A Sibling's Privacy...

Tuesday, almost midnight, with Airi...

After that lively quiz game we had the day before, I was feeling very confused... By the way Ami acted, I couldn't tell if what that quiz said was right or not right...

Since I've first met her, I haven't been able to read her, not one tiny bit... Any time I talked to her, there has been something...what's the word?-mixed, about the way she reacts to me.

Drats... I wish I could understand my sister more...

Today, with it close to my bedtime, I put on my pajamas and went to our bathroom. My sister was doing her homework downstairs. After that, I was walking to my room, tired... That was when-!

From my sister's room, I heard a faint crash of some kind!

Airi nervously thought, ''Ah? Was that...from her room, just now? (Panics) What do I do? Ah... ah..... Should I ask her, or...? (Curiosity engaged)''

Instead of asking my sister, I just went in her room without her knowing. I...I wanted to know!

First, I switched on the lights... Then I peeked around, and it took me a moment's notice for it to hit me, what made that crash...

Airi in shock, thought, ''Ahhh... W-Wait... Her closet... (Staring) What's all spread out in front of it?''

Airi in surprise, thought, ''This is all...stuffed animals?! (Inspecting) Stuffed bears?! Stuffed cats?! Stuffed dogs, birds, pandas, frogs, and turtles?!?''

My mind was a total blank upon finding all of these animals. They were very cute, huggable, and soft... One of my first thoughts was, 'why was all of this in my sister's closet?'

While I was still checking out the animals spread out on her floor, I was startled by the sudden sounds of something dropping from behind me! I turned around and I saw-!

Airi confused, asked, ''Ah! Sister...?'' Ami dismally asked, ''W...W...What are you doing? I-I-Is that...?''

Airi curiously asked, ''Oh, that's right! (Holds up stuffed toy) Ami?! Is all of this yours? I think it might've fell out of your closet...?''

Ami restlessly asked, ''(Nervous twitching) W-Why are you in my room? A... And how did this happen?''

Airi upbeatly replied, ''Uh...? I was walking back to my room, and I heard a crashing sound that came from yours, so I had to see what that sound was. I think this was it! (Giggles)''

Ami twitchily asked, ''You j-just entered my room without my approval... and i-i-invaded my privacy...?''

Airi said, ''Yeah, I'm sorry... (Realizes) Oh! -That's right! Please, answer me! Why do you have so many animals?! Are all of these yours, or...?''

Ami stutteringly replied, ''Ahh-ah...! These toys... They are..... they..... (Light bulb) The answer is that they are a present from your school friend, Aya. She gave them to me.

I simply didn't want to reject her gifts, so I accepted them... Though, I don't care much for them.''

Airi stared at her, awkwardly for what seems like a eternity...

Airi shrewdly said, ''Hold on a moment...! Something isn't right here... (Smiling skeptically) Hm...'' Ami uneasily asked, ''What is it now? Will you just leave already?''

Airi gleefully said, ''Ami? Since you don't care for them... Can I have a 'few' and bring them to my room?!'' Ami coughed and asked, ''Pray chance, how many is 'a few?'

Airi cheerfully said, ''Um... Eight or more should be plenty. (Giggles) I think it's less than half of what you process over there...?''

Ami sighed and replied, ''Uh... fine. Take them. I couldn't care less. I just want to clean up all of this clutter...''

I scoped out all of the stuffed toys, and I grabbed so many that I could hardly see where I was going. As I was leaving her room, I said...

Airi joyfully said, ''Thank you. I might dress them up or maybe give them accessories. (Giggles) I may put them by my bed too, and cuddle them while I sleep.''

Ami bitterly thought, ''She's walking off with my animals... What do I do now? I don't want her to ruin them, and yet... I would be mortified if she learned the truth!

This is a hellish dilemma! (Shaking) No! No! I can't let her see the truth! I must deal with this situation! Now... I have to put all of this back in the closet...''

Airi radiantly shouted, ''(Turns off lights) Ami. Thank you! I'm going to sleep now with my new adorable animals! Have a good night, sis!''

Ami emptily thought, ''Her animals...?''

I guess my words must have broken my sister, cause' moments later, she-

[Loud door opening] Ami fiercely yelled, ''I can't take it! Give me back those adorable stuffed animals-right now!! They are my stuffed toys, and I can't stand it!!''

Airi loudly asked, ''Sister!? What are you doing? Ahh!! W-Wait! The animals-?!''

My sister busted into my room, and swiftly grabbed all of the animals I put on my bed around me.

Than she sat down hunched over with all of them next to my bed and acted crazy, like that golam creature from 'ruler of the rings' or something... I had no clue what to say to that...

[Author's Note]: You all know very well what that parody is. ^^ If not, just switch 'ruler' with 'lord.'

She started to inspect, and cuddle them, saying...

Ami said to the toys, ''I adore them, and I can't deal with what 'might' happen to them, if anyone else handle's these adorable, compact, and snuggly bags of cuteness!

You're all okay, aren't you?! (Inspecting obsessively)''

Airi crawled over and asked, ''Sis? . .You lied, didn't you? So, I was right, wasn't I? (Trying to look at her eyes) Do you honestly love cute things that much? You eyes had a crazy look in them.....?''

Ami bleakly replied, with pained eyes, ''Oh, god..... I...I... I suppose...I can't keep it under wraps any longer..... (Grits teeth, and groans)'' Airi confused, asked, ''Ami...? (Yawning)''

Ami painfully stated, with a bear in hand, ''Fine. The truth is- Since I was a little girl, I've always been obsessed with anything cute! -Not just animals!

(Reveals her pained face) I'm fixated on cute toys, stickers, manga, novels, magazines, fashion, and items! . .I admit all of it!''

Airi paused, and said, ''Ami..... You were that crazy over cute things...? (Ami nods) Ahhhh..... Uh...! I just noticed... Right now, is it just me or is your personality seem a bit...altered? Hm...What is it...?''

Ami groaned painfully.

Airi cluelessly said, ''Wait... I think I know..... Ohh... Usually, your not this emotional when you speak... (Yawns) Yeah, that's it. Every time you speak, you sound more fairly calmer...''

Ami painfully tucked in her head...

At that moment, we were halted by a knock at our door. We both got up and went downstairs to answer it... My sister replied to it, with my tired self behind her...

Hunched old lady asked, ''Excuse me? Are you girls the ones who were shouting from this house just now?'' Ami replied, ''Uh... I suppose we were...''

Old lady sincerely asked, ''Alright... Could you girls keep it down, please? I live next door to your left, and you woke up my dog, my little Chive.''

Ami blankly said, ''Ohh... Excuse us. I apologize for any trouble we caused you.'' Old lady nods and said, ''Thank you. Have a good night. I'm going now... (Walk away)''

Right after my sister closed the door, I dozed off like a log on the floor right behind her. (Laughs)

Ami vexedly thought, ''Oh, dear lord! (Sighs) Now, I have to deal with this too...''

After I burned out like a star, my sister carried me up two flights of stairs, back to my room and my bed. She then took back her animals, and... she left me a cartoon cat plush...

Good night, everybody...