A Sibling's Inner Entity...

Somewhere dark and hollow, with Ami...

I found myself lost somewhere in a spacious black cold void, with nothing in my surroundings... I started looking around for anything... I felt lost, and a bit frightened...

Ami asked, ''W... Where am i? Where is this? . . . .Ah?''

Out of nowhere, from behind me, I started to hear what sounded like crying... I reluctantly looked behind myself, and I saw a baby girl.

Ami uneasily asked, ''Huh? . .What is a child doing in a place like this...?''

Against all rationality, I walked up to it, not sure of what I should've done... When I was close enough to look down at it, this child felt oddly familiar to me...

Ami unsurely asked, ''Mm... Why do you seem so familiar...? I can't place it..... (Realizes)''

Then, my old memories hit me... I saw this baby from a picture frame my mom kept around our house! My mom told me, that it was one of her few photos of my sister as a baby!

When I was hit by that memory, I attempted to pick her up to get a closer look. Unfortunately, right as I touched her, my fingers had a fierce shock, and I heard someone's disembodied voice, above us!

Familiar male shouted, '(Screams) I can't take this anymore!'

Ami panickily thought, ''(Winces) Who was that voice, just now? Ah-ah! Hold on! Where are you going? Are you my sister? Please, I wasn't done! Hol-hold on!''

Before I knew what was happening, the baby itself started to float backwards away from my hands. I was trying to run after her, but somehow, my feet were running backwards.

Then, for some reason, my body started running away from a massive clock, while I heard random shouts of my sister's voice. Everything I heard was things she's asked me at different points in time...

Ami awoke and hyperventilated, thinking, ''. . . .Was that all.....one big...nightmare.....? I'm.....in my room now... (Deep sigh) What was all of that? (Processing)''

Early Monday...

After a few minutes of thinking it over, I had gotten a theory as to why I had such a nightmare... I started to wonder, if that dream...was because of my Aya's past that she had told us about...

It seemed a bit to coincidental that I had a nightmare like that, on the same night as her story... Than, something else hit me...

Ami distressed, thought, ''That dream... could it have been.....my guilt.....for how I've treated Airi, since we first met.....? (Groans) If it was... I need to fix something... before more nightmares.....occur...''

It was early yet, and I woke up with some time before school commenced, so I did some online hoogle research, on my phone.

[Author's Note]: Comical parody of Google, with Owls. ^^

My line of thought was, searching for a simple way to understand your sibling. The sun wasn't up yet, and I spent a bit of time researching. I found something, interesting...

Ami asked, ''Figure out...what kind of person you are.....quiz?''

Later, during school with Ami...

I was reluctant about what action I desired to take, halfway through school... For this 'test' that I wanted to do with my sister, I thought it would be better if we had a third person who could help us...

At the start of lunchtime, I had a idea that I hoped I wouldn't regret. I heard behind me-

Airi said to Aya, ''We'll eat together after I'm back from the lavatory, alright. (Runs)'' Aya said, ''Alright, got it.''

Ami thought, ''Is this fate? . .Please, I hope I don't regret this...'' I walked over to Aya, and I...

Ami hesitantly said, ''(Coughs) Pardon me?'' Aya cluelessly asked, ''Your Airi's sister, right? What is it?''

Ami reluctantly said, ''I'll ask this the simplest that I can.''

I quickly explained and asked her to help with my plan, while my sister was visiting the girl's room. Fortunately, she liked the idea, and agreed fast. She was delighted to help.

When my sister came back, I somehow found a way to explain and ask her to try out this 'test.' She was a bit, too delighted...

Evening, after school, with Ami...

We went to a close-by park where it would be somewhat quiet. So we can hopefully understand ourselves a bit more, myself and my sister will be participating in a 'psychological personality quiz game.'

Her friend will look at her phone, and give us five questions each. We sat across from each-other on two benches, and we got started...

Aya said, ''Alright. Answer whatever comes to mind. First, Airi! (Reads) 'When you hear school, what do you think of?'

Airi cheerily replied, ''Hm... Quirky teachers... New friends, and fun adventures!''

Aya answered, ''Okay... That means, 'You are a social, and outgoing person. (Smiles) Second one. 'In your opinion: What are friends to you?'

Airi merrily replied, ''Uhh... A chance to learn about their lives, and share your interests with each-other!''

Aya answered, ''Hm... That would mean, 'You are loved by others, and you have strong links to the world around you...' (Giggles) Third one! 'What kind of hobbies are you into?'

