of you. You see; This is how me and my father lived for years, but it wasn't like this years ago...''

Airi and Ami asked, ''W-What?''

Aya continued, ''I used to have a mother, and we were very content with our life... However, one day when I was only 10 years old, she fell and got worse from there...''

Mr. Tohru interrupted, and cried out, ''Ahhh, my wife! Why!?''

Aya said trying not to cry, ''We took my mother to the hospital, praying for her to improve... but she never did... (Shaking) Me and my father waited by her bedside for a few days, a-a-and with each day... she got worse and worse...

We shouted at her to 'please, get better!' (Tears flowing) . . . .Than, after n-n-not even a full week, we f-f-felt her life completely slip away from her body, as b-b-both of us held her hands..... (Trembling)

T-The doctors said that she officially p-passed away..... f-f-from a high fever! (Broke down completely)''

Airi said, starting to crying now, ''Aya! Y-Y-You mean?! Ah-Ah-Ahh...! (Rubbing her eyes) H-H-how tragic!''

Ami bleakly thought, ''This..... is what she wanted..... to tell us?! I'm not sure... how to deal with that sudden reveal... I feel...like crying..... No... Don't cry...! (Deep breaths)''

Mr. Tohru woefully asked, ''Why did...you...have to leave us?''

Late afternoon, Aya's room, with Airi...

After we stopped crying and talked about more things, Aya took me alone to her room. It was for certain, a girl's room. It was so clean, and it was semi-empty, besides the normal things.

We were on a couple of chairs in her room, while she talked to me.

Aya nicely said, ''I apologize for before... Anyway; I almost forgot to tell you why I brought you here today.'' Airi asked, ''Huh...?''

Aya sincerely said, ''While it was difficult to share it, I forced myself to tell you our past, because almost all of my present decisions have to do with my deceased mother...''

Airi shyly asked, ''What do you mean...by that?''

Aya earnestly said, ''Since she died, my father has gone downhill... He's sometimes works himself too hard and he's gotten addicted to the canned coffee... that sight you saw earlier.....

Less than a year ago, I was old enough to truly support us, so that he works less. I've tried my best to take care of our money-spending. Listen to me, Airi.

For the present, I don't know what I will do in my future, but don't let that stop you, okay? Your future will find you, remember that for me, alright?''

Airi gaspingly said, ''Aya..... (Smiles) I think I get it now... Ah! That explains why I always saw you so focused on prices. (Giggles) Aya... Thanks a lot, for sharing all of that with us!''

Aya genuinely replied, ''Uhh... Y-Your welcome! I hope you now feel better, about your future... (Smiles, and giggles)''

Till, next time!