Twin Ventures!

Early Friday morning, before school, with Airi...

That day, I woke refreshed, bright and earlier than I usually did. I decided to wake up a bit by turning on one of my favorite early morning anime shows!

After the scheduled program...

Tv heroine said, 'Al-right! That's all for today! Watch me punish more bad-fiends next week, okay! Bye-bye to you all! (Waves hand as anime ends)'

Airi gleefully thought, ''(Yawns) That was another great episode! Hm... my sister should be awake any moment. I better get ready now! . . . .Ah...?''

Right as I was about to turn off our tv, a commercial came on, which for some reason, caught my interest...

This commercial was all about a outlet mall, that I've been to before with my dad. It was closed for a week or two for some changes that I had heard about from my friends.

Airi keenly thought, ''Wow! Look at that! Whoa...! Hey, dad took me there before!''

Let's just say, the tv ad got me very stoked. In a ad less than most likely only 50-ish seconds long, it made me want to visit the area again! What I saw, gave me a idea.

After school, with Airi...

Somehow, I got my sister to go with me to the outlet mall today. I was so thrilled!

Airi merrily said ''Mm-mm! Thank you for coming along, Ami! Is there any store or place that you want go to?''

Ami reluctantly replied, ''Urm..... I don't have any idea. I can't be sure if I have ever been here before or not... (Scoping)''

Airi thinkingly said, ''Hmm... Oh, well...! I'm okay with that. Cause' I'm with my sister today, I don't mind if we just walk around and decide at random. (Giggles)''

Ami uneasily thought, ''Oh, dear lord... (Sighs)''

Before we started, it hit me that I wanted to ask my friend, Aya if I could get her anything, so I called her on my cellphone.

Aya asked, ''Do I want anything? Umm... Sorry, thanks for the offer, however... I won't! I don't want you to waste your primary funds on something for me.''

Airi asked, ''Huh...? So, is that a 'no?'

Aya anxiously said, ''Maybe, another day. For now, if I want anything, I'll get it at fair price, or sales or mark-downs. Talk to you later, al-right! Bye! (Hangs up)''

Airi perplexed, said, ''Eh... bye...?''

Ami confounded, asked, ''... I could hear her on your phone, from three meters away... What was that all about?''

Airi sweetly replied, ''That's right... I forgot. Her fixations about spending... (Awkwardly) Oops...! Anyway, let's get moving!''

Ami edgily thought, ''Where does she find these friends, of hers...?''

My sister and I walked ahead for a bit, and I saw a business that caught my eyes!

Airi eagerly asked, ''Sister! Look at that tent over there! Do you know what that is?!''

Ami adjusts her glasses and asked, ''Hm...? . .A fortune-teller tent? (Irritated) You nit-twat. Don't you know, those kinds of practices are always fake or a scam! Practices like that are only real in fictional works.''

Airi excitedly replied, ''But... what if this fortune-teller is the real-thing? It could be fun for us!''

Ami sighs and said, ''Uhh..... Fine, I'll do it if you'll shut up.'' Airi brightly shouts, ''Hooray!!''

Before we went in, my sister halted and noticed a sign.

Ami read, 'Lady Alamina's Fortune Readings.

Rules, that you must obey: Rule 1; Every customer must venture in alone for privacy.'

Airi sullenly said, ''Awww...! Uh? I guess that we must follow her rules. (Decides) You go first, sister. I'll wait out here...''

Ami tensely thought, ''Fine... Let's get this over with...''

Inside the tent...

Ami restlessly thought, ''Ahh... It's dark in here. (Turns) Is that her?''

Deathly old woman, in garbs said, ''So, your my next taker, huh? Know me as, Lady Alamina. Your reader of fortunes. (Puts out hand) Young one? What is it you desire for me to do?''

Ami fearfully asked, ''Hrm..... I'm not sure, exactly... Urm...''

Lady Alamina dubiously explained, ''I can read your future, love, relationships, personality, find someone, or cursed fates.''

Ami hesitantly asked, ''(Decided reluctantly) Okay... I got it... Can you please, read my personality type?''

Lady Alamina curiously said, ''Hmmm...! What a interesting choice. Let's see...! (Brings out cards) And also, just so you know, don't worry. These curtains are sound-proof for my clients privacy.''

Ami unsurely thought, ''Cards? What is she doing with those...?''