Airi thought hard, and replied, ''Reading Shoujo manga, video games, Tv, and trying new snacks types!''

Ami thought, stunned, ''Ah... I am honestly amazed by her answers so far... (Speechless)''

Aya said, ''Wow... And all that means, 'You love the world, and view it as a box that you can fill with festive memories.' Alright. Fourth question. 'What kind of Tv do you watch?'

Airi joyfully replied, ''Hero cartoons, comedies, slice-of-life, magical girls, and rom-coms! (Fist raise)''

Aya stunned, said, ''Oh, wow... What...unique tastes... 'You have the heart and soul of a child. You like to smile.'

Airi reacted, ''I do...? Mm! Guess I do...!''

Aya said, ''Final question. I hope you are ready! 'You find a injured cat that just fell of a tree. How do you respond?'

Airi urgently replied, ''Injured cat?!? (Panics) I-I-I of course take it to a vet and take care of it. How could I resist?!''

Aya happily said, ''C-Calm down... (Clears throat) 'Your answer means you are a softhearted and are a caring person.'

Aya cheerfully said, ''Oh-my! All your answers proves everything I already assumed. (Giggles) What fun! These quizzes are terrific. Now, it's your sister's turn. Ami? Are you ready?''

Ami hesitantly replied, ''Uh? Y-Yes, I am... (Blushes)'' Ami thought, amazed, ''I-I can't believe this! My sister is a more admirable person than I realized... How did it take me this long to notice...?''

Aya keenly said, ''Now, let's start. First one. 'When you hear school, what comes to mind?'

Ami wearily replied, ''(Sighs) A quiet place for refining and educating oneself. A place to shape your future.''

Aya said, ''Hm. What a answer... 'You are antisocial, and don't have friends.' Ohhh...''

Ami said, ''I can't accept or refute that... (Blushes)'' Aya said, ''Second question, now... 'How do you get to school, each day?'

Ami timidly said, ''I try to walk by myself each morning, anywhere that I choose to go.''

Aya said, ''Righht, that means... 'You avoid others because you dislike company.' W-What a answer...''

Ami reacted, ''W-What?! W-Where did that come from?!''

Aya replied, stunned, ''I-I'm not sure... Anyway... Now, third one... 'H-How do you spend your free time?'

Ami warely said, ''Mm. I study and prepare for upcoming classes. Learning subjects such as Math, history, and world lore. If I have any time afterwards, I read world mysteries...''

Aya said, in amazement, ''That was...quite a answer... Mm. 'You love to educating yourself, and You love the world, but aren't sure how to embrace it.' This is... ah... very interesting...''

Ami glumly replied, ''W-Well..... (Adjusts glasses) That first part is correct, however that other part can't be me... T-There's no way. (Inside mind) O-Oh, no! How can a test be s-s-so on point?!''

Airi bewilderedly said, ''What a splendid quiz! This is so festive! I want to hear more! (Pure smile)''

Aya perplexed, said, ''I can't tell how accurate this quiz is... Anyway, let's see that fourth question... 'Your close family or loved one is in the hospital for a couple days: What do you buy them to feel better?'

Ami shyly replied, ''U-Uh... (Cough) I-um... So I wouldn't feel obligated, I get them a 'get well, stuffed animal...'

Aya puzzled, said, ''A animal, huh? What will that mean... 'You can't show it, but deep down you care for others. You secretly cherish stuffed animals.' (In shock) S-Say what, now?''

Airi intensly asked, ''W-Wait a minute! That can't be right, can it? I've never seen my sister look at anything cute...''

Ami quickly thought, ''Oh-ohh, dear god! What now?!'' Ami dismally remarked, ''T-There's definitely n-no way that any of that is marginally true!

I-I'm not into anything cute. Where did it get that!? (Sits down angrily)''

Aya concerned, said, ''U-Um..... I'm not sure whether to believe this test or not, but... I'll continue..... Fifth question... 'What is your relationship...with your family...?'

Airi and Ami both gasped!

Ami twitchily cried out, ''Argh! (Angry shaking) T-T-That's it. I'm over this quiz! (Stands up furiously, rushing towards Aya!) S-Stop the quiz, immediately! There's no way I can a question so personal like that!''

Aya shouted fearfully, while struggling, ''Wait! H-Hold on! Don't break my phone! A-Ahh!! Calm down, and don't hurt the messenger!!''

Uh... Next time...?