A Sibling's Fixations!

Early Wednesday morning, with Airi...

I woke up, fully rested and ready for another bright day. Almost right away after I woke up, last night's events came back to my memory.

Something about my sister yesterday was unusual... While I was dwelling on those events, I noticed a stuffed animal next to me on my blanket.

Airi puzzledly thought, ''Wait... I thought she took all of them back...? Hm? Hrm? (Picks up animal) Aw! It's so cute! Well, if she let me have one, I won't mind it one bit! (Hugs stuffed cat)''

After that, I started to get ready for another day of school. Later, I found that my sister must have left before me. Plus, she locked her room up tight now.

During my walk to school, and the first few periods of school, I kept thinking of how my sister acted yesterday, and what I thought of Ami now...

Evening, after school, with Airi...

Today, I had to work as a part-time cashier at the store, with my friend Aya next to me. That was when I decided to share with her, about last night's events!

Though, I found a way to explain it, without telling her about my sister's secret cuteness issue. I may or may not fill her in another time.

Aya cheerily asked, ''So, if I have this right... Uh... You aren't sure how to treat your sister after she acted differently than usual? Am I correct?'' Airi nods, yes. 

Aya anxiously said, ''Hmm..... I see what you meant... That situation does sound distressing...''

Airi politely said to a customer, ''Hi. Do you need some help?''

[Customer dealt with.]

Aya kindly asked, ''Airi? (Airi turns to her) The plight you told me about... I think I have a proposal for you. Listen closely.''

Home, around 9:30 AM, living room sofa, with Ami...

I arrived home hours ago after I made a small but necessary trip to the grocery store. I mainly went there to search for a way to securely lock my door, but no luck...

They were all too expensive for my budget... Despite my lack of research, I did purchase a pencil and a bookmark with a cute design.

(Sighs) Unfortunately, I only receive a medium allowance from mother, sent in the mail every two weeks... At present, I was preparing for our upcoming lessons, when I contemplated...

Ami thought, ''Hm...? Shouldn't my sister have arrived home by now? (Inspecting the time) Maybe, she decided to be with her school friend for a bit... Well, it's her business...''

Then, at the front door-

Airi brightly said, ''Sis! I'm back now. Where are you?'' Ami irritated, pointed out, ''If you just walked in before asking, you wouldn't have to ask. And, don't be so loud. I'm trying to focus.''

Airi contently said, ''Sorry, I forgot again. Mm-hm!''

In the kitchen, with Airi...

Airi eagerly thought, ''Thanks to Aya, she gave me a splendid idea! I pray that this goes well. (Giggles eagerly) Now, it's time for what's in these bags to shine!''

I opened the kitchen door, and I...

Airi radiantly asked, ''Um, sis? There's something that I need to say.'' Ami vexedly replied, ''(Halts) What is it...? Spit it out.''

Airi sincerely said, ''Ami. I am honestly sorry for invading your privacy without thinking, yesterday. I didn't mean to, and I now see that I upset you.''

Ami restlessly thought, ''Uh! . .She-apologized! . .I didn't foresee this outcome! Um-um! What do I say to her?! No! Calm down, and respond calmly! I must control myself!''

Airi asked, ''Sis...?'' Ami earnestly said, ''Hrm... My sister... I... I thought about what you said, and I...accept your obviously sincere apology.

Airi happily said with a giggle, ''Yay! Hooray!''

Ami asked, worried, ''Secondly, I must ask; Is this apology linked to a scheme of yours? (Concerned) I sense something in the wind...''

Airi in awe, asked, ''Aww...drats...! You are way too clever, sis! How did you guess?'' Ami adjusted her glasses and tensely replied, ''...A feeling...I had...''

Airi cheerfully said, ''Ohh... Anyway, cause' I invaded your privacy last night, I wanted to make it up to you, by sharing something of mine!

(Pulls out grocery bag) I will share my love of trying snacks with you! Can we, please?!''

My sis stared at me in pure silence for what felt like infinity, before she gave me her reply.

Ami intently replied, ''To be honest, I will agree to your terms... Coming from you, that sounded relatively fair.'' Airi in surprise, asked, ''So, it's al-right?''

A little later, in the living room, with Airi...

I was a bit surprised that she agreed so easily, but still... I got ready to share my hobby with my sis! Thank you Aya!

Ami bewilderedly asked, ''What did you make in our kitchen?'' Airi cheerfully replied, ''When I try a bunch of snacks at once, I always make something to clean my palette too!

That's why, I made us a bowl of white sushi rice!''

Ami uneasily replied, ''Um... Righht... Can we get on with it, before I loose my patience...'' Airi joyfully said, ''Okay! (Bag searches) I'll get you started, with a taste of Almond Hocky! Try it!''

Ami direly thought, ''She just wants me to sample it, right? Let's see... (Crunch) . . . . . . . .Ah! That is... This thing is... startlingly divine! (Reluctantly bites more)''

Airi asked, ''Ami...? Do you like it, or...?'' Ami timidly replied, ''That was positively grand. (Flustered)''

Airi in awe, asked, ''You liked it?!'' [Ami nods, yes] ''I love that flavor, lots! (Pumped) Now, I desire to sample a snack I haven't tasted yet! Now, let's see... What did I buy...?''

Through the evening...

I somehow got Ami to try partake of snacks during the next hour or so... I couldn't be sure if it was just my imagination, and yet...

To my eyes, it looked as if, my sister's nature was unlike she usually was, as she tried the snacks...

She tasted things like, 'Hi Panda! Chocolate', 'Cherry-Flavored Twyx Bar', 'Layered Daikon Chips', 'Snickered Cookie Dough', 'Seaweed Kit Kots', and I have to mention...

'Curry-Flavored Höögen-Dazs Ice Cream.'

To my surprise, Ami-I think...enjoyed most of what she snacked on.

There was a few things I now liked too! To name a few, I found 'Layered Teriyaki Chips', and 'Birthday Cake N&N's', very stellar!

After we both had plenty, I took everything and cleaned up or put the rest of it in the kitchen. While I was settling on where to put them, I was mind-blown by what transpired next!

Ami hesitantly said, ''Um! I will help you with that.'' Airi amazed, said, ''Ami...? Your helping me...?''

Ami timidly replied, ''This is in regards to the surprise you did today...'' (Airi, shocked) ''All of that, wasn't as troublesome as I surmised..... I guess, in the end, you sufficiently made it up to me...''

Airi brightly replied, ''Uh... (Giggles) I'm so glad that you enjoyed it, sister!''

Till, next time!