Lady Alamina said, interested, ''I see... Most curious... The arcana reveal to me that your type is of 'The Hermit.'

''As the Hermit; You are unsociable, process a tense psyche, and thirsty for constant knowledge. You desire connections, but divergently fear them.

My readings also divulge to me that you are weary of one and all knowing your most trifling of secrets... And you constantly stress over mind and soul counteracting each-other...''

Ami was stunned, and shaking in disbelief.

Lady Alamina warily said, ''That was a harsh reading... What a curious one you are... I pray for your soul, troubled one. Now, pay me for my services, and you can go. (Points)''

My sister payed the fee, and left with a stiff 'thank you' while not sure of how to deal with that bit of truth.

Ami bleakly said, ''It's... Your tuRn... SisTer...'' Airi confused, asked, ''A...mi? Eh...? How was it? . .Ami?''

I went inside the tent. Not knowing what could happen. I was stoked!

Lady Alamina said, ''Ahh...? Didn't you just come in here moments ago-(Realized) No-wait! You look like her, but there is something dissimilar about your appearance!''

Airi puzzeledly answered, ''Ohh, do you mean the girl who was just in here? (Smiles) Yeah, we're twin sisters. Mm-mm!''

Lady Alamina said, ''(Awe) Sorry for that, it must be these ancient eyes of mine... Now, anyway. I am Lady-[Let's fast forward the introductions here!]-''

Lady Almina said, ''Al-right. I'll read your future for you. Let's see what's in store for you, young one.''

Airi brightly thought, ''How neat! Mm-Hm-Mmm!''

Lady Alamina in awe, said, ''My quartz ball tells me- This is...ah! What is this?! How very fetching!

''I see a time of critical change! A overpass of truths cried out in rage! Illusions will shift into disillusions! There will be a time of twilight when waves of disorder springs forth!

I sight four or five souls clashing in a battle of varying views! Worlds will be shaken from a soul's sudden collapse, and I see peoples hopes for the situation's shift.

I sense something bright rising like a phoenix!'' (Thought In shock) ''What is all of this?! All from this odd teenage girl? Who or what is she?''

Airi paused, and asked, ''Uh, I'm sorry... I didn't understand any of that...? It sounded kind-of scary... (Fearful hand gestures)''

Lady Alamina grimly said, ''I... I... -have no idea. I've never seen a future described like that! I apologize. I can't tell you any clearer than that. (Inspects her ball) Just please pay my fee, and leave, okay?''

After all of that, I left feeling so confused of what she told me. What did those words mean, about my future? Still... I was fully positive..... -that she had to surely be the real deal!

Then, me and my sister moved on and peeked at other small stores to visit. As we looked, I something else caught my eye!

Airi festively said, ''(Gasps) Look! That toy store has limited editions of 'Sailor Crescent, Amy Mizuho! and Tuxedo Veil figures! I have to get it while they still have them! (Runs off) Wait for me, okay?!''

[Author's Note]: If you have seen the anime series, 'Sailor Moon.' You know what I did. ^^

While I rushed to quickly buy anime figures, my sister noticed something too.

Ami keenly thought, ''Hold on a moment... Is that... in the window...? (Takes a closer look)''

What Ami saw in the window of a small 100-yen store, drew her in.

Ami nervously thought, ''I'm running out of places to put them, despite that... this stuffed dog and cat was calling for me to buy it..... (Guilty groan)

Furthermore, I don't like the look that the clerk is giving me..... (Sweating) I think she suspects that I bought it for myself..... Oh, well.....''

A bit later, on the way home, with Airi...

Lastly, my sister and I went small shopping for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a couple days. Then we started to walk home...

Ami distraughtly thought, ''I hope, my sister doesn't realize that I bought more stuffed animals... (Stressed)''

Airi merrily said, ''I got things for vegêtâblé rice, creamy pasta, and tasty garlic-sesame ramen! Plus, other things too! I hope you will enjoy them, sis!''

Ami distracted, replied, ''Uh... Hm...! I have no comment on your matter... Let us just hurry back home, already!''

Airi happily replied, ''Mm-mm! I don't know your feelings, but I think this was a fun adventure we had today! Now, let's go!''

Ami painfully recalled, 'You desire connections, but divergently fear them.' ''What do I do after what that fortune-teller said to me...? What a headache, today turned out to be...''

See you, next time!